Tag Archive for: Sweetwater Authority

Sweetwater Authority Infrastructure Investment Secures Safe And Reliable Water For Its Customers

Chula Vista, Calif. – At its June 13 meeting, the Sweetwater Authority Governing Board adopted its preliminary budget for the 2018-2019 fiscal year and accepted and filed a Five-Year Water Rate study. Over the next five years, the Authority will invest $72 million in water quality improvements, a new 36-inch transmission main pipeline, and necessary safety work to the Sweetwater and Loveland Dams.

Sweetwater Authority Awards WEEP Grant to Living Coast Discovery Center

Sweetwater Authority presented a $5,000 award check to the Living Coast Discovery Center at its June 13 board meeting as part of the Authority’s Water Efficiency Education Program (WEEP) grant program. The grant helped fund three events highlighting both organizations’ mutual goal of educating the public about water conservation.

High School Photo Contest Winners Recognized at Water Board Meeting

Chula Vista, Calif. – Local high school students will be honored for their winning photos at the Sweetwater Authority Governing Board meeting on May 9. More than 40 students from the Authority’s service area entered the annual water photo contest, which included a short essay about why water is an essential resource.

Sweetwater Authority Kicks Off Its Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan

Chula Vista, Calif. – On May 2, the Sweetwater Authority’s Governing Board kicked off the start of the agency’s first project of its five-year capital improvement plan with a commemorative pipe-signing at its Board meeting.