Tag Archive for: Sustainability

Dean Williams replace his grass with colorful drought tolerant plants. His landscape makeover won first place. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Vallecitos Water District 2023 Landscape Makeover Winners Find Inspiration

Three resourceful homeowners took advantage of free resources, including design and plant selection advice, to create beautiful drought-tolerant landscapes. Their projects were named winners of the 2023 Vallecitos Water District Landscape Makeover Contest.

Video features the three winning projects

Dean Williams: Drab To Delightful

Carlsbad homeowner Dean Williams and his wife didn’t like their existing landscaping.

“It wasn’t a garden, it was a yard,” recalls Williams.

In 2020, Williams found resources on the Vallecitos Water District website for saving water by redesigning your landscaping. The results won first place in the 2023 landscape makeover contest.

Dean Williams' home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Dean Williams’ home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

“There are so many resources. The first step was to take some landscape classes offered through the San Diego County Water Authority, find out the process and what I needed to do,” said Williams.

After removing existing turf using the sheet mulching method to create healthy soil, he planned a colorful plant palette to replace his grass.

Dean Williams' home before his winning landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Dean Williams’ home before his winning landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

“One of the big things I wanted to change was to go from a drab landscape to having some variety by using different textures on the plants, different flowers, different colors, and complementing colors,” said Williams, who used purple and yellow as the primary landscape colors. “I tried to have an interesting landscape pleasing to the eye.”

The colorful redesign saves water and costs. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The colorful redesign saves water and costs. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Williams said the benefit of installing drip irrigation and a smart controller was significant water and cost savings.

“We’ve noticed over that our water use and bills have gone slowly down,” he said.

Lessons learned

Williams said the “do it yourself” project offered many lessons learned, including watering too often.

“Drought-tolerant plants don’t do well in wet soil,” said Williams.

Williams encourages other homeowners to tap into all the available resources through the Vallecitos Water District, Water Authority, City of Carlsbad, and others for advice and possible rebates to offset their investment.

“It just pays in more ways than one to change your landscape. “I want to thank Vallecitos Water District for selecting us so we can showcase our landscape transformation,” said Williams.

Dean Williams took advantage of free resources offered by the Vallecitos Water District and San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Dean Williams took advantage of free resources offered by the Vallecitos Water District and San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Donald De Tar: DIY project earns second place

Donald De Tar's home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Donald De Tar’s home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Donald De Tar learned about the annual Landscape Makeover Contest through the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society. “So, we decided on a lark to enter,” said De Tar.

His Woodlawn Park area home in San Marcos is dedicated to succulents, cactus, and drought-tolerant plants.

De Tar says it not only saves water but it also saves time spent mowing, fertilizing, and trimming grass. It’s also a lot of fun.

Donald De Tar's home before his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Donald De Tar’s home before his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

De Tar is proud of the budget-friendly approach to his landscaping.

“I did it on a very inexpensive budget,” said De Tar. “It doesn’t have to be super expensive, especially if you join an organization like the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society. It can be almost free, especially if you’re doing the work yourself.”

De Tar learned about rebate programs through the Vallecitos Water District, and he successfully applied for rebates to offset costs. “Over time, we did the whole yard, and the backyards and side yards have been transformed.”

I’m very appreciative of the Vallecitos contest,” said De Tar. “I like the fact that Vallecitos is involved in the community and promotes these kinds of contests.”

Mily Le Wins Third Place

The results of Mily Le's landscape makeover, which won second place. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

The results of Mily Le’s landscape makeover, which won second place. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Third place went to longtime San Marcos homeowner Mily Le. She learned about the annual landscape contest through the Vallecitos Water District’s customer newsletter, “Between The Pipes.”

Le visited the lawn replacement program website and learned how to remove her regional grass safely and effectively. She got her design laid out and purchased plants from her local nursery.

Mily Le's home before her landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

The Mily Le home before her landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

As a result, Le says she saves about 30% of her water consumption after replacing her lawn. She says she learned from a neighbor’s experience about researching the eventual size of plants before planting them.

