Tag Archive for: Turf Rebates

Carolina Schultz's transformed landscape demonstrates how homeowners can create a beautiful, California-friendly landscape using less water. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Landscape Transformation Wins Sweetwater Authority Contest

National City homeowner Catalina Schultz decided to reinvent her yard. Her landscape transformation from grass to a low-water use design is the 2023 winner of the Sweetwater Authority WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Contest.

The front yard before the landscape transformation. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The front yard before the landscape transformation. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Schultz’s landscape demonstrates how homeowners can create a beautiful, California-friendly landscape using less water. Schultz was recognized for her accomplishment at the Authority’s June board meeting.

When Schultz purchased her house in 2011, the front yard was covered in turf and required lots of effort and water to maintain. She decided to reinvent her yard, planning out a space full of low-water use plants, steppingstone, and decorative planters.

The space is now full of low-water use plants, steppingstones, and decorative planters. Photo: Sweetwater Authority landscape transformation

The space is now full of low-water use plants, steppingstones, and decorative planters. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The transformed landscape includes flowering plants and shrubs like Sedum, Oleander, and Aeonium. The yard also features a variety of cacti and succulents, including Elephant Bush, Ghost Euphorbia, Jade, Cholla Cactus, and more.

Impressive water-saving results

A rain barrel is part of the newly redesigned landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

A rain barrel is part of the newly redesigned landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Schultz now waters her yard only once a month when needed. A passionate gardener, she prefers to water each plant by hand, using water collected from her rain barrel.

By switching from turf to water-wise plants, Schultz saves an estimated 12,000 gallons of water each year.

“Ms. Schultz’s landscape transformation clearly demonstrates that investing in a water-wise landscape can add beauty to your home while providing big savings on your water bill,” said Board Chair Hector Martinez. “The Authority is here to provide rebates, resources, and support to any customer interested in investing in a low water-use landscape.”

Catalina Schultz now waters her yard only once a month when needed. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Catalina Schultz now waters her yard only once a month when needed. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The annual WaterSmart Landscape Contest is an opportunity for Authority customers to showcase their best, water-wise landscapes. All customers who have transformed their yards to be more water efficient are encouraged to enter the contest for the chance to win a $250 gift certificate.

(Editor’s note: The Sweetwater Authority is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

Retired nurse Lois Scott's winning makeover transformed her El Cajon home's front yard into "Nana's Garden." Photo: Otay Water District

Nana’s Garden Wins Otay Water District’s 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

Lois Scott transformed her El Cajon home’s green front lawn with rose bushes into a colorful water-wise landscape with a little help from her friends. Now called “Nana’s Garden,” it is this year’s Otay Water District Landscape Makeover Contest winner.

Nana’s Garden is in Otay Water District’s division 5, which is represented by Board President Mark Robak.

Water savings drive creative changes

Before and after photos of the 2023 Otay Water District landscape makeover contest winner, "Nana's Garden." Photo: Otay Water District

Before and after photos of Lois Scott’s winning landscape makeover. Photo: Otay Water District

Scott, who worked as a registered nurse for 42 years before retiring, decided to change her landscaping after years of facing high water usage, lack of rain, and rabbits invading her yard. In 2020, she applied for a rebate through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Landscape Transformation Program. She received a rebate amount of $4,161 for 1,387 square feet of turf removed.

Lois Scott exchanged grass for colorful nature and low water use plants. Photo: Otay Water District Nana's Garden

Lois Scott exchanged grass for colorful nature and low water use plants. Photo: Otay Water District

Scott participated in the San Diego County Water Authority’s WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program in 2021. The free classes helped her come up with a plan to upgrade her yard.

“I fell in love with all the different plants I was learning about in the class,” said Scott. “With all the colors and textures, I couldn’t just limit my garden to a few plants. I call my garden Nana’s Garden, full of lots of variation, just like my grandchildren.”

Neighbors and friends help Nana’s Garden come alive

The winning landscape features boulders and rocks Lois Scott dug up or found in online ads. Photo: Otay Water District Nana's Garden

The winning landscape features boulders and rocks Lois Scott dug up or found in online ads. Photo: Otay Water District

With the help of kids from the neighborhood, Scott dug up dirt and rocks to create a pathway with decomposed granite and stepping stones. Three large boulders she found on Craigslist became the new focal point of her succulent garden.

