Tag Archive for: Turf Rebate

The winning landscape makeover using Nifty Fifty plant choices. Photo: City of Escondido

Nifty Fifty Plant Choices Featured in Winning Escondido Landscape

Escondido homeowners Marcus and Leanne Fowler decided it was time for a landscape makeover two years ago when their effort to keep their lawn green required a lot of water. But they didn’t know where to start, lacking experience with landscape design and working with a limited budget.

The couple started from the beginning, and the result was a waterwise landscape selected as the City of Escondido’s 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest winner.

The winning landscape before and after its makeover using Nifty Fifty plant choices. Photo: City of Escondido

The winning landscape before and after its makeover using Nifty Fifty plant choices. Photo: City of Escondido

First, the Fowlers educated themselves by watching videos online to help them figure out how best to move forward. They selected plants found in the San Diego County Water Authority’s Nifty Fifty Plants for WaterSmart Landscapes. The choices were selected to thrive in Escondido’s warmer inland climate zone, including palo verde trees, varieties of sage (salvia), aloes, cacti, Kangaroo Paws, and succulent ground covers.

The dry riverbed feature helps capture and retain rainfall. Photo: City of Escondido Nifty Fifty

The dry riverbed feature helps capture and retain rainfall. Photo: City of Escondido

A dry riverbed included in their design works to infiltrate and channel rainfall, minimizing slope erosion.

The old sprinkler system had been watering the driveway more than the lawn. It was replaced with an efficient drip irrigation line set to water twice weekly.

Embracing low water use and native plants

Beautiful plant choices from the Nifty Fifty list add color without requiring a lot of water. Photo: City of Escondido

Beautiful plant choices from the Nifty Fifty list add color without requiring a lot of water. Photo: City of Escondido

“Hopefully, our DIY project inspires others to join the water conservation movement,” said Marcus and Leanne Fowler.

They now enjoy their beautiful yard and have neighbors inquiring about making similar changes to save water and costs while embracing low-water use and native plants.

Homeowners Kathleen and Alan C. were selected as Honorable Mention winners for their landscape makeover.

Kathleen and Alan C. were selected as Honorable Mention winners for their landscape makeover. Photo: City of Escondido

Kathleen and Alan C. were selected as Honorable Mention winners for their landscape makeover. Photo: City of Escondido

The WaterSmart Landscape Contest is open annually to City of Escondido water customers and customers of other participating member agencies who have taken a California-friendly approach with their home landscaping. Whether the customers choose to enter the contest or not, all can explore rebates from the SoCal WaterSmart turf removal rebate program and free online landscape workshops to help guide their efforts.

Visit landscapecontest.com for eligibility, entry information, and other resources.

(Editor’s note: The City of Escondido is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

CVWD to Consider Ban on Daytime Spray Irrigation, Other Water Conservation Measures

The Coachella Valley Water District will consider implementing several water conservation measures on Tuesday, including a ban on outdoor water use for spray irrigation during daytime hours, requiring restaurants to only serve water upon request, and increasing the turf rebate amount.

The meeting comes as the state is in a deepening drought after one of the driest starts to spring in decades. Almost all of California and much of the Western U.S. is in severe to extreme drought, according to U.S. drought monitor.

Vibrant pink, orange, purple and red succulents are interspersed among lush rosemary and lavender bushes in this award-winning landscape makeover in Santee. Photo: Padre Dam MWD

Bright Ideas Bring Padre Dam MWD Landscape Contest Winner to Life

Santee homeowners removed grass, replaced the turf with a colorful, WaterSmart landscape, and won a landscape makeover contest too.

Melissa and Josh Perrell’s new landscaping at their Santee home is bursting with bright colors. Vibrant pink, orange, purple and red succulents are interspersed among lush rosemary and lavender bushes. Even more impressive, it didn’t take a single drop of irrigation over the past year to keep it thriving.

The Perrells makeover project was selected by Padre Dam Municipal Water District as its 2020 Landscape Makeover Contest winner.

The Perrells landscaping prior to its makeover. Photo: Padre Dam MWD landscape

The Perrells landscaping prior to its makeover. Photo: Padre Dam Municipal Water District

The Perrells decided to remove their lawn about two years ago. They wanted a low-water option that would look healthy year-round and require little maintenance. They were tired of spending time mowing it and using large amounts of water to keep the grass alive only to see it get brown during summer months.

The couple learned about the Turf Replacement Rebate Program and applied for the program. To remain within the budget provided, they decided to tackle the installation themselves. This gave them the opportunity to design their own landscape, support local businesses, and choose their own plants. The rebate is now up to $3 per square foot.

