Tag Archive for: water payments

CWA Waives Late Penalty for Rainbow Payment

The electronic payment the Rainbow Municipal Water District made to the San Diego County Water Authority didn’t process by the date it was due, so Rainbow was assessed a late penalty. The fault was in the electronic processing rather than Rainbow’s lack of a payment attempt, so March 25, the SDCWA board unanimously approved a waiver of the penalty.

Helix Water District to Suspend Water Turnoffs for Late Payments

Residents and businesses in the Helix Water District service area unable to pay their water bills due to the coronavirus will not be penalized or have their water shut off.

The five-member Helix governing board voted unanimously on March 20 to waive late fees for residents and businesses during this time as well.

The district said that customers will continue to receive uninterrupted water service while California’s statewide stay-at-home order is in effect. Californians are required to stay home unless they need to maintain the operation of critical infrastructure, which includes water systems, due to the growing COVID-19 pandemic.