“(My neighbor) did not look it up,” she said. “She had to demolish the front yard, so I took that lesson.”

Le suggests lots of advance planning with your layout. “I’m glad I did it. I think it’s a successful project,” said Le.

For rebates, classes, and water-saving tips: sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Helix Water District Logo Square officers for 2021

Helix Water District Named Water Energy Leader Gold

The Climate Registry has recognized Helix Water District as a Water-Energy Leader Gold organization after the district reduced its electric use by 15% and greenhouse gas emissions by 40%.

The Climate Registry made the announcement this month after the University of San Diego’s Energy Policy Initiative Center confirmed the district’s 2019 and 2021 total greenhouse gas emissions are 40% lower than those in 2009. EPIC’s findings were verified by a third party.

Helix achieved these reductions through a comprehensive lighting retrofit program, new lighting management system and an upgrade to the HVAC system at the district’s R.M. Levy Water Treatment Plant. Helix also transitioned its diesel fleet to 100% renewable diesel fuel.

‘Nana’s Garden’ in El Cajon Recognized as Water-Wise Landscape

A retired grandmother in East County built an award-winning water-wise landscape with some help from the kids in her neighborhood.

Lois Scott, who once worked as a registered nurse, decided to address years of high-water usage, a lack of rain and “rabbit-yard invaders” by converting her once green front lawn into a water-wise landscape she now calls “Nana’s Garden.”

Instead of rose bushes and grass, Lois turned to native California plants like succulents which require less water to maintain. With help from her best friend and young neighbors, Lois gradually made the transition.

Experience a Sustainable Demonstration Garden Self-Tour

Sustainable landscape demonstration gardens inspire homeowners to create and maintain their own beautiful, water-efficient landscapes. In California, where more than half of urban water usage goes towards landscape irrigation, any reduction in water consumption contributes to successful conservation efforts.

The San Diego County Water Authority and several member agencies host demonstration gardens that residents can visit and gather ideas for their own landscape makeovers and water-efficient upgrades. With gardens flourishing in late spring, it’s the perfect time for a self-guided garden tour.

Clean Grid Developers See Teeth in Federal Permitting Deadlines

Electric transmission developers seeking individual permits from multiple federal agencies can soon hold the government accountable, all the way up to the president, for leading a single environmental review process capped at no more than two years.

The Energy Department’s agreement with eight other agencies and offices, finalized this month, is a long-sought move under 18-year-old legal authority that promises to speed clean energy deployment, according to energy and grid analysts.

Demonstration Garden is Inspiration for Olivenhain MWD Customers

Using water efficiently is a way of life and an important responsibility in the San Diego region. Water users have learned how to make the most of every drop and avoid wasteful or careless habits. Homeowners are replacing impractical thirsty lawns with beautiful low-water-use landscaping.

The sustainable landscape demonstration garden at the Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s (OMWD) headquarters provides customers with examples of water-efficient landscaping techniques that can save water and money.

Demonstration Garden is Inspiration for Olivenhain MWD Customers

Using water efficiently is a way of life and an important responsibility in the San Diego region. Water users have learned how to make the most of every drop and avoid wasteful or careless habits. Homeowners are replacing impractical thirsty lawns with beautiful low-water-use landscaping.

Over the past decade, residents have adopted habits that not only save money, but also create vibrant yards, reduce energy use, protect natural resources, and reduce landscape maintenance.

Customers can visit the California-friendly demonstration garden and hydroponic gardening tower at OMWD’s headquarters free any day of the year. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Customers can visit the California-friendly demonstration garden and hydroponic gardening tower at OMWD’s headquarters free any day of the year. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

The sustainable landscape demonstration garden at Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s headquarters provides customers with examples of water-efficient landscaping techniques that can save water and money. Techniques include rain harvesting, and the garden features a rain barrel, a larger cistern, and a dry stream bed to capture water for later use.

