Tag Archive for: Vallecitos Water District

Save Water and Money with Free Water Efficiency Survey

Forecasts of a hotter, drier climate for the Southwest U.S. make every effort to save water critical. A new program now available intends to do just that for residents in parts of Southern California. The San Diego County Water Authority, in collaboration with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, are offering free indoor and outdoor residential water efficiency use surveys.

Water Use Surveys-Audit-Save Money-Save Water

Save Water and Money with Free Water Efficiency Survey

Forecasts of a hotter, drier climate for the Southwest U.S. make every effort to save water critical. A new program now available intends to do just that for residents in parts of Southern California. The San Diego County Water Authority, in collaboration with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, are offering free indoor and outdoor residential water efficiency use surveys.

The surveys, in-person and virtual, are available within MWD’s service area, including San Diego County.

“The survey is a free, easy, tool that can show you what small changes can be made which will lead to long-term savings,” said Joni German, a water resource specialist at the Water Authority.

She said the surveys are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis. After filling out an online application the next step is scheduling a visit from a certified landscape auditor.

Save water, save money

Not only do residents save our most precious resource, they also save money.

Vallecitos Water District customer Michael Berry took advantage of the program because he wanted to do more to save water. Even though Berry had previously replaced his grass with artificial turf, he said he learned how to save even more water after the survey.

“What I learned primarily is how to improve my irrigation system from spray-based systems to a drip based system,” said Berry. “That’s the primary thing I’ll fix going forward.”

Outdoor survey

An outdoor survey includes an evaluation of the water meter to check for leaks along with zone information on the homeowner’s plants. During this process the homeowner will take the surveyor around areas with irrigation, divided into sections or “zones.”

Inspections will be done on each zone to determine whether the current irrigation system in place is operating at peak efficiency. The water meter can be utilized in seeing any unusual increase of water usage without the homeowner’s knowledge which would indicate a leak in the irrigation system.

Saving water with irrigation efficiency

In Berry’s case, the surveyor performed a check up on potential irrigation problems such as valve malfunctions, pressure, sprinkler alignment, drainage leaks and anything else that might reduce efficiency or indicate overwatering. The presence of leaks or blocks in the valves and using spray water instead of drip irrigation are just a few elements the surveyor warned Barry could negatively impact his water savings.

“One of the specific things that the surveyor helped me with was the valve maintenance, making sure that every 6-12 months you have to clean the valves out to make sure they’re not getting impeded,” Berry said.

Once the survey is completed, participants receive a written report along with irrigation efficiency recommendations, and information on financial incentives to offset the cost of recommended improvements.

“It’s a good way to get a new perspective for anyone who does their own landscaping work and is curious about their water usage,” Berry said. In his case, Berry was able to make a plan to improve the water saving practices he already has in place.

“Spray system is where most of the problem I need to solve exists,” he said. “The spray system I have was spraying a lot of dirt areas which aren’t really helping the plants and tree. The second problem is the system is hard to control in terms of the amount of water that I want to put on over a period of time.”

Water efficiency inspections can also be performed on larger commercial landscapes. Schedule your free survey here: www.waterefficiencysurvey.com/.

(Editors Note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region).

Erik A. Groset Appointed to Fill Vallecitos Water District’s Vacant Board Seat

During a special meeting on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, the Vallecitos Water District Board of Directors selected Carlsbad resident Erik A. Groset to fill their vacant Division 4 Board seat. He will represent parts of San Marcos, Carlsbad, and portions of the Lake San Marcos community and assist in setting District water and sewer direction through November 5, 2024.

Groset is a La Costa Ridge resident in Vallecitos’ Division 4. He lives there with his wife, Tiffany, and two daughters. As a local startup entrepreneur and the CEO/Chairman of his own board, he is looking to give back to the community by serving on the Vallecitos Board of Directors. Groset looks to bring to the board his entrepreneurial spirit, fresh perspective, and passion for business and engineering.

Erik A Groset-Vallecitos Water District-Division 4 Board seat

The Vallecitos Water District Board of Directors selected Carlsbad resident Erik A. Groset to fill their vacant Division 4 Board seat. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Giving back to the community

Groset has relevant public experience, having recently served on the board of advisors at the business school at California State University San Marcos. He is an alumnus of that university. Further, Groset volunteers for the technical career advisory board at Carlsbad High School.