The Perrells chose easy care plants they would not have to prune or maintain. Photo: Padre Dam MWD landscape

The Perrells chose easy care plants they would not have to prune or maintain. Photo: Padre Dam Municipal Water District

“We chose plants that were hardy so we wouldn’t need to replace them or do too much maintenance,” said Melissa Perrell. “We also incorporated rosemary and lavender because we think it’s neat to be able to cook with and use the plants that you have.”

One week to a beautiful new watersmart landscape

The project took one year from start to finish. Photo: Padre Dam MWD

The project took one year from start to finish. Photo: Padre Dam Municipal Water District

After planning and designing their dream front yard, the Perrells spent four days removing their turf, installing rocks, installing irrigation, planting, and laying mulch.

They used a local nursery to select plants that fit their style and budget. By working straight through the process, their landscape completely transformed in less than a week. Their DIY cost-saving approach meant that they were reimbursed for 100% of the cost of their new front yard through the rebate program.

The Perrells enjoy compliments from Santee neighbors on their new landscape design. Photo: Padre Dam Municipal Water District

Melissa Perrell loves the low-maintenance needed to keep the new landscape looking its best with no pruning or trimming, and the different heights and colors of the plants. While they have a drip irrigation system in place, the Perrells were able to turn it off and let their landscape be completely watered naturally last year. They recently turned the system on again as the weather began to heat up at the end of June.

“It’s cool that it was something we were able to do together,” said Melissa Perrell. “It’s fun because our neighbors watched us put it in and now when we see them they say ‘Your yard’s looking really nice!'” Read more

Inspired by the San Diego County Water Authority's free landscape workshops, Vallecitos Water District employee Eileen Koonce transformed her own landscaping. Photo: Vallecitos Water District example watersmart landscaping

Vallecitos Water District Employee Leads By Example With WaterSmart Landscaping Makeover

Vallecitos Water District Development Services Coordinator Eileen Koonce transformed the front yard at her new home into a beautiful water-efficient design with help from the San Diego County Water Authority’s Landscape Makeover Program.

As a new homeowner, when Koonce received her first water bill, she decided to figure out a way to reduce her water bill and her water usage. She realized the thirsty lawn covering the front yard had to go.

“As an employee of the District, we are always talking to customers about how they can reduce water use in their landscape, and what better time to put that theme to use than in my own yard,” said Koonce.

The Vallecitos Water District was hosting the Water Authority’s WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program at the time. After Koonce saw the great turnout, she decided she wanted to participate in the program.

Knowledgeable instructors guide participants

Homeowner Eileen Koonce discovered watersmart landscaping can be colorful and attractive. Photo: Vallecitos Water District example watersmart landscaping

Homeowner Eileen Koonce discovered watersmart landscaping can be colorful and attractive. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Koonce said she enjoyed working with the instructors.

“They bring the language down to the do-it-yourselfers,” she said. “They walk you through every part of it and if you have questions, they can help you out. You feel empowered because you can understand the process.”

Koonce tackled most of the design work herself with the help of instructors, who are licensed landscape architects. They also helped Koonce pick out the plants and choose an irrigation system.

She also applied for a turf rebate through the Metropolitan Water District’s Turf Rebate Program. Koonce said the application process was easy for her to follow, and she met all the criteria for acceptance into the program.

Video tour of Eileen Koonce’s new landscaping

New landscape a pollinators’ paradise

Koonce wanted a garden that would attract butterflies and birds, especially hummingbirds. She says her top takeaway from the WaterSmart course is how many attractive landscape options exist. Many beautiful, flowering plants do not require a lot of water.

“The WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Series is a great way to gather the skills needed to make your front yard transformation happen,” said Michelle Landis, course instructor and Registered Landscape Architect. “The WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Series also teaches the skills needed to tap into the new, local turf removal rebates. We invite you to join us for one of the sessions above to transform your front yard into money-saving, WaterSmart design.”

Koonce said she realizes a $70 per month savings on her water bill since her landscape makeover. And no longer spends time mowing a lawn.

Register now for workshops and class series

Eileen Koonce says she was able to install her own landscaping with the help she received from instructors. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Eileen Koonce says she was able to install her own landscaping with the help she received from instructors. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The WaterSmart education program offers free three-hour workshops and a four-class landscaping makeover series. Three-hour workshops are scheduled on weeknights and Saturdays from March through October.

The four-class series is currently enrolling participants for March in Encinitas and in El Cajon. The series is also open in Oceanside and San Diego in April. Find participation requirements and register for the free series online at WaterSmartSD.org.