Tag Archive for: Urban Water Management Plan

Water Facilities Master Plan Update-Infrastructure-Planning 2023 rates

Water Authority Kicks Off 2023 Water Facilities Master Plan Update

The San Diego County Water Authority has begun crafting its 2023 Water Facilities Master Plan Update and will advertise for professional service support in early November following an update last week to the Board of Directors. The plan, updated every 10 years, will lay out strategies to optimize Water Authority facilities to serve the region under a range of future conditions through the 2045 planning horizon.

The draft version of the master plan is anticipated to be completed by winter 2023, followed by Board adoption of the final plan in early 2024. The development of the master plan builds on the region’s recently approved 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, which updated water demand projections to 2045.

2023 Water Facilities Master Plan Update guides future investments

The Water Authority’s master plan guides future investments, defines strategies to identify facility needs, and focuses on system optimization to ensure the Water Authority can meet future member agency water demands in a reliable and cost-effective way.

“As we move into the next decade of regional water facilities planning, it is important the Water Authority continue to lead regional preparations for an uncertain future by improving existing infrastructure with resiliency and flexibility in the face of climate change,” said Water Authority General Manager Sandra L. Kerl. “Especially in these times of drought, we all realize the full value of water and all that goes into a sound water delivery system to sustain our region’s $253 billion economy and quality of life.”

Master plan focus includes climate change

The previous master plan update in 2013 relied on the 2010 UWMP demand projections and incorporated a new normal of reduced water sale volumes, due to a greater emphasis on local supply development, water use efficiency, and new energy management options. Going forward, the 2023 master plan update will continue to focus on facility optimization; system changes due to local supply development by member agencies (such as potable reuse projects); updated water use efficiency regulations; and climate change.

Preliminary objectives of the 2023 update include:

  • Evaluate existing facilities and plan for any future regional water facilities
  • Ensure system operational resiliency and flexibility
  • Maintain and improve supply reliability and diversity

Staff will lead the development of the master plan with support from a contractor team selected through a request for proposals that’s expected to be issued in November. Key tasks in the scope of work will include:

  • Development of performance criteria
  • Identify and evaluate planning scenarios
  • Analyze facility/project alternatives
  • Recommend and prioritize projects

In addition to the Water Facilities Master Plan, the Water Authority also regularly updates its Urban Water Management Plan, Aqueduct Operating Plan, Long-Range Financing Plan, Climate Action Plan, and several others. Those documents work together to ensure the right mix of supplies and facilities to meet the region’s needs at the right time at an affordable cost.

For more information about the Water Authority’s planning and preparedness efforts go to www.sdcwa.org/your-water/planning-preparedness.

SCV Water Won’t Be Impacted By Historic Low Water Levels, Officials Say

Historic low water levels at Lake Oroville will not impact the Santa Clarita Valley’s water supply this year, according to the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency.

Dirk Marks, director of water resources for the agency, said that the water from Oroville, located in Northern California, represented 5% of the water the agency is contracted to receive from the State Water Project.

SWP sites include Oroville, Castaic Lake and many other locations and facilities in between that help transport water from Northern California to Southern California.

Helix Water District Logo Square officers for 2021

Helix Water District Planning Document Reveals Sufficient Water Supplies

Helix Water District Board of Directors just adopted its 2020 Urban Water Management Plan following a public hearing. The 2020 Urban Water Management Plan supports the district’s long-term planning efforts to ensure that it has enough water supplies to meet existing and future water needs.

Public Input Requested for San Diego Water Plan

San Diego is seeking input from the public on a new water plan introduced by Mayor Todd Gloria. Under the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, the city would develop more than half of the city’s water locally by 2045.

Water Authority’s Plan for Local Supply

San Diego County Water Authority Water Resources Manager Jeff Stephenson talks to ABC 10News about the area’s water supply following the release of the draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan. The plan was released for public review March 8.

Water Authority Plan Shows Sufficient Supplies Until 2045

Since 1991, San Diego County ratepayers have conserved more than 1 million acre-feet of water, and per capita potable water use in the region decreased nearly 60 percent between fiscal years 1990 and 2019, according to the San Diego County Water Authority.

The findings are part of the Water Authority’s draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, which was released Monday for public review.

The report concludes that as a result of conservation and billions of dollars in infrastructure, San Diego should have sufficient water supplies through 2045.

“Thanks to decades of regional investments (and conservation) the draft plan shows that we don’t need to secure more regional supply sources for the foreseeable future,” Water Authority general manager Sandra Kerl said in a statement. “Instead we are focused on helping our member agencies develop local supplies, and looking for other ways we can continue to ensure supply reliability at a reasonable cost.”

Water Authority Plan Shows Sufficient Supplies Through 2045

The San Diego County Water Authority’s draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan was released for public review today. The plan highlights how regional investments in a “water portfolio approach” to supply management and a sustained emphasis on water-use efficiency mean that San Diego County will continue to have sufficient water supplies through the 2045 planning horizon — even during multiple dry years.

