Tag Archive for: Valley News

MWD Extends Lake Skinner Lease

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California owns land around Lake Skinner which is leased to the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District. The lease arrangement allows recreational activity on the land with the county park district having responsibility for operations and maintenance. The lease agreement was to have expired in 2030, but a Sept. 10 MWD board vote extended that lease through 2049.

Celebrate National Water Quality Month

As the summer heat scorches Southern California, many residents may be cooling off by enjoying a swim in their backyard or community pool, a run through the sprinklers or a refreshing drink of water. Most people take their easy and uninterrupted access to water for granted without realizing how water agencies here and across the nation work tirelessly to provide their customers with a reliable supply of safe and clean water each and every day. August is National Water Quality Month, which is a good time to stop and think about how communities are provided safe, clean water whenever they need it and how they can help protect local water sources.

SDCWA Approves Conjunctive Use Project Subsidy

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has a subsidy program for projects which produce local supply, and if MWD approves the agreement Sept. 10 the Fallbrook Public Utility District will receive a subsidy for the Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Use Project. FPUD’s board approved the agreement on a 5-0 vote July 22 and the San Diego County Water Authority board approved the agreement July 25. “It will help further reduce the cost of water for the project, which will help further reduce the cost of water for our ratepayers,” said FPUD general manager Jack Bebee.

OPINION: Why California Needs Energy Storage

Former Gov. Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 100 into law Sept. 10, 2018. The ambitious bill commits the state to 100% carbon free electrical energy by 2045. There are key milestones along the way: 50% renewables by 2026 and 60% renewables by 2030. California has been ramping up its renewable portfolio standard since it was established in 2002 with the goal of 20% renewable energy by 2017. Four years later, the target was adjusted to 20% by 2010 and, in 2008, the governor moved the target to 33% by 2020. In 2015, the legislature passed SB 350, setting a new target of 50% by 2030. These incremental changes have made California a world leader in renewable portfolio standard targets.

EVMWD Helps To Preserve Local Bees

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District is implementing a Bee Keeper First program to help protect local bee populations while ensuring safety within the community through relocating bees found in water meter boxes or at district facilities. Whenever possible, staff will contact a beekeeper to have the hive removed and relocated, through the Beekeeper First Program. The cost effective and environmentally friendly approach was realized through a regional partnership with Eastern Municipal Water District, Rancho California Water District and local beekeepers. Through this partnership, local bee populations within a combined 800 square miles will be safely relocated.

MWD To Replace Filter

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will be replacing the filter valve gear boxes for Module 7 of the Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant. The MWD board authorized the replacement of the filter valve gear boxes April 9. The board decision also found the project to be categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act review although the work will include environmental documentation.

Turf Removal Funding Increased To $2 Per Square Foot

Eastern Municipal Water District customers are eligible to receive $2 per square foot when they remove grass at their homes and businesses after regional funding opportunities were recently doubled. The popular turf removal program funded by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California – of which EMWD is a member agency – began providing funding of $2 per square foot as of April 1. In addition to the increased funding, the program has undergone administrative changes to assist customers.

MWD Extends Greenland Farm Lease On Diamond Valley Lake Property

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California does not currently use a 72.5-acre parcel which was acquired to construct MWD’s Diamond Valley Lake reservoir. Five years ago MWD leased that parcel to Greenland Farm Inc., and a MWD board vote extended the lease, Sept. 11. The lease will be on a year-to-year basis through 2023. During the 2018-2019 lease term Greenland Farm will pay the water district $14,137, and the lease includes a 3 percent annual rent increase. The year-to-year basis allows MWD to end the lease before 2023 if the water district needs the land for reservoir or other use, and termination for cause can be given with a 30-day notice.