“This 64-year-old grandma sure did bring many wheelbarrows of rocks in,” said Scott.

Existing irrigation was converted to a low water use drip system. Photo: Otay Water District

Existing irrigation was converted to a low water use drip system. Photo: Otay Water District

Scott’s best friend is a succulent fan who helped her plant natives and succulents. She engaged a professional gardener to convert her irrigation system from sprinklers to drip. She capped 17 of 19 existing spray sprinkler heads causing water runoff across sidewalks, leaving two for a drip retrofit. She uses a drip line to primarily feed the trees and succulents, while a separate line and a rain barrel water the rest of the plants.

Scott’s new landscape has allowed an overall water use reduction of an average of approximately 41% compared to the years before upgrading.

Richness of plant life attracts pollinators

Bright blooms attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Photo: Otay Water District Nana's Garden

Bright blooms attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Photo: Otay Water District

Scott says she enjoys seeing her garden grow. Some plants are soft, fussy, slick, and smooth, while others are prickly. She is amazed by the richness of the purple in the lavender and the bright fluorescent of the honeysuckle.

“The fun part now is to sit back and enjoy the gentle breeze while watching the honeybees, butterflies, and hummingbirds have their feast in my garden,” said Scott. “I am loving the lower water bill and knowing that I am helping the environment by saving water.”

Inspiration and resources for residents and businesses

El Cajon resident Lois Scott’s completed landscape makeover. Photo: Otay Water District

“The winner’s landscape will demonstrate to other residents the great benefits of installing waterwise yards and hopefully encourage them to change how they use water outdoors,” said Robak. “The District makes it a priority to provide resources for residential and commercial customers who are considering ways to make water-use efficiency a way of life.”

Otay will honor Scott at its July board meeting with a certificate of recognition, a gift certificate to a local nursery of her choice, a yard sign, and other promotional items.

WaterSmart Landscape Content details here and for information on water conservation rebates and programs for residents, businesses and agriculture in San Diego County, go to: www.sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

(Editor’s note: The Otay Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

The Panorama HOA in Lake San Marcos achieved beautiful results from its landscaping makeover project, which will conserve water and preserve the region's watershed. Photo: Vallecitos Water DistrictHOA landscape makeover

Lake San Marcos HOA Landscape Makeovers Benefit From County Watershed Restoration Program

Lake San Marcos area homeowners associations are conserving water and helping restore the area’s watershed with support from the County of San Diego’s Watershed Rebate program. The rebate program is part of the County’s Watershed Protection Program.

An example of the transformation of the Panorama HOA landscaping. Photos: Vallecitos Water District

An example of the transformation of the Panorama HOA landscaping. Photos: Vallecitos Water District

Through a partnership between the program and the San Diego County Water Authority, residences and businesses in unincorporated areas of San Diego County are eligible for enhanced water-use efficiency rebates. The Waterscape Rebate Program saves money for residential, commercial, and agricultural customers who make landscape upgrades to improve the region’s climate resilience and reduce the flow of pollutants into waterways.

The Panorama HOA in Lake San Marcos is one of six HOAs in the Vallecitos Water District participating in the program. The project is featured in a new video produced by Vallecitos.

Partnership working to meet drought challenges

“While droughts are cyclical, now they’re hotter and drier and lasting a lot longer,” said Joni German, water resources specialist at the Water Authority. “The Water Authority looks to our partners like the County of San Diego’s Watershed Protection Program to help us meet these challenges.”

“This project here in Lake San Marcos is a great example of a successful turf conversion project, supported by multiple agencies through the Landscape Optimization Service, said German. “Panorama HOA removed 30,000 square feet of thirsty turf and replaced it with sustainable landscaping, including 14,000 square feet of native landscape.”

Multiple benefits from HOA landscape makeovers

Removing turf yields multiple benefits including water conservation, watershed protection, and potential cost savings. Photo: Vallecitos Water District HOA landscape makeovers

Removing turf yields multiple benefits including water conservation, watershed protection, and potential cost savings. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Sustainable landscapes produce multiple benefits, which include reducing water use, enhancing habitat, increasing stormwater retention, and decreasing runoff.

