Tag Archive for: Water District

Battle Rages Over ‘Sweetheart Deal’ Between Trump Administration and Giant Water District

Critics call it a “sweetheart deal” between the Trump administration and the Central Valley’s largest agricultural water district, and they claim it unfairly lines the pockets of major farm owners while imperiling California salmon and other fish species.

Water District Appoints Ad Hoc Committee to Look at Accounting and Financial Systems

With an eye on improving the Ramona Municipal Water District’s accounting and financial reports, the district’s board of directors unanimously agreed Jan. 12 to appoint a two-person Ad Hoc Financial Reporting Committee, though the committee’s goals and objectives are being debated. The committee is tasked with reviewing and recommending potential changes to the district’s accounting practices and the contents and format of its financial reports, district officials said. The intent is to report the findings and make recommendations if appropriate to the board on Feb. 9.

Water District Calls on Coastal Commission to Deny Cal Am’s Desalination Permit.

To a large extent, the fate of several multi-million dollar water projects on the Monterey Peninsula is in the hands of the California Coastal Commission. The question is whether the commission will grant a development permit for a desalination plant proposed by California American Water—or will the commission deny the permit and implicitly endorse a smaller project that would provide new water to the area by expanding the regional wastewater recycling facility. A vote is expected at the August 12-14 meeting of the commission.

California 2020 Owner of the Year: Water District Launches Innovative Recycling Plan

Despite its reputation as a conservative owner, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is piloting a bold new initiative to produce an additional regional water source through its Regional Recycled Water Program, which aims to take treated sanitation water and purify it to produce high-quality drinking water.

California’s Largest Water Suppliers Must Report Usage

California’s largest water suppliers will have to report their monthly use and conservation efforts under a measure approved Tuesday by state regulators.

Water District, Local Business Donate More than 50,000 Masks During Coronavirus Outbreak

More than 50,000 masks are in the hands of people who need them the most, our first responders and medical professionals in the Las Vegas valley.

FPUD and RMWD Act to Save Ratepayers Millions

In a move that is expected to save ratepayers in the Fallbrook Public Utility District and the Rainbow Municipal Water District approximately $10 million a year collectively, the districts took action Thursday, March 19, to withdraw from the San Diego County Water Authority and instead purchase their water from the Eastern Municipal Water District.

Water District Maintaining Safe Supply of Drinking Water

Ramona Municipal Water District is assuring its customers that they can continue to safely use and drink their tap water and that the coronavirus, COVID-19, has no impact on its water supply.