Tag Archive for: WaterSmart

Capture Rain-Drought-Rain Barrels-Rebates

Make the Most of Rainfall

On the rare and welcome occasions when San Diego County gets rainfall, the water runoff from hard surfaces around the home such as roofs and patios should be re-directed to your permeable landscaping. By capturing as much rainwater as possible in the soil, it is possible to build an ecosystem that can last through the summer months with minimal additional irrigation.

Approach your landscaping as a living sponge, holding water until it is needed. If more rain falls than can be absorbed, or if the soil is particularly impermeable, rainwater can be directed through landscaped areas to remove pollutants before it flows into storm drains and heads downstream.

Adjust for rainwater capture

Assess the areas where rainfall runs off hard surfaces to set up capturing tools. Photo: Rambold Heiner / Pixabay

Assess the areas where rainfall runs off hard surfaces to set up capturing tools. Photo: Rambold Heiner / Pixabay

Capture rainfall in three steps. First, check your roof to determine where precipitation is directed after it hits the surface.  Does it fall into rain gutters, off the edge, or elsewhere? Second, choose how and where to hold excess rainwater based on this assessment. Finally, consider making upgrades like adding rain barrels or making changes in your landscaping. For instance, landscaping soil may need amendments to hold more water.

Is your soil more like a brick?

If your soil is more like a brick as with clay soils common in San Diego County, it will affect how landscaping is contoured to capture water. Adding soil amendments will help it become more like a sponge that retains water for drier weeks and month. If the soil doesn’t drain well, take special care to avoid drowning new plants.

When choosing landscaping plants, match them to the soil type. If the soil is sandy, look for plants with “dry feet” that prefer free-draining soil, If the soil is harder clay, look for plants that do not mind heavy soil.

Optimal landscape soil can capture rainwater and allow it to soak in completely in 24 to 48 hours.

Do your part to stay WaterSmart

Many homeowners also use rain barrels to capture rainfall before it reaches the ground so it can be released during dry times.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District has partnered with the San Dieguito Water District, Santa Fe Irrigation District, and Carlsbad Municipal Water District to offer discounted rain barrels to area residents this winter.

Rain barrels ordered by January 31, 2022 will be available for pick up at Solana Center for Environmental Innovation located at 137 North El Camino Real in Encinitas.

Fifty-gallon barrels are on sale for $97, with a final cost of $62 after a $35 rebate from water wholesaler Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Rebates on rain barrels and other water-saving measures are available at www.socalwatersmart.com.

For more information about rain barrels, and other conservation tips and rebates to create a WaterSmart home and garden, go to WaterSmartSD.org.

This article is part of a year-long series inspired by the 71-page Sustainable Landscapes Program guidebook. The Water Authority and its partners also offer other great resources for landscaping upgrades, including free WaterSmart classes at WaterSmartSD.org.

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District, the San Dieguito Water District, Santa Fe Irrigation District and the City of Carlsbad, are four of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Fallbrook homeowners select their free succulents thanks to a Fallbrook Public Utilities Department program. Photo: FPUD

Drought-Tolerant Plant Giveaway Popular in Fallbrook

More than 130 people took advantage of a drought-tolerant plant giveaway program offered by the Fallbrook Public Utility District. Since picking up their free succulents in November, homeowners have started their drought-tolerant home garden projects.

Participants were provided empty flats and invited to select from an assortment of three-inch potted succulents to suit their needs. Each person took home approximately 28 plants.

More than 130 Fallbrook residents could take advantage of the giveaway program. Photo: Fallbrook Public Utility District

The hardy, brightly colored succulents help people transform their landscaping by replacing thirsty plants and turf. Drought-tolerant plants ease the workload of gardening and add beautiful color while also saving water.

The program was made possible thanks to grant funding from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The plants were sourced locally from Silverthorn Nursery, which uses FPUD’s recycled water to irrigate.

Fallbrook homeowners save water with succulents

Homeowner Peggy Hanne sent in a photo of her freshly planted succulents. Photo: FPUD

Homeowner Peggy Hanne sent in a photo of her freshly planted succulents. Photo: Fallbrook Public Utility District

“Thank you for the plants. They are doing really well,” said homeowner Peggy Hanne, who proudly shared a photo of her transformed garden.

Maryanne Polyascko, a retired Fallbrook teacher, said she was so grateful for the plants and having less weed-pulling, watering, and gardening to do.

Maryanne Polyascko takes her free succulents home. Photo: Fallbrook Public Utility District

Other homeowners reported using the plants to protect their properties.

“I planted them to stabilize the ground behind my house from erosion,” said Mike Osborne. “I filled in all the areas that were devoid of vegetation.”