To make applying for rebates easier for large landscapes, the County created the Landscape Optimization Service (LOS), a unique technical assistance program for large-scale landscaping projects. The program helps applicants with large landscapes, such as HOAs and commercial properties, to navigate the requirements, overcome any barriers, and maximize their rebate eligibility.

“It’s a service offered free to large landscapes. It helps them get the most from the rebates that are available,” said Jamie Milani, land use planner for the Watershed Protection Program. “Throughout the process, we are always here for our customers. If there’s ever any challenges with the rebate application process, we’re here to help.”

The new landscaping uses California native plants, which are eligible for an additional rebate. Photo: Vallecitos Water District HOA landscape makeovers

The new landscaping uses California native plants, which are eligible for an additional rebate. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

LOS staff analyzes estimated water and cost savings, including anticipated rebate totals, which helps decision-makers justify the investment with an understanding of how quickly the project will pay for itself. The program also offers discounted landscape design services to participants.

Rebate amounts can vary. Multiple rebates can be stacked together, including $3 per square foot for turf replacement, $60 per smart controller station, $65 per rain barrel, and up to $450 per cistern. The County program also offers $1 per square foot for landscapes planted with California native plants.

Positive feedback from Panorama HOA on program participation

Jack Rush. Vice President of Operations for O'Connell Landscape Maintenance. discusses the makeover plan with Panorama HOA president Amber Rugghanti. Photo: Vallecitos Water District HOA landscape makeovers

Jack Rush, vice president of operations for O’Connell Landscape Maintenance, discusses the makeover plan with Panorama HOA President Amber Rugghanti. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Panorama HOA President Amber Ragghanti said members decided to participate in the program due to its landscaping aging out and the opportunity to secure assistance from the program, along with the rebates.

“The residents at Panorama were really happy with the process, especially because there was no cost,” said Ragghanti. “A lot of the people living here are also concerned about saving water.”

Ragghanti encourages other qualified HOAs to look into the program. “It’s been such a benefit. It’s been easy. The whole process has been a lot smoother than I thought it would be. I would recommend it to anybody.”

Water customers in unincorporated San Diego County can determine their eligibility at: WatershedRebates. More information on the Landscape Optimization Service can be found here.

When irrigation systems overflow from landscaping, runoff may carry pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers into the storm drain system and cause adverse effects. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

When irrigation systems overflow from landscaping, runoff may carry pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers into the storm drain system. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The Waterscape Rebate Program helps protect local waterways by reducing pollutants that enter storm drains. When irrigation systems overflow from landscaping, runoff may carry pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers into the storm drain system. Reducing turf helps reduce irrigation use and runoff.

(Editors Note:  Story updated March 22, 2023. The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

New State Tax Break and Lawn Removal Rebates Save Money, Water

Fall is the perfect time to yank those thirsty lawns and install drought-tolerant landscapes with the help of cooler days and major financial incentives.

Homeowners and businesses in San Diego County can receive between $2 and $4 per square foot for removing grass and replacing it with low water-use plants that are better suited to withstand the hot and dry conditions that continue to hammer the West.

New Lawn Removal Rebate Saves Money and Water

Homeowners and businesses in San Diego County can receive between $2 and $4 per square foot for removing grass and replacing it with low water-use plants that are better suited to withstand the hot and dry conditions that continue to hammer the West.

New State Tax Break and Lawn Removal Rebates Save Money and Water

October 17, 2022 – Fall is the perfect time to yank those thirsty lawns and install drought-tolerant landscapes with the help of cooler days and major financial incentives.

Homeowners and businesses in San Diego County can receive between $2 and $4 per square foot for removing grass and replacing it with low water-use plants that are better suited to withstand the hot and dry conditions that continue to hammer the West. All customers are eligible for the base rebate of $2 per square foot, but other agencies offer additional funding, including the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego. Click here for details: www.sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

Jennifer Dell was selected as the Vista Irrigation District's 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner for her creative, colorful use of materials and plants. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Colorful WaterSmart Landscape Wins Vista Irrigation District in 2022

The Vista Irrigation District Board of Directors recognized Jennifer Dell as its 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner for her creative, colorful use of materials and plants.