Sustainable landscape demonstration gardens can help inspire homeowners to create and maintain their own beautiful, low-water-use landscapes at home. Since half of the water used in California’s urban areas goes toward landscape irrigation, any reduction contributes to successful conservation efforts.

New hydroponic gardening system 

A hydroponic growing system called a Tower Garden is the newest addition to the Olivenhain Municipal Water District's demonstration garden. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

A hydroponic growing system called a Tower Garden is the newest addition to the Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s demonstration garden. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

OMWD has added a hydroponic gardening unit to its demonstration garden. It was provided through a donation by Tower Garden. The Tower Garden unit displays a water-efficient form of growing produce in a compact and vertical system. It is of particular interest to people who are looking for more water-wise methods of growing produce than traditional growing practices.

“OMWD encourages ratepayers to continue to make conservation a way of life and explore the many innovative and water-use efficient products that are available on the market,” said OMWD Board Treasurer Neal Meyers. “A great place to start is outdoors. We hope customers take advantage of free resources and rebates to design a water-efficient landscape, and consider other water-saving options like graywater and hydroponic systems.”

Save water, money and go hydroponic

Hydroponic systems grow plants in a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil. Hydroponic systems use less water than traditional soil-based growing systems. In commercial agricultural settings and farms, hydroponic systems can produce faster growth and higher yields of crops. The systems can also be used in home gardens.  Some units can use up to 90% less water than traditional produce gardens.

The demo garden hydroponic unit is operational and will be maintained by BCK Programs. Local scout troops in the district will help maintain the unit under supervision. The scouts earn conservation patches for their volunteer work. Crops harvested will be donated to scout volunteers, or donated to a local community food bank. A second system donated by Tower Garden will be used by BCK Programs to provide hydroponic gardening lessons in local schools.

Customers can visit the California-friendly demonstration garden and hydroponic gardening tower at OMWD’s headquarters free any day of the year. It is also viewable online. The garden highlights four key principles of sustainable landscaping. Visitors can learn about healthy soils, rainwater as a resource, climate-appropriate plants, and low-water-use irrigation.

Demonstration gardens inspire water savings

Demonstration gardens can provide inspiration to homeowners to achieve water savings through landscape makeover projects. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Demonstration gardens can provide inspiration to homeowners to achieve water savings through landscape makeover projects. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

In a 2007 survey published in The Journal of the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta, half of those surveyed during a visit to the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College, found that making a change to their landscape was due to their visit to the water conservation demonstration garden. The results illustrate the value of demonstration gardens to the community.

The demonstration garden at Olivenhain’s headquarters received financial support from the Hans & Margaret Doe Charitable Trust at San Diego Foundation, Hunter Industries, Grangetto’s Farm & Garden Supply, and Bushman USA.

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

Every Day is Earth Day for Water Agencies in San Diego County

“Invest in Our Planet” is the theme for Earth Day 2023. Investing in sustainable, local water supply sources and conservation has long been a way of life in San Diego County by water agencies and residents.

“Investing in our planet can take many forms, and the challenges we face differ from community to community,” said Water Authority General Manager Sandra L. Kerl. “One investment I encourage San Diegans to think about on this Earth Day is landscape transformation. This is important because the biggest users of water at our homes are our landscapes – perhaps as much as 70% of our water use, depending on where we live.”

Sustainability is a priority of the San Diego County Water Authority and its 24 member agencies. Creating and maintaining a safe, reliable, sustainable water supply for the region ensures the vitality of San Diego County’s $268 billion economy for its 3.3 million residents.

Opinion: Climate Change is Here. It’s Time Californians Stopped Clinging to the Past

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

So says Matthew Broderick in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” and he might as well be talking about California these days. As the planet continues to heat up, the state’s landscapes, watersheds and weather are shifting so fast it can be difficult to keep track.

Earth Day-Earth Day 2023-Landscape Makeover-Water Conservation

Every Day is Earth Day for Water Agencies in San Diego County

“Invest in Our Planet” is the theme for Earth Day 2023. Investing in sustainable, local water supply sources and conservation has long been a way of life in San Diego County by water agencies and residents.