In addition to being drought-tolerant, succulents are also considered a smart choice in wildfire-prone areas. San Diego-based author and horticulturalist Debra Lee Baldwin is an expert on succulent gardens and recommends their use as a firebreak. While the plants alone won’t save a home from burning, “Surrounding a house with water-filled plants can serve as one more weapon in a homeowner’s arsenal against wildfire,” writes Baldwin.

The Fallbrook Public Utility District will be eligible again in two years to apply for more grant funding to offer another plant giveaway.

(Editor’s note: The Fallbrook Public Utility District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Severe Drought Declared

“Most of California is in severe drought.”

That was the dire statement from Amy Rocha, communications manager for the West Basin Municipal Water District. Her agency wholesales imported water purchased from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The agency provides water to nearly 1 million people in 17 cities and unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County, including Malibu. Rocha emphasized LA County is in “extreme drought,” adding, “Our water supplies are critically low.”

Gary Croucher-Board Chair-San Diego County Water Authority-Primary

$35.9 Million More Returned to Local Water Agencies, Drought Plan Activated

I am so pleased to announce that the San Diego County Water Authority has distributed $35.9 million more to our 24 member agencies across the region as another piece of our successful rate case litigation. The current payments, combined with another set last February, add up to more than $80 million in rate-case payments we secured on behalf of our member agencies in 2021 as part of our ongoing effort to advocate for the San Diego region.

While the litigation was necessary to protect San Diego County ratepayers, we are looking forward and embracing the new spirit of collaboration at MWD under General Manager Adel Hagekhalil and Board Chair Gloria Gray as we focus on the challenges ahead with a united front. The Water Authority and MWD continue to seek resolution outside of court on remaining issues, and we are building a partnership to address challenging issues in Southern California such as water supply reliability, conservation, affordability, and climate change.

Current drought

One such challenge is the current drought. The Water Authority’s Board of Directors unanimously voted to activate Level 1 – Voluntary Conservation of our Water Shortage Contingency Plan in support of Governor Gavin Newsom’s efforts to sustain California after two record-dry years. This is the third time this century the plan has been activated due to recurring drought. The Governor extended his drought emergency declaration last month to cover the entire state and directed water suppliers to implement Water Shortage Contingency Plans, which are responsive to local supply-demand conditions.

As I have mentioned before, the San Diego region continues to have reliable water supplies due to decades of conservation efforts and ratepayer investments. But San Diegans have always stepped up when duty calls. I encourage residents and businesses to conserve water, avoid water waste, and take advantage of rebates to improve water-use efficiency indoors and outdoors. We offer numerous tools to make the most of every drop at www.watersmartsd.org.

Thank you for your continued investments in supply reliability and commitment to water efficiency that have helped to ensure we have enough water to meet the region’s needs both now and for the future, even in the face of climate change. I will continue to keep you updated on the latest drought news in the weeks and months ahead.

Escondido HOA Saves Water, Costs with WaterSmart Landscape Upgrades

The Emerald Heights homeowner’s association in Escondido recently completed a successful clubhouse upgrade including a landscaping makeover replacing existing turf with a beautiful drought-tolerant design. Emerald Heights HOA representatives met with O’Connell Landscape and Maintenance, which encouraged the HOA to take advantage of the SoCal WaterSmart turf replacement program.

A clubhouse renovation-HOA-Vallecitos Water District-Water ConservationterSmart landscape upgrade at an Escondido community. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Escondido HOA Saves Water, Costs with WaterSmart Landscape Upgrades

The Emerald Heights homeowner’s association in Escondido recently completed a successful clubhouse upgrade including a landscaping makeover replacing existing turf with a beautiful drought-tolerant design.

The gated community is located within the Vallecitos Water District. It covers 6.2 acres including a private athletic club with tennis and basketball courts, plus a community pool and spa. The landscape of turf and trees surrounding the clubhouse area was not healthy. But it would be challenging to find plant materials well suited to growing in the microclimate under the shade trees.

The original landscaping included large sections of turf. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Before: the original landscaping included large sections of turf. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Emerald Heights HOA representatives met with O’Connell Landscape and Maintenance. Jack Rush, O’Connell’s executive vice president of operations, encouraged the HOA to take advantage of the SoCal WaterSmart turf replacement program.

“It incentivized them by offering rebates to help offset the construction costs [for the clubhouse],” said Rush.

WaterSmart landscape features appealing new look

The HOA had invested in irrigation system upgrades two years ago, including “baseline” smart controllers throughout the community. HOA board president Dan Cannon and committee members worked with HOA property manager Telsa Dubois of Allure Management and O’Connell Landscape Management, project manager Salvador Alvarado, and construction supervisor Basilio Diaz to craft the new plan.