The annual contest recognizes outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on overall attractiveness, appropriate plant selection, design, appropriate maintenance, and efficient methods of irrigation.

Pollinator-friendly WaterSmart landscape

When Jennifer Dell purchased her home in 2019, her first priority was removing the water-thirsty turf. Photo: Vista Irrigation District watersmart landscape

When Jennifer Dell purchased her home in 2019, her first priority was removing the water-thirsty turf. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Replacing the water-intensive lawn with a Watersmart landscape was Dell’s priority when she purchased her home in 2019. She used upcycled landscape materials and low-water use trees, shrubs, and perennials to transform her front yard into a thriving landscape.

Podocarpus and Purple Hopseed evergreens circle the yard to create a verdant privacy screen full of seasonal color all year. Deep purple spears from Pride of Madeira, Lavender, and Mexican Sage Bush create a colorful and blossoming habitat for butterflies, bees, and birds. Honeysuckle, Star Jasmine, and Floribunda Iceberg Roses provide fragrant bursts of color.

The new landscape features pollinator friendly perennials and shrubs along with fruit trees. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

The new landscape features pollinator friendly perennials and shrubs along with fruit trees. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Dell also planted a variety of fruit trees she irrigates with rainwater collected in a rain barrel catchment system. “I wanted a lush and colorful landscape with as low a water bill as possible,” said Dell. What was a mundane, flat waste of water is now and will increasingly be a joyful, colorful, and dynamic habitat for humans and other wildlife.”

“Replacing your grass lawn with a WaterSmart landscape is one of the best ways to reduce your water use,” said Brent Reyes, water conservation specialist. “Additionally, turf removal rebates are available to help with the cost.”

Rebates, tips, classes and other water-saving information: sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

(Editor’s note: The Vista Irrigation District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Chula Vista Homeowners Win Otay Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest

Chula Vista homeowners Bryan and Denee Felber earned “Best in District” honors as the winner of the Otay Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. Converting 2,143 square feet of turf to a drought-tolerant garden in 2015 continues to save water and pay off for the Felbers while beautifying their neighborhood.

Bryan and Denee Felber's conversion from turf to low-water use landscaping earned the Chula Vista homeowners the 2022 Otay Water District WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Contest win. Photo: Otay Water District

Chula Vista Homeowners Win Otay Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest

Chula Vista homeowners Bryan and Denee Felber earned “Best in District” honors as the winner of the Otay Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. Converting 2,143 square feet of turf to a drought-tolerant garden in 2015 continues to save water and pay off for the Felbers while beautifying their neighborhood.

The Felbers live in the District’s division 4, represented by Board Director and Treasurer Jose Lopez.

A dry riverbed helps redirect water runoff away from sidewalks and storm drains. Photo: Otay Water District

A dry riverbed helps redirect water runoff away from sidewalks and storm drains. Photo: Otay Water District

“Otay is proud to see that our contest winners have taken the necessary steps to limit their outdoor water use and make their home drought resilient,” said Jose Lopez. “Now that our region is facing dry conditions, we encourage customers to do the same by taking full advantage of the programs and rebates available, which will make a significant difference in preserving our local water supply.”

Making a WaterSmart change

Bryan and Denee Felber's property before the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

Bryan and Denee Felber’s property before the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

Maintenance demands and high costs to keep their lawn vibrant and green motivated the Felbers to make a change, beginning in 2015. They started by participating in the San Diego County Water Authority’s WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program, which teaches residents how to create and maintain a beautiful yard suiting their needs while also saving water. The  Felbers used what they learned during the planning stages of their project.

Bryan and Denee Felber's property after the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

Bryan and Denee Felber’s home after the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

The landscape makeover qualified for turf rebates through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Water Authority. They received a rebate to replace 5,007 square feet of their front and back yards and later replaced 202 square feet of turf in a side yard.

A new drip irrigation system replaced spray nozzles. Plants are watered on an automated schedule three days a week. When rain is expected, the system is turned off or delayed for a few days. A dry riverbed running across the landscape captures and directs rainfall, minimizing water runoff.