“Investing in our planet can take many forms, and the challenges we face differ from community to community,” said San Diego County Water Authority General Manager Sandra L. Kerl. “One investment I encourage San Diegans to think about on this Earth Day is landscape transformation. This is important because the biggest users of water at our homes are our landscapes – perhaps as much as 70% of our water use, depending on where we live.”

Sustainability is a priority of the Water Authority and its 24 member agencies. Maintaining a sustainable water supply ensures the vitality of San Diego County’s $268 billion economy and a safe, reliable supply for the region’s 3.3 million residents.

Earth Day and WaterSmart San Diego

Along with federal, state and local government support, including grant funds, the Water Authority and its 24-member agencies have developed diversified, sustainable, local water supply sources. The agencies also collaborate to secure funding for programs that help  residents and businesses use water efficiently and smartly.

Using water efficiently has long been a way of life in the region. Conserving more of our most precious resource is a responsibility that comes with living in San Diego’s Mediterranean climate. Over the past decade, residents and businesses across the county have adopted “WaterSmart” plants, irrigation technologies and habits that not only save money, but also create vibrant yards, reduce energy use, protect natural resources and reduce landscape maintenance.

Invest in the Planet by Living WaterSmart

The Water Authority partners with other agencies and organizations to offer a variety of WaterSmart tools, including classes and rebates, along with a water-use calculator and other resources.

Increasing local supply sources also benefits the greater Southwest U.S. by reducing demand on imported sources. A hotter, drier climate in the arid west requires climate adapation solutions and region-wide collaboration to ensure water supply reliability.

Sustainable water projects

The Water Authority and its 24 member agencies have long-embraced sustainable practices to conserve water and energy. All water agencies work together on forward-thinking projects to expand local supply sources. By investing locally in water recycling, desalination and potable reuse projects, the agencies reduce the need for imported water, freeing those supplies for other parts of California and the Southwest U.S.

Olivenhain Recycled Water Pipeline

A new recycled water pipeline in Encinitas is helping to reduce the region’s dependence on imported water supply.

East County AWP

Scheduled to be complete in 2026, the East County Advanced Water Purification Program will generate up to 11.5 million gallons per day of purified water— meeting approximately 30% of current drinking water demands for East San Diego County residents and businesses. “In 2045, potable reuse projects are going to provide up to 20% of the water that we need here in San Diego County,” said San Diego County Water Authority General Manager Sandra L. Kerl at the June 2022 groundbreaking. “This region has been excellent in its innovation and planning for water needs for the region.”

East County Advanced Water Purification Plant Groundbreaking

“In this year when many areas of California and the West are facing extreme hardships with drought, the East County AWP is really another step forward in reliability for its water supply partners and the region,” said Sandra L. Kerl, General Manager, San Diego County Water Authority, at the June 1 groundbreaking ceremony for the recycled water project. Photo: East County Advanced Water Purification Program

Pure Water Oceanside

The $70 million Pure Water Oceanside project uses advanced technology, including ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation to provide 3 million gallons per day or more than 20% of the City of Oceanside’s drinking water supply. The source of the recycled water to create the purified water is from the city’s own San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility.

Pure Water Oceanside-Recycling-Potable Reuse-Water Supply

The $70 million project uses advanced technology, including ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation to provide 3 million gallons per day or more than 20% of the City of Oceanside’s drinking water supply. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Pure Water San Diego

Pure Water San Diego is the City of San Diego’s largest-ever infrastructure program that will provide nearly half of San Diego’s water supply by 2035. Pure Water will use purification technology to clean recycled wastewater and is a cost-effective investment for San Diego’s water supply needs.

Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant

The Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant has served more than 100 billion gallons of high-quality, locally controlled water over the past seven years – a milestone passed in late October 2022. The plant produces an average of more than 50 million gallons of high-quality water every day. It’s a foundational water supply for the San Diego region that minimizes vulnerability to drought and other water supply emergencies.

