Tag Archive for: Sweetwater Authority

The Cavanah family's colorful, watersmart landscape is the winner of the 2022 Sweetwater Authority Landscape Makeover contest. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less water

More Beauty, Less Water Wins Sweetwater Authority’s 2022 Landscape Contest

The Sweetwater Authority named Nancy Cavanah of Chula Vista its 2022 winner of the WaterSmart Landscape Contest. Cavanah was recognized at the Authority’s June Governing Board meeting.

The Cavanah’s landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water.

Clay Clifton, Sweetwater Authority Program Specialist, presents the Cavanahs their award. Their landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Clay Clifton, Sweetwater Authority Program Specialist, presents the Cavanahs with their award. Their landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Colorful plants replace thirsty turf

After years of watering to maintain a green front lawn, Cavanah and her husband decided to invest in making their yard more water-efficient. Using the Turf Replacement Rebate Program to help offset costs, the Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. Plant choices include brightly colored Lantana, Haworth’s Aeonium, and Lion’s Tail (Leonotis leonurus).

Left to right: Lantana, Haworth's Aeonium, and Lion's Tail bright color to the award-winning landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less waterLeft to right: Lantana, Haworth's Aeonium, and Lion's Tail bright color to the award-winning landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less water

Left to right: Lantana, Haworth’s Aeonium, and Lion’s Tail bright color to the award-winning landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The landscape’s low watering needs are supplemented by adding rain barrels.

The Cudahy home before its watersmart landscape makeover. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

“The Cavanah’s landscape is a shining example of how customers can save water and money while maintaining the beauty of their yard,” said Board Chair Alejandra Sotelo-Solis. “The Authority is here to assist customers to make these water-wise investments by offering rebates, resources, and support.

The Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less water

The Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The annual WaterSmart Landscape Contest allows Authority customers an opportunity to showcase their best, water-wise landscapes – benefitting other residents with their winning examples. All customers who have transformed their yards to be more water-efficient are encouraged to enter the contest for the chance to win a $250 gift certificate. The contest runs from January through mid-May each year.

Find tips and resources on how to create a WaterSmart home and garden at www.watersmartsd.org/.

(Editor’s note: The Sweetwater Authority is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

WaterSmart Landscape Contest Winner Showcases More Beauty With Less Water

Chula Vista, Calif. – Sweetwater Authority (Authority) named Nancy Cavanah of Chula Vista this year’s winner of the WaterSmart Landscape Contest at last night’s Governing Board (Board) Meeting. Cavanah’s landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water.

After years of watering to maintain a green front lawn, Cavanah and her husband decided to invest in making their yard more water-efficient. Using the Turf Replacement Rebate Program to help offset costs, the Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. The landscape’s low watering needs are supplemented by the addition of rain barrels.

Students Illustrate the Importance of Water in Sweetwater Authority Contest

Twenty local elementary school students were recognized as top entrants of the Sweetwater Authority “Water is Life” Poster Contest. The yearly contest gives K-6 students the chance to demonstrate the ways water is a precious and essential resource. By creating water-related art, students enhance their understanding of the importance of water.

More than 100 students from four schools within the Authority’s service area submitted posters for this year’s contest. Of the 20 selected winners, six students will have their artwork submitted to the Metropolitan Water District’s regional contest for the chance to be featured in the agency’s 2023 art calendar.

The six competitors moving on to regional competition are:


2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Camila Hernandez, Allen Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Camila Hernandez, Allen Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Camila Hernandez, Allen Elementary School


2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Christina Parrish, Allen Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Christina Parrish, Allen Elementary School


2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Roman Padilla, Allen Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Roman Padilla, Allen Elementary School


Sweetwater Authority contest

2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Vanya Herroz, Allen Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Vanya Herroz, Allen Elementary School


Sweetwater Authority contest

2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Melanie Garcia, El Toyon Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Melanie Garcia, El Toyon Elementary School


2022 Sweetwater Student Poster Contest winner: Andres Moreńo Rañon, Allen Elementary School. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Andres Moreńo Rañon, Allen Elemetary School

Students recognized as winners also include Andreas Gonzales, Aryana Ojeda, Dylan Stevens, Elena Morales, Evelyn Avina, Iris Herrera, Jacob Macaspac, Kathryn Irvin, Naanalli Ulloa, Rebecca Garcia, Soffia Ong, Sydney Shatwell, Yaretzi Lopez, and Zoe Jauregui.