Groset is joined by Directors Jim Pennock, Division 1, Jim Hernandez, Division 2, Craig Elitharp, Division 3, and Dr. Tiffany Boyd-Hodgson, Division 5, to make up the five-member Vallecitos Water District Board. The Board typically meets at 5:00 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month at the District’s Administration, Maintenance, and Operations facility located at 201 Vallecitos de Oro in San Marcos.

(Editors Note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.  As an independent, special district, Vallecitos is dedicated to providing water, wastewater, and reclamation services to over 105,000 people in a 45-square-mile area that includes San Marcos; the community of Lake San Marcos; portions of Carlsbad, Escondido and Vista; and other surrounding unincorporated areas.)

History on Wheels Honors Vallecitos Water District Service

The Vallecitos Water District will honor its history when it moves a vintage service vehicle with a significant story to tell into its lobby this month. The District’s General Manager Glenn Pruim approved moving the 1946 “Willys” CJ2A Jeep into the lobby of its headquarters building as a museum display, with informational signage and photos depicting its activities.

The 1946 Jeep served the water district for decades. It was used to survey property. When this task was no longer feasible, the Jeep became a favorite public outreach tool, appearing in parades and public events in the Vallecitos service area. It made its final appearance at the 2010 San Marcos Christmas Parade, driven by Vallecitos Board Member Margaret E. “Betty” Ferguson, who had an affinity for the Jeep after serving in the Women’s U.S. Marine Corps.

History on wheels rolls into the Vallecitos Water District when a 1947 Jeep becomes a museum display named for longtime board member Betty Ferguson. Ferguson is behind the wheel at the 2010 San Marcos Christmas Parade. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

History on Wheels Honors Vallecitos Water District Service

The Vallecitos Water District will honor its history when it moves a vintage service vehicle with a significant story to tell into its lobby this month.

The District’s General Manager Glenn Pruim approved moving the 1946 “Willys” CJ2A Jeep into the lobby of its headquarters building as a museum display, with informational signage and photos depicting its activities.

Legacy of Service

The 1946 Jeep served the District for decades. It became a favorite public outreach tool, appearing in parades and public events in the District. It made its final apperance i the 2010 San Marcos Christmas Parade. Photo: Vallecitos Water District History on wheels

The 1946 Jeep served the water district for decades. It became a favorite public outreach tool, appearing in parades and public events. It made its final appearance in a San Marcos Christmas Parade. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The 1946 Jeep served the water district for decades. It was used to survey property. When this task was no longer feasible, the Jeep became a favorite public outreach tool, appearing in parades and public events in the Vallecitos service area. It made its final appearance at the 2010 San Marcos Christmas Parade, driven by Vallecitos Board Member Margaret E. “Betty” Ferguson, who had an affinity for the Jeep after serving in the Women’s U.S. Marine Corps.

In addition to her 35 years of dedicated service to the Vallecitos Water District on its board of directors, Ferguson was the first City Clerk for the City of San Marcos. She was the planning commission secretary and city manager pro tem from 1963 to 1971. Throughout her career, Ferguson served on many city, county, and state boards, task forces, and commissions.

Vallecitos Public Information Representative Lisa Urabe said Ferguson repeatedly demonstrated her ability to work with other board members, customers, and District employees. “Betty was more than just a Vallecitos board member,” said Urabe.

In 2013, the Vallecitos Water District adopted a resolution honoring Betty’s contribution, diligent efforts, and selfless service to the District.

Board of Directors Salutes Betty

Several years later, Board President Jim Hernandez and Board Member Betty Evans expressed interest in using the Jeep for public outreach. Public Outreach/Conservation Supervisor Chris Robbins suggested the idea of a museum-type display. He suggested naming the Jeep “Betty” after Ferguson’s recent passing to honor her longtime service. “She used to love to drive it,” said Robbins.

The Jeep will be moved into place over a weekend, with curated signage and information about the colorful history of “Betty” and its beloved namesake. It will be on public display during business hours.

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

Storms Helping in San Diego County Drought, More Rain Needed

The series of storms that are moving through California are helping with the drought, but there’s still more work to be done. Despite the ongoing rain, experts suggest while it’s beneficial, the state and the county aren’t out of the woods quite yet.