100 Billion Gallons-Carlsbad Desalination Plant-Water Supply

The Carlsbad Desalination Plant is the largest, most technologically advanced and energy-efficient desalination plant in the nation, and it has provided a sustainable water supply to residents and businesses in San Diego County since December 2015. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Cutting-Edge Renewable Energy Projects

Renewable energy from natural resources such as sunlight, wind and water is quickly becoming a critical component of California’s power supply. As a water supplier, the Water Authority pursues a variety of hydroelectric and solar energy projects to help reduce energy costs and stabilize water rates.

A power purchase agreement with CleanCapital enabled the Water Authority to install solar power systems at no cost. The solar power systems installed at the Water Authority’s Kearny Mesa headquarters, Escondido Operations Center and Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant produce an estimated 2.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy each year. The 20-year agreement with CleanCapital will save the Water Authority approximately $3 million over the lifetime of the agreement, and supports the agency’s commitment to sustainability. 

Earth Day-Earth Day 2023-Sustainability-Local Water Supply

The solar power systems installed at the Water Authority’s Kearny Mesa headquarters, Escondido Operations Center and Twin Oaks Valley Water Treatment Plant produce an estimated 2.5 million kilowatt-hours of renewable energy each year. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Earth Week and Earth Day Events

Scheduled events are hosted by several City of San Diego departments, including Library, Sustainability and Mobility,
Transportation, Environmental Services and Parks and Recreation, and are all free to attend.
Arbor Day Celebration Event – Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Join the City of San Diego at the 2023 Arbor Day Event in Mission Bay’s Vacation Isle, on Hibiscus Lane, as volunteers and City leaders plant trees and beautify the park, reminding us of the benefits of trees and our urban canopy.
Creek to Bay Cleanup – Saturday, April 22, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Join Think Blue San Diego and partner I Love a Clean San Diego for the largest cleanup in San Diego County. Choose from 4,000 cleanup sites to volunteer and beautify our local environment.
Earth Day Celebration at South Clairemont Recreation Center – Saturday, April 22, 10 a.m. – Noon. Join the City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department at the South Clairmont Recreation Center, 3605 Clairemont Drive. The free event will include seed planting, a park cleanup, simple crafts and a self-guided scavenger hunt. There will be informational booths throughout the park as well. All ages are welcome.

Along with April’s celebratory events, the City of San Diego’s Climate Action and Climate Resilient SD plans, and other initiatives under the “Our Climate, Our Future” umbrella, demonstrate the City’s commitment to climate action and protecting the environment. These evolving programs will help the City achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 while benefitting residents through new economic opportunities, improving natural and urban spaces, and protecting vulnerable communities from climate threats like extreme heat, wildfires and sea level rise.

Ramona Municipal Water District Saturday, April 22. The Ramona Municipal Water District will have a booth at Sustainable Ramona‘s 2nd annual Ramona Earth Day Festival, Noon- 5 p.m. at the Ramona Community Garden, San Vicente Rd. and 11th Street, Ramona. Staff will have water conservation giveaways, answer questions about water and conservation, and also participate in the festival “Treasure Hunt” for children.

City of Escondido Saturday, April 22 9 a.m. – Noon. Escondido will be hosting two clean-up location sites in partnership with I Love a Clean San Diego at Dixon Lake and Reidy Creek. A 3D poster using recycled material and created by students in Escondido is displayed at the Escondido Arts Partnership Gallery on Grand Avenue in April.

The Water Conservation Garden and San Diego Tree Week

San Diego Tree Week, April 22-29, an initiative of The Water Conservation Garden, is intended to bring neighbors together to plant trees in their community. Businesses, schools, and individuals will come together to celebrate the many benefits of trees. Details: thegarden.org/sd-treeweek/.

(Editor’s Note: The City of San Diego, City of Escondido, City of Oceanside, Helix Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Ramona Municipal Water District, Vallecitos Water District, and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District, are eight of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego region.)