New landscape design pays off

The Feibers used beautiful low-water use plants to replace more than 2,000 square feet of turf. Photo: Otay Water District

The Felbers used beautiful low-water-use plants to replace more than 2,000 square feet of turf. Photo: Otay Water District

The completed landscape allowed the Felbers to reduce their overall water use by approximately 33% compared to the years before upgrading.

When asked if they recommend others to consider upgrading their yards, Bryan Felber responded, “Absolutely!”

“It’s easier and requires much less time to maintain, and it saves money,” said Bryan. “Designed well, it can be beautiful with far less water, reducing water demand and preserving its supply.”

The Otay Water District board of directors will recognize the couple at its August meeting with a certificate of recognition, a gift certificate to a local nursery of their choice, a yard sign, and other promotional items.

(Editor’s note: The Otay Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.) 

Padre Dam Municipal Water District-Landscape Makeover Winner-WaterSmartSD-drought

Winter Weather Perfect Time for WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Series

December rainfall and cooler temperatures in San Diego County make it the perfect time of year for homeowners to create low-water-use landscaping to fit their needs. The San Diego County Water Authority offers its first 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Series of free online classes starting Wednesday, February 2. The classes provide homeowners site-specific knowledge, skills, and confidence to transform their thirsty turf yard into a beautiful, climate-appropriate, water-efficient space.

Registration for the four-class series closes on Monday, January 17. Register at WaterSmartSD.org. There is no fee to participate, but course participation is limited.

Custom plans and one-on-one professional guidance

Landscape Makeover-Sweetwater Authority-Water Conservation-native plants

This landscape makeover winner shows how contouring your landscaping can help retain and conserve water. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Water Authority Water Resources Specialist Joni German said the course will give participants a customized roadmap to follow.

“We have different templates and themes to design the garden you want,” said German. “Do you need turf for the kids or pets? A meditation space? Or do you want to screen out undesirable views? With our help, you design the landscape that fits your lifestyle.”

Ideal time for new plants

German said with soils now soft and spongy, it’s the ideal time of year to add new plants and creating a new water-wise landscape.

As part of the course, participants will receive a site visit prior to the class, a preliminary onsite CAD drawing of their property to work with during the class, and one-on-one coaching from landscaping professionals.

Turf rebate programs offer rebates of up to $3 per square foot toward project costs for upgrading existing turf. To date, several hundred homeowners have transformed their landscapes into beautiful, climate-appropriate mini-watersheds which yield benefits including stormwater runoff reduction and lessening green waste in addition to saving water.

Positive participant feedback for free program

Eileen Koonce says she was able to install her own landscaping with the help she received from instructors. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Eileen Koonce says she was able to install her own landscaping with the help she received from course instructors. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

German said the program has evolved through the years in part due to feedback from previous participants, including information about capturing rainwater and cutting back on irrigation.

“People frequently say to us, ‘I can’t believe this program is free!’ Recent participants tell us the time flies, and they go from feeling overwhelmed to confident about their landscape projects,” said German.

Vallecitos Water District Development Services Coordinator Eileen Koonce participated in the course as a new homeowner to reduce her water usage by removing her thirsty front lawn.

Koonce said she enjoyed working with the instructors.

“They bring the language down to the do-it-yourselfers,” said Koonce. “They walk you through every part of it and if you have questions, they can help you out. You feel empowered because you can understand the process.”

Landscaping design and planining

Landscaping designers can expedite your landscape makeover plans. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Koonce tackled most of the design work herself with the help of instructors, who are licensed landscape architects. Instructors helped Koonce pick out the plants and choose an irrigation system.

After participants sign up for the four-class course, a site visit will take place with a local, licensed landscape specialist who will create a professionally-drawn site plan of your specific project area. The plans becomes a personal road map to navigate through the classes. Before the class concludes, homeowners get one-on-one coaching to help select plants and finalize their plan.

Watch the preview video

Homeowners with questions about the course can email or call (858) 598-5085 for information. Space is limited so homeowners are encouraged to apply now at WaterSmartSD.org. 

(Editor’s note: The Sweetwater Authority, Vallecitos Water District, and the Padre Dam Municipal Water District are three of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)