Tag Archive for: Water Supply

Kevin James-Water Professionals Appreciation Week-Water Industry-Water Authority

Water Authority Celebrates California’s Water Professionals Appreciation Week

As part of California’s seventh annual Water Professionals Appreciation Week, the San Diego County Water Authority is proud to highlight the essential role of water professionals and local public water agencies in providing water and wastewater services. 

Water professionals keep the water flowing 

“We appreciate the dedication of our highly trained operators, technicians and other specialists who ensure the San Diego region has safe and reliable water supplies,” said Dan Denham, Water Authority General Manager. “And we appreciate all of the water industry professionals who keep the water flowing in communities throughout California, including district managers, customer service representatives, treatment plant operators and engineers.” 

Show water professionals some love 

This year’s theme for Water Professionals Appreciation Week (Oct. 7-15) is “Show water professionals some love.”  This week and every week, we encourage you to offer gratitude to the dedicated professionals working every day to deliver our most precious resource to our homes and businesses – professionals like Victor DeJesus, Patty Duran, and Kevin James.  

Victor DeJesus, Senior Electrical/Instrumentation Technician 

Victor DeJesus

Victor DeJesus is a Senior Electrical/Instrumentation Technician with the San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

“As a Senior Electrical Instrumentation Technician my role includes working on a variety of systems that support the ability for the Water Authority’s System Operators to safely and accurately perform remote control water delivery throughout San Diego County,” said Victor DeJesus, Senior Electrical/ Instrumentation Technician at the San Diego County Water Authority.Our Technical Services group is responsible for maintaining upwards of 75 Flow Control Facilities in the region. Every day here is unique and interesting. On any given day our work can range from calibrating electronic flow meters, upgrading programmable logic controllers, troubleshooting cellular and fiber communication networks, maintaining access control software/hardware or the installation of new LED fixtures. Our work is never static! There is always something interesting to do. I like that what my colleagues and I do is enduring.” 

Patty Duran, Human Resources Analyst 

Patty Duran

Patty Duran is a Human Resources Analyst with the San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

“The work is challenging, yet it is rewarding to work with a team to find solutions to issues that directly impact our community,said Patty Duran, Human Resources Analyst at the San Diego County Water Authority.  “My advice to anyone interested in joining the water industry is to seek out learning and networking opportunities through professional associations and industry certifications.

(To learn more about career opportunities in the water industry go to: www.sandiegowaterworks.org.)

Kevin James, Facilities Services Technician 

Kevin James

Kevin James is a Facilities Services Technician with the San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

“I was inspired to work in the water industry by my former Supervisor Baldemar Troche also known as BT,” said Kevin James, Facilities Services Technician at the San Diego County Water Authority. “At the time, I wasn’t fully sure if I was ready to make a change in my career path of HVAC. But after being mentored and speaking on the possible issues of this transition, BT reassured me of a brighter future I could have in the water industry. Also after seeing how successful his time was at the Water Authority and the gratification of helping our community to provide water to the San Diego region, it was a no brainer. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. And I am happy to have made the right choice.” 

Stay in touch, find water industry jobs

Follow the Water Authority’s social media accounts to learn more about our amazing team and the essential role they play in our community, and to get more information about jobs in the water industry.

California Just Experienced a ‘Miracle’ Water Year. But Winter Could Bring New Challenges

The typically parched, brown hills above Los Angeles are a vibrant shade of green — a rarity for early October.

In state parks, waterfalls and rivers that were vastly reduced are now gushing with water.

And in Lake Oroville, boats float on deep blue water that only a year ago was shrinking toward record lows.

The transformed landscape is the result of a remarkable California water year that saw 141% of average rainfall statewide, officials announced this week. The state received 33.56 inches of rain — nearly twice the amount of rain recorded during the previous water year and nearly three times the amount from the year prior. The water year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Lake Oroville Recovers After the 2021 Drought as Water Levels Soar Over 200 Feet

After a devastating drought in 2021 that left Lake Oroville at their lowest water level ever at 628.47 feet, the lake has now seen an intense increase in water levels.

“This past winter storms provided a huge boost to the state water projects, water supply, especially at our largest reservoir at Lake Oroville,” said Ted Craddock, Deputy Director of the State Water Project.

Marin Water Agency Objects to State’s Proposed Conservation Rules

The North Marin Water District is pushing back on the state’s proposal for permanent water conservation measures regardless of drought conditions.

The proposal, known as “Making Conservation a California Way of Life,” would require hundreds of large urban water suppliers to set and meet new conservation targets beginning in 2025. Agencies also would be required to submit more detailed information to the state on how their water is being used.

California Will Soon Require Many Cities to Significantly Cut Water Use. Here Are the Details

A second straight wet winter may be in store for California, but state water regulators are turning their attention to the prospect of long-term water shortages, with plans for permanent statewide restrictions.

San Diego County Will Meet Region’s 2024 Water Needs

The San Diego County Water Authority has the reliable water supplies to meet the region’s needs for 2024, owing in part to more efficient water use and a supply diversification strategy, it was announced on Oct. 2.

The water year began Sunday, Oct. 1, which hydrologists used to begin measuring the snow and rain that will help carry users through dry summer months the following calendar year.

Water Supply Strong in San Diego Area, County Water Authority Says

After years of dealing with drought conditions, the region’s water supply is in good shape, ready to meet the demand for 2024, according to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA).

“Last year we were starting Water Year ‘23 in really heavy drought conditions with state mandatory reductions and this year there’s no mandatory water use reductions… there’s a lot of water in storage in Northern California, reservoirs are full,” said Efren Lopez, water resources specialist with SDCWA.

That’s because of all the storms over the past year that drenched California, delivering above-average amounts of rain and snow with the Sierra snowpack reaching 200% above average.

San Diego County Water Officials Report San Diego Should Have Enough Water in 2024

San Diego County water officials said Monday the region should have plenty of water in the coming year, even though there is lingering concern about water coming from the Colorado River basin.

The San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) said local customers are reaping the benefits from decades of effort to diversify and secure water supplies.

“Because we’ve invested. We’ve done the work — in our infrastructure, in our reliability and in conservation,” said Efren Lopez, a water resource manager with the SDCWA.

San Diego County Water Authority Says Water Supply Good for 2024

The San Diego County Water Authority says higher than expected rainfall amounts and an anticipated El Niño are keeping levels high.

San Diego County Water Authority Says Water Outlook, Supply Look Good for 2024

The outlook for the upcoming water year in San Diego County is good, in terms of supply, the County Water Authority said, but that doesn’t mean San Diegans should decrease their conservation efforts.

Efren Lopez, a water resources specialist with the County Water Authority, told ABC 10News that water supply for the county looks good for 2024 in comparison to 2023, when the state was dealing with a severe drought.

But then things turned around.