In 2021, Allen Elementary School fifth-grader Sydney Shatwell represented Sweetwater Authority in the 2022 MWD regional calendar with her artwork depicting the critical importance of water in everyday good health practices such as brushing your teeth, washing your hands, and staying hydrated.

Winners received art kits and gift cards delivered to their schools. All winning posters are available to view online at www.sweetwater.org/postercontest22.

The Authority’s annual poster contest challenges students to creatively showcase and celebrate the importance of water in daily life through their art. The contest is open to elementary school students who live or attend school in the Authority’s service area.



SWA Governing Board Approves $72.7M Budget For Fiscal Year 2022-23

Chula Vista, Calif. – The Sweetwater Authority (Authority) Governing Board approved the $72.7M budget for fiscal year (FY) 2022-23 at its June 8, 2022 meeting.

The FY 2022-23 Budget provides a balanced approach to maintaining the Authority’s financial condition. The Authority’s volumetric, or commodity rate used to fund operations, will increase by an inflationary index and will be offset by use of reserve funds to minimize the impact to rate payers.

SWA Remains in Drought Level 1 of Drought Response Plan; Adds Additional Restrictions

Chula Vista, Calif. – On June 8, the Governing Board (Board) of Sweetwater Authority (Authority) voted to implement additional drought measures to encourage additional water conservation. A full list of the demand reduction levels can be found on the Authority’s website at www.sweetwater.org/drought.

On May 24, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted a new regulation to guide the state in reducing water demand and to improve conservation.

Elementary School Poster Contest Winners Illustrate The Importance of Water

Chula Vista, Calif. – Last week, twenty local elementary school students were named winners of the Sweetwater Authority (Authority) “Water is Life” Poster Contest. The yearly contest gives K-6 students the chance to demonstrate how water is a precious and essential resource. By creating water-related art, students enhance their understanding of the importance of water.

Over one hundred students from four schools within the Authority’s service area submitted posters for this year’s contest. Of the twenty selected winners, six students will have their artwork submitted to the Metropolitan Water District’s regional contest for the chance to be featured in the agency’s 2023 art calendar.

Sweetwater Authority Recognizes Student Photography Showcasing Water

Twelve talented photographers from South Bay schools won honors for their work creatively showcasing the importance and beauty of water in the Sweetwater Authority annual High School Photo Contest. The winners were selected from 65 students who submitted more than 150 entries in two categories: black and white and color photography.

High School Photo Contest Winners Highlight the Importance and Beauty of Water

Chula Vista, Calif. – Twelve local high school students were honored for their award-winning photographs at the Sweetwater Authority (Authority) Board Meeting on May 11. The winners were selected from a group of 65 students from high schools across the South Bay who submitted over 150 entries for the Authority’s High School Photo Contest.

Sweetwater Authority Approves Pipeline Projects in Bonita and the City of National City

Chula Vista, Calif. – The Sweetwater Authority (Authority) Governing Board approved $2.4M in pipeline projects in Bonita and National City to ensure continued reliable water service for customers. The Board voted to approve these projects at its April 27 Governing Board meeting. SRK Engineering was awarded the contract for construction that will begin in June 2022.

Sweetwater Authority Strives to Continue To Improve Water Quality In Its Service Area

Chula Vista, Calif. – Earlier this month, Sweetwater Authority (Authority) received calls from customers in the City of National City regarding discoloration of their drinking water. Upon receiving these calls, staff from the Authority’s Water Quality department deployed staff into the field to perform site investigations at several homes and businesses. An in-depth investigation led staff to find a significant change in system pressure, which was the result of a new water main that was being installed and a zone valve being inadvertently opened. Once this valve was closed, the water discoloration ceased. The Authority is working on continued enhancements to its best management practices to mitigate these types of events from occurring in the future.