Tag Archive for: Trust The Tap

How Much Water Do We Really Need to Drink?

Here’s some welcome news: Water can work wonders for your health.

The humble liquid comprises about 60% of our body weight and allows our internal organs to perform at their best. Water regulates our body temperature, keeps our joints lubricated and carries nutrients to our cells. Water also provides moisture to skin, ensuring a bright and radiant glow.

Sweetwater Authority is Raising Money to Help Provide Food for Families and Seniors Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Sweetwater Authority employees are lending a helping hand to their community by raising money to help provide food for families and seniors who have been impacted by coronavirus.

General Manager of Sweetwater Authority, Tish Berge, joined KUSI’s Paul Rudy on Good Morning San Diego to discuss the details of the fundraiser.

Opinion: Southern California Doesn’t Have Decades to Figure Out Water Recycling. We Need it Now

The great achievement of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is that few people ever give it much thought. You turn on the faucet and the water comes out. The stuff is reliably clean and safe, and always available.

Water Quality Issues, Safety Concerns are Significant Drags on Water Utility Customer Satisfaction

As the Environmental Protection Agency moves closer to implementing regulations for PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), commonly referred to as “forever chemicals,” in the U.S. drinking water supply, many Americans are “just saying no” to tap water. According to the J.D. Power 2020 U.S. Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study released today, 25 percent of Americans say they never drink their tap water, setting the stage for a serious set of customer satisfaction challenges on the part of regional water utilities.

Americans Are Told to Wash Hands to Fight Coronavirus. But Some Don’t Trust the Tap

For the Chavez family and many others in California’s fertile San Joaquin Valley, bottled water is the toilet paper of their coronavirus pandemic — an everyday necessity that vanished from supermarket shelves.

New Poll Shows Voters Overwhelmingly Favor Investments Into Water/Wastewater Infrastructure

A new poll recently released by the Value of Water Campaign shows that 84% of American voters want state and federal leaders to invest in water infrastructure. The near-unanimous support amid the COVID-19 pandemic reveals that voters value water and want elected officials to prioritize investing in infrastructure — specifically, drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

For the fifth year in a row, the Value of Water Campaign poll surveyed over 1,000 American voters for the annual Value of Water Index. The poll asked voters how the nation should solve infrastructural issues and which priorities it should meet. Support for water infrastructure investment cuts across demographic, political and geographic divisions.

San Diego Regional Water Agencies Boost Efforts to Fight Hunger

An effort to bolster food bank supplies and fight hunger in San Diego County is getting a helping hand from the region’s public water agencies.

The San Diego County Water Authority and its member agencies are supporting a virtual food drive in partnership with the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank. The campaign allows donors to select and purchase items such as canned meats, vegetables, fruits, peanut butter and oatmeal for distribution to needy residents. To donate, go to www.bit.ly/SDWaterAgencyFoodDrive.


Shows That Teach Creates Free Online Educational Videos

The San Diego County Water Authority’s long-running and highly popular school assembly programs are suspended as students nationwide stay home due to the coronavirus pandemic. To help students, parents and teachers continue learning about water and science, the Water Authority is partnering with Shows That Teach, a Southern California company that specializes in school education programs, to produce a series of free online educational videos.

Shows That Teach-San Diego County Water Authority-Educationa

Shows That Teach Creates Free Online Educational Videos

The San Diego County Water Authority’s long-running and highly popular school assembly programs are suspended as students nationwide stay home due to the coronavirus pandemic. To help students, parents and teachers continue learning about water and science, the Water Authority is partnering with Shows That Teach, a Southern California company that specializes in school education programs, to produce a series of free online educational videos.

The videos will feature topics like local water supplies in the San Diego region, how clean our tap water is, proper ways to wash hands, and more.

“Everything has changed for us water-education school-assembly performers,” said Mark Beckwith, founder of Shows That Teach. “With the schools closed, our young audiences have disappeared. So we simply changed our means, not our mission!”

The professional writers and performers at Shows That Teach are creating fun, informative and engaging online videos to address many water-related topics while holding the attention of young students who are learning from home.

“Just as with our live shows, if kids are not engaged, trying to ‘teach’ is pointless,” said Beckwith. “So our videos are produced in a fun YouTube style.”

Engaging educational videos

The educational videos will each be approximately six minutes long and will be released periodically in coming weeks. Along with water and science topics, the videos will address staying safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic and general character affirmations such as generosity for elementary school students.

Watch now on YouTube/Vimeo.

For more than 30 years, the Water Authority’s school education program has been a core component of the agency’s community outreach efforts. The program has reached tens of thousands of students and teachers to improve water knowledge across the region.

Education programs offered by the Water Authority are popular with schools throughout San Diego County, because they are engaging and help teachers meet instructional requirements. Many of the programs are free. For more programs and resources, go to sdcwa.org/education.

San Diego Mayor Thanks Water Treatment Plant Employees

The City of San Diego’s public utilities team including water treatment plant employees continues to work to provide its customers with high-quality drinking water during the coronavirus pandemic.