Tag Archive for: US Army Corps of Engineers

Water Agency Amends Plans for Delta Tunnel

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) amended a federal permit application last week to change to the preferred tunnel route for the proposed Delta Conveyance Project (DCP), a move that has Delta advocates questioning DWR’s long-term plans for the South Delta.

The agency said the move was necessary to align the federal permit application – known as a Section 404 and filed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) – and a draft environmental impact report that is currently being prepared by DWR. The so-called Bethany Alternative will be the preferred project in both documents, though DWR stressed that the change does not indicate that a decision has been made with regard to the route the tunnel will take if the project is approved.

US Agencies Sign Collaborative Hydropower Agreement

Three US federal agencies signed an agreement this week that will see them working together on future hydropower development efforts. The US Bureau of Reclamation, US Department of Energy’s Water Power Technology Office and the US Army Corps of Engineers signed the Federal Hydropower generation memorandum of understanding at Hoover Dam on Monday, which was National Hydropower Day.

Feds to Spend Nearly $400 Million to Fix Whittier Narrows Dam

Under pressure to refurbish the Whittier Narrows Dam, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released plans to spend $393.2 million on the facility as part of its Dam Safety and Seepage program, U.S. Rep. Grace Napolitano announced Monday afternoon.

A year ago, Napolitano, D-El Monte sent a letter urging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to make safety repairs at Whittier Narrows Dam its highest budgetary priority in light of an assessment that said the barrier could fail in the event of a very large, very rare storm.