Tag Archive for: Vista Irrigation District Board of Directors

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Vista Irrigation District Board Elects Officers for 2023

Vista, Calif. — The Vista Irrigation District board of directors elected Jo MacKenzie as its president and Richard Vasquez as its vice-president for 2023 at its annual organizational meeting. MacKenzie has served on the board of directors since December 1992. This will be the ninth time she has led the board since being elected. MacKenzie represents division 5, which includes northeast and southeast Vista, north Twin Oaks Valley and the Bennett area in the city of San Marcos.

Jennifer Dell was selected as the Vista Irrigation District's 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner for her creative, colorful use of materials and plants. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Colorful WaterSmart Landscape Wins Vista Irrigation District in 2022

The Vista Irrigation District Board of Directors recognized Jennifer Dell as its 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner for her creative, colorful use of materials and plants.

The annual contest recognizes outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on overall attractiveness, appropriate plant selection, design, appropriate maintenance, and efficient methods of irrigation.

Pollinator-friendly WaterSmart landscape

When Jennifer Dell purchased her home in 2019, her first priority was removing the water-thirsty turf. Photo: Vista Irrigation District watersmart landscape

When Jennifer Dell purchased her home in 2019, her first priority was removing the water-thirsty turf. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Replacing the water-intensive lawn with a Watersmart landscape was Dell’s priority when she purchased her home in 2019. She used upcycled landscape materials and low-water use trees, shrubs, and perennials to transform her front yard into a thriving landscape.

Podocarpus and Purple Hopseed evergreens circle the yard to create a verdant privacy screen full of seasonal color all year. Deep purple spears from Pride of Madeira, Lavender, and Mexican Sage Bush create a colorful and blossoming habitat for butterflies, bees, and birds. Honeysuckle, Star Jasmine, and Floribunda Iceberg Roses provide fragrant bursts of color.

The new landscape features pollinator friendly perennials and shrubs along with fruit trees. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

The new landscape features pollinator friendly perennials and shrubs along with fruit trees. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Dell also planted a variety of fruit trees she irrigates with rainwater collected in a rain barrel catchment system. “I wanted a lush and colorful landscape with as low a water bill as possible,” said Dell. What was a mundane, flat waste of water is now and will increasingly be a joyful, colorful, and dynamic habitat for humans and other wildlife.”

“Replacing your grass lawn with a WaterSmart landscape is one of the best ways to reduce your water use,” said Brent Reyes, water conservation specialist. “Additionally, turf removal rebates are available to help with the cost.”

Rebates, tips, classes and other water-saving information: sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

(Editor’s note: The Vista Irrigation District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

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Vista Irrigation District Declares Level 2 Water Conservation Condition

Vista, Calif. —  Vista Irrigation District board of directors has declared a Water Supply Response Program Level 2 Water Conservation condition, which requires residents and businesses to implement more stringent mandatory water use restrictions beginning June 18, 2022.

Vista Irrigation District Logo

Vista Irrigation District Board Appoints Peter Kuchinsky II To Fill Division 3 Vacancy

Vista, Calif. —  The Vista Irrigation District (District) board of directors approved, by a unanimous vote, the appointment of Peter Kuchinsky II as the new representative for division 3 at a special board meeting. Division 3 encompasses central and northeast Vista and unincorporated areas of the county of San Diego.

He immediately fills the seat that became vacant when Paul Dorey passed away. Kuchinsky’s appointment as a director will last until the November 2022 election.

(L to R) Left to right: Scholarship winners Grace Koumaras, Jennifer Galan, Emilie Taylor, and Abigayle Paliotti. (Not pictured: Samantha Bailey, Kenneth Morales Reyes, and Mateo Sulejmani). Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Vista Irrigation District Recognizes Scholarship Winners and Student Artists

The Vista Irrigation District awarded college scholarships to seven high school seniors selected as winners of the district’s annual scholarship contest. Three fourth-grade students from the local community were also selected as winners of the district‑sponsored Student Poster Art Contest.

Emilie Taylor received a $2,500 scholarship, Samantha Bailey received a $2,000 scholarship, and Abigayle Paliotti received a $1,500 scholarship. All three scholarship winners are graduating seniors at Rancho Buena Vista High School. Runners-up Mateo Sulejmani, Jennifer Galan, and Kenneth Morales Reyes who also attend Rancho Buena Vista High School, and Grace Koumaras from Mission Vista High School, each received $1,000 as runners-up in the scholarship competition.

The scholarship contest is intended to increase the knowledge and awareness of water-related issues impacting the Vista Irrigation District. High school seniors living or attending school within the district’s service area are eligible. Students had to submit an essay and provide a personal statement related to their background and/or goals. Selection criteria also included community involvement or volunteer service, and letters of recommendation from high school faculty.

Poster contest winners promote water awareness

The annual poster contest is designed to promote understanding of water issues in elementary schools. This year’s theme was “Love Water, Save Water.” The three winning posters were selected from 176 entries based upon their depiction of the theme, artwork, originality, and poster design.

First Place: Sophia Puckett, Empresa Elementary School. Photo: Vista Irrigation District scholarship winners

First Place: Sophia Puckett, Empresa Elementary School. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Sophia Puckett, a fourth-grade student from Empresa Elementary School, is the 2022 first-place winner in the Vista Irrigation District 2022 Water Awareness Poster Contest. Sophia received a $100 award.

Second Place: Stevie Jones, Casita Center. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Stevie Jones from Casita Center received a second-place award of $50.

scholarship winners

Third Place: Valeria Martinez, Elementary School. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Valeria Martinez from Hannalei Elementary School received a third-place award of $25 for her entry.

Sophia Puckett with her award winning artwork. Photo: Vista Irrigation District scholarship winners

Sophia Puckett with her award-winning artwork. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Sophia’s poster will appear in the 2023 Water Awareness Calendar, available free of charge at the district’s office in November 2022.

(Editor’s note: The Vista Irrigation District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

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Vista Irrigation District Announces WaterSmart Landscape Contest Winners

Vista, Calif. — The Vista Irrigation District board of directors recognized customers for their entries in the district’s WaterSmart Landscape Contest. The annual contest recognizes outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on the criteria of overall attractiveness, appropriate plant selection, design, appropriate maintenance, and efficient methods of irrigation.

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Vista Irrigation District Adopts 2020 Urban Water Management Plan and Amended Water Supply Response Plan

Vista, Calif. — Vista Irrigation District Board of Directors adopted its 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (2020 UWMP) and amended its Water Supply Response Plan (WSRP). The 2020 UWMP details the district’s long-term planning efforts to ensure sufficient water supplies to meet existing and future water needs of its customers. The WSRP specifies water use efficiency and water conservation measures to be implemented during water shortage conditions resulting from drought and other emergencies.

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Vista Irrigation District Board Holds Annual Organizational Meeting

Vista, Calif. — Vista Irrigation District board of directors elected Patrick Sanchez as its president and Marty Miller as its vice-president for 2021 at its annual organizational meeting. Sanchez has served on the board since March 2017. This will be the first time he has led the
board since being elected. Sanchez represents division 4, which encompasses the Shadowridge area of Vista.