The wet weather has led to a cautious celebration for Pam Meisner with the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyama College. The wave of atmospheric river storms, although leading to dangerous coastal flooding, has helped in her efforts to combat the statewide drought.

Lake San Marcos HOA Landscape Makeovers Benefit From County Watershed Restoration Program

Lake San Marcos area homeowners associations are conserving water and helping restore the area’s watershed with support from the County of San Diego’s Watershed Rebate program. The rebate program is part of the County’s Watershed Protection Program.

The Panorama HOA in Lake San Marcos achieved beautiful results from its landscaping makeover project, which will conserve water and preserve the region's watershed. Photo: Vallecitos Water DistrictHOA landscape makeover

Lake San Marcos HOA Landscape Makeovers Benefit From County Watershed Restoration Program

Lake San Marcos area homeowners associations are conserving water and helping restore the area’s watershed with support from the County of San Diego’s Watershed Rebate program. The rebate program is part of the County’s Watershed Protection Program.

An example of the transformation of the Panorama HOA landscaping. Photos: Vallecitos Water District

An example of the transformation of the Panorama HOA landscaping. Photos: Vallecitos Water District

Through a partnership between the program and the San Diego County Water Authority, residences and businesses in unincorporated areas of San Diego County are eligible for enhanced water-use efficiency rebates. The Waterscape Rebate Program saves money for residential, commercial, and agricultural customers who make landscape upgrades to improve the region’s climate resilience and reduce the flow of pollutants into waterways.

The Panorama HOA in Lake San Marcos is one of six HOAs in the Vallecitos Water District participating in the program. The project is featured in a new video produced by Vallecitos.

Partnership working to meet drought challenges

“While droughts are cyclical, now they’re hotter and drier and lasting a lot longer,” said Joni German, water resources specialist at the Water Authority. “The Water Authority looks to our partners like the County of San Diego’s Watershed Protection Program to help us meet these challenges.”

“This project here in Lake San Marcos is a great example of a successful turf conversion project, supported by multiple agencies through the Landscape Optimization Service, said German. “Panorama HOA removed 30,000 square feet of thirsty turf and replaced it with sustainable landscaping, including 14,000 square feet of native landscape.”

Multiple benefits from HOA landscape makeovers

Removing turf yields multiple benefits including water conservation, watershed protection, and potential cost savings. Photo: Vallecitos Water District HOA landscape makeovers

Removing turf yields multiple benefits including water conservation, watershed protection, and potential cost savings. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Sustainable landscapes produce multiple benefits, which include reducing water use, enhancing habitat, increasing stormwater retention, and decreasing runoff.

To make applying for rebates easier for large landscapes, the County created the Landscape Optimization Service (LOS), a unique technical assistance program for large-scale landscaping projects. The program helps applicants with large landscapes, such as HOAs and commercial properties, to navigate the requirements, overcome any barriers, and maximize their rebate eligibility.

“It’s a service offered free to large landscapes. It helps them get the most from the rebates that are available,” said Jamie Milani, land use planner for the Watershed Protection Program. “Throughout the process, we are always here for our customers. If there’s ever any challenges with the rebate application process, we’re here to help.”

The new landscaping uses California native plants, which are eligible for an additional rebate. Photo: Vallecitos Water District HOA landscape makeovers

The new landscaping uses California native plants, which are eligible for an additional rebate. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

LOS staff analyzes estimated water and cost savings, including anticipated rebate totals, which helps decision-makers justify the investment with an understanding of how quickly the project will pay for itself. The program also offers discounted landscape design services to participants.

Rebate amounts can vary. Multiple rebates can be stacked together, including $3 per square foot for turf replacement, $60 per smart controller station, $65 per rain barrel, and up to $450 per cistern. The County program also offers $1 per square foot for landscapes planted with California native plants.

Positive feedback from Panorama HOA on program participation

Jack Rush. Vice President of Operations for O'Connell Landscape Maintenance. discusses the makeover plan with Panorama HOA president Amber Rugghanti. Photo: Vallecitos Water District HOA landscape makeovers

Jack Rush, vice president of operations for O’Connell Landscape Maintenance, discusses the makeover plan with Panorama HOA President Amber Rugghanti. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Panorama HOA President Amber Ragghanti said members decided to participate in the program due to its landscaping aging out and the opportunity to secure assistance from the program, along with the rebates.