Dry riverbed areas were established in place of existing turf, graded to capture water runoff into these areas. Cobblestones and boulders were added, along with plants featuring different leaf textures and unique flowers. Using plants at different heights enhanced the landscape area and gave it a more eye-appealing look.

The HOA was able to remove 2,746 square feet of turf surrounding the clubhouse and tennis court areas. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The HOA was able to remove 2,746 square feet of turf surrounding the clubhouse and tennis court areas. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Throughout the property, point-to-point drip system irrigation was installed. All remaining spray heads were replaced with drip fixtures.

Ongoing savings help pay for community upgrades  

O’Connell applied for the incentive program on behalf of Emerald Heights HOA through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. It was able to remove 2,746 square feet of turf surrounding the clubhouse and tennis court areas. The HOA received $8,238 in rebates for the turf replacement.

“The water savings is still too early to tell, but we estimate 50% to 60% water savings are possible,” said Rush, based on the new plant materials and irrigation retrofitting. Rush says his firm will continue to explore more potential water savings for the community and work closely with members of the HOA.

The Emerald Heights HOA project is estimated to yield 50 to 60 percent water savings. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The Emerald Heights HOA project is estimated to yield 50% to 60% water savings. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The Emerald Heights HOA can file a turf replacement application each year to receive more turf rebates. Removing thirsty grass is one of the most water-conscious adjustments it can make to reduce its water usage and associated costs.

The Turf Replacement program is a two-part application process. To qualify for a rebate, customers must apply to reserve rebate funds before starting their project. The landscaping makeover must take place with 180 days, including the request for a rebate. Funding levels are subject to change based on availability at the time of rebate approval.

For more information about the turf replacement program, go to www.socalwatersmart.com and for more WaterSmart tips and additional rebate opportunities in the San Diego region, go to:  www.watersmartsd.org/

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Fall Back and Adjust Irrigation Systems to Save Water

The end of daylight saving time is a reminder to residents to assess their outdoor watering needs and adjust their irrigation systems to reduce water waste – an especially important step after more than two years of statewide drought. Plants simply don’t need as much water during cooler months, and they typically don’t need irrigation at all after heavy rains. Using water efficiently indoors and outdoors is easier than ever thanks to online resources offered by the Water Authority at www.watersmartsd.org.

Adjust irrigation systems-drought-water conservation-fall back

Fall Back and Adjust Irrigation Systems to Save Water

The end of daylight saving time is a reminder to residents to assess their outdoor watering needs and adjust their irrigation systems to reduce water waste – an especially important step after more than two years of statewide drought. Plants simply don’t need as much water during cooler months, and they typically don’t need irrigation at all after heavy rains.

“This is a great time to make sure irrigation systems are working properly and delivering the right amount of water,” said Jeff Stephenson, a water resources manager for the San Diego County Water Authority. “After two years of drought, using water efficiently and eliminating water-wasting practices is a critical part of preserving more of our precious supply.”

Adjust irrigation systems

Outdoor watering accounts for more than half of a typical household’s water use in California. Making seasonal adjustments to irrigation controllers can help reduce water waste and lead to healthier landscapes. Water-saving practices include turning off irrigation systems when rainstorms are predicted and leaving them off for at least a week after significant rainfall.

Using water efficiently indoors and outdoors is easier than ever thanks to online resources offered by the Water Authority at www.watersmartsd.org. The site is filled with information about conservation incentives, and it includes tools and programs designed to make the most of the region’s most precious natural resource. Saving water is easier than many people realize. A few simple changes can make a big difference – especially outdoors.

The 2021 water year was the driest in California in more than a century, but San Diego County continues to have reliable water supplies due to long-term investments in water sources and infrastructure, coupled with extensive water conservation efforts. Per capita potable water use in the San Diego region has decreased by nearly 50% since 1990 as residents and businesses continue to adopt WaterSmart practices.

City of Oceanside Gets Smart On Water Technology Projects & Plans

The City of Oceanside continues to be at the forefront of water management in San Diego county with projects like WaterSmart meters and Pure Water Oceanside that demonstrate the city’s commitment to deliver clean, safe and affordable water.

A recent Voice of San Diego report showed Oceanside has among the lowest water rate increases in the county with an average 13.7% increase from 2017 to 2022. Compare that to the sizeable 38% increase in water rates for Del Mar during the same 5 year time period.

Opinion: There Are No More Water Miracles

It’s not March and there was no miracle.

A strong atmospheric river dumped record rain on Northern California last weekend and sent some modest showers to San Diego.

The downpours helped replenish the state’s dwindling reservoirs some, but not enough for Gov. Gavin Newsom to lift the drought emergency he expanded to the entire state last week.