Urban Water Management Plan-San Diego County Water Authority

Water Authority Plan Shows Sufficient Supplies Through 2045

The San Diego County Water Authority’s draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan was released for public review today. The plan highlights how regional investments in a “water portfolio approach” to supply management and a sustained emphasis on water-use efficiency mean that San Diego County will continue to have sufficient water supplies through the 2045 planning horizon — even during multiple dry years.

A 60-day public comment period on the draft plan ends May 6 and will include a public hearing on March 25. The Board of Directors is expected to consider adoption of the final plan during its regular meeting on May 27. The 2020 UWMP is due to the state by July 1, 2021. To read the draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, or to submit comments, go to http://bit.ly/Water-Authority-UWMP.

Regional investments pay off for water supply

“Thanks to decades of regional investments, the draft plan shows that we don’t need to secure more regional supply sources for the foreseeable future,” said Water Authority General Manager Sandra L. Kerl. “Instead, we are focused on helping our member agencies develop local supplies and looking for other ways we can continue to ensure supply reliability at a reasonable cost.”

The Water Authority started the current UWMP process in September 2018, coordinating closely with its 24 member agencies, most of which must submit their own plans to the state. Member agencies provided input into the draft plan as part of the Water Authority’s ongoing effort to align local and regional projections as closely as possible. The plan’s long-range demand forecast shows an increase in regional demands of less than 1% per year through 2045. This change in demand is consistent with the change forecasted by other large water suppliers, including the City of San Diego and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Plan is mandated by state law

Multiple supply and demand projections factor into Urban Water Management Plans, which are mandated by the state to ensure sufficient supplies over 25 years. The plans are not used to set water rates; rates are set annually based on multiple financial factors at the time, not long-term projections about water supplies.

Urban Water Management Plans are dictated by statutory guidelines, Water Authority Board direction and an agreement with the San Diego Association of Governments to use its regional growth forecast. The plans also support state laws that link approval for large housing developments to water supply availability.

By law, the plans must be updated every five years. Per state guidelines, the Water Authority’s Urban Water Management Plan includes:

  • Projected water demands under normal weather and dry weather scenarios
  • Conservation savings information
  • A process to conduct an annual water supply and demand assessment
  • Supply reliability analysis

The demand forecast accounts for changes in socio-economic factors, such as the number of projected housing units, the mix of single-family and multi-family dwellings, and employment growth.

Conservation by water ratepayers in San Diego County

Conservation projections account for continued adoption of water-use efficiency measures, compliance with landscape water-use ordinances for new residential construction, and continued installations of sustainable landscapes at existing homes. Since 1991, San Diego County ratepayers have conserved more than 1 million acre-feet of water, and per capita potable water use in the region decreased nearly 60% between fiscal years 1990 and 2019.

Urban Water Management Plan-Water Authority-Desalination Plant

The draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan shows how regional investments by the San Diego County Water Authority in a “water portfolio approach” mean that San Diego County will continue to have sufficient supplies, including locally-controlled drinking water from the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant, the largest, most technologically-advanced and energy efficient desalination plant in the nation. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

The draft 2020 UWMP also highlights the value of the Water Authority’s long-term strategy to invest in highly reliable and locally controlled supplies from the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant and the nation’s largest conservation-and-transfer agreement, which provides high-priority, low-cost water from the Colorado River.

In addition to the UWMP, the Water Authority also regularly updates its Regional Water Facilities Optimization and Master Plan, which focuses on the infrastructure necessary to meet projected long-term demands, and its Long-Range Financing Plan. Those documents work together to ensure the right mix of supplies and facilities to meet the region’s needs at an affordable cost.

Urban Water Management Plan-Water Authority-Primary photo-Colorado River Aqueduct

The draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan highlights the value of the Water Authority’s long-term strategy to invest in highly reliable supplies, including the nation’s largest conservation-and-transfer agreement, which provides high-priority, low-cost water from the Colorado River. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Water Authority Plan Shows Sufficient Supplies Through 2045

March 8, 2021 – The San Diego County Water Authority’s draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan was released for public review today. The plan highlights how regional investments in a “water portfolio approach” to supply management and a sustained emphasis on water-use efficiency mean that San Diego County will continue to have sufficient water supplies through the 2045 planning horizon — even during multiple dry years.

San Diego Seeks Public Input on Plan to Produce 50% of Water Locally by 2045

The City of San Diego plans to develop more than half of its water locally under a plan introduced by Mayor Todd Gloria.

The plan intends to develop more than 50% of the city’s locally by 2045. A major factor in this goal will be the city’s Pure Water recycling program, which purifies recycled water to be used as safe drinking water. The project is expected to be fully implemented by the end of 2035 and have the capacity to create 83 million gallons of water daily.