“The residents at Panorama were really happy with the process, especially because there was no cost,” said Ragghanti. “A lot of the people living here are also concerned about saving water.”

Ragghanti encourages other qualified HOAs to look into the program. “It’s been such a benefit. It’s been easy. The whole process has been a lot smoother than I thought it would be. I would recommend it to anybody.”

Water customers in unincorporated San Diego County can determine their eligibility at: WatershedRebates. More information on the Landscape Optimization Service can be found here.

When irrigation systems overflow from landscaping, runoff may carry pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers into the storm drain system and cause adverse effects. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

When irrigation systems overflow from landscaping, runoff may carry pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers into the storm drain system. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The Waterscape Rebate Program helps protect local waterways by reducing pollutants that enter storm drains. When irrigation systems overflow from landscaping, runoff may carry pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers into the storm drain system. Reducing turf helps reduce irrigation use and runoff.

(Editors Note:  Story updated March 22, 2023. The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Building Named to Honor Water Industry Pioneer Dawn McDougle

The Vallecitos Water District honored former staffer and water industry pioneer Dawn McDougle by naming a building in her honor. The McDougle Building, at the Meadowlark Reclamation Facility, celebrates her three decades in the wastewater industry.

The Vallecitos Water District honored Dawn McDougle by naming the administration building at its Meadowlark Reclamation Facility in her honor. Photo: Vallecitos Water District Dawn McDougle honored

Building Named to Honor Water Industry Pioneer Dawn McDougle

The Vallecitos Water District honored former staffer and water industry pioneer Dawn McDougle by naming a building in her honor. The McDougle Building, at the Meadowlark Reclamation Facility, celebrates her three decades in the wastewater industry.

McDougle, who retired at the end of 2021, joined district and industry colleagues, friends and family, at a dedication ceremony November 17. Her dog Farley also attended too. Farley was an honorary Vallecitos employee who accompanied her to work each day. The Vallecitos Water District Board of Directors approved the naming of the building in April 2021, but pandemic restrictions delayed a dedication ceremony.

Dawn McDougle poses next to the plaque naming the administration building at the Meadowlark Reclamation Facility in her honor. Photo: Vallecitos Water DIstrict Dawn McDougle honored

Dawn McDougle stands alongside the plaque naming the administration building at the Meadowlark Reclamation Facility in her honor. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Public Information/Conservation Supervisor Chris Robbins led the initiative to honor McDougle.

“I’ve worked on a lot of satisfying and interesting projects in my 30 years in the water industry, but getting the building named after Dawn McDougle is probably the best thing I’ve done,” said Robbins.

A plaque featuring native flowers was unveiled at the building during the ceremony. Yellow rose cookies were also included because McDougle planted yellow roses at the plant to add a pleasant scent. Custom cookies featured purple pipes watering flowers, symbolizing the use of reclaimed water from the Meadowlark plan used to irrigate landscapes throughout North San Diego County.

Leadership role encouraging women to pursue water and wastewater careers

Dawn McDougle's dog Farley joined in the dedication ceremony. Photo: Vallecitos Water DIstrict Dawn McDougle honored

Dawn McDougle’s dog Farley joined in the dedication ceremony. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

McDougle played a major role in the $30 million expansion and upgrade of the Meadowlark Reclamation Facility, extending its lifespan beyond 2030. The facility produces recycled water for golf courses at La Costa and the Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad, several school sites, and Legoland California. McDougle kept the existing plant operating while implementing innovations allowing the facility to increase capacity while at the same time reducing chemical and energy costs. The plant successfully reached its output goal of five million gallons per day.

She started at Vallecitos as an industrial waste technician at a time when few women performed that work. She advanced her career by taking classes and earning certifications – and she helped others by mentoring and coaching them along the way. McDougle says she knew from the first day she arrived she wanted to finish her career at Vallecitos.

“For over 30 years, I have had the honor of being Dawn’s coworker, her supervisor, and most importantly … her friend,” said Vallecitos Water District operations manager Ed Pedrazzi. “Today’s dedication of the building to Dawn is well earned and well deserved.”

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)