Tag Archive for: Student Poster Art Contest

Fourth-Grade Artists Win OMWD Water Awareness Poster Contest

Three fourth-grade student artists were recognized for their award-winning artwork by the Olivenhain Municipal Water District Board of Directors at its May 18 meeting as the top three entries in the 2022 “Love Water, Save Water” Poster Contest.

For 29 years, the district has invited fourth-grade students living or attending school within the Olivenhain Municipal Water District service area to enter the contest and create posters depicting the theme “Love Water, Save Water.”

Larry A. Watt, OMWD Board President (center) with contest winners (left to right) Ariana Lemle, Emalyn Negrea, and Indira Jayanti. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water Districtv

Larry A. Watt, OMWD Board President (center) with contest winners (left to right) Ariana Lemle, Emalyn Negrea, and Indira Jayanti. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

“Given the drought conditions experienced throughout California, educational opportunities like this encourage students to learn more about water and their environment,” said OMWD Board Vice President Kristie Bruce-Lane. “The contest allows elementary school children to showcase their creative talents by conveying the importance of water use efficiency through art.”

 The 2022 OMWD Water Awareness Poster Contest winners are:

Indira Jayanti, Stone Ranch Elementary School: Indira’s poster depicts her creative interpretation of rainwater harvesting. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Indira Jayanti, Stone Ranch Elementary School: Indira’s poster depicts her creative interpretation of rainwater harvesting. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Indira Jayanti, Stone Ranch Elementary School: Indira’s poster depicts her creative interpretation of rainwater harvesting. Indira says she was inspired to participate in the contest “because I believe in saving water and I care about Planet Earth.” She saves water at home by sticking to a five-minute shower and turning off sprinklers when it’s going to rain. She like science and math, sports like tennis, basketball, and swimming, and loves to sing and dance.

Ariana Lemle, Flora Vista Elementary School: Ariana’s poster featured a large drop of water illustrating four different natural landscapes dependent on water. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District OMWD Water Awareness Poster

Ariana Lemle, Flora Vista Elementary School: Ariana’s poster featured a large drop of water illustrating four different natural landscapes dependent on water. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Ariana Lemle, Flora Vista Elementary School: Ariana’s poster featured a large drop of water illustrating four different natural landscapes dependent on water. Ariana repurposes materials around the home like old cereal boxes, food labels, egg cartons, and clothing fabric for her drawing and designing projects. On weekends, you can find Ariana swimming, spending time with friends, crafting, drawing, or camping with her dad. She is happiest when she is out exploring and trying new things.

Emalyn Negrea’s artwork shows two mermaids happily swimming in water. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Emalyn Negrea’s artwork shows two mermaids happily swimming in water. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Emalyn Negrea, Flora Vista Elementary School: Emalyn’s artwork shows two mermaids happily swimming in water. She says her artwork was inspired by her love of the ocean and helping our planet “so that we are able to continue to enjoy its beauty for many years to come.” She enjoys art, surfing, snowboarding, and soccer. On weekends, you can find her enjoying time with family and friends.

The contest teaches students the value of water as a limited resource and the importance of using it wisely, while providing OMWD with locally produced artwork to reinforce this message to its customers.

The recognized posters will be featured in a 2023 Water Awareness Calendar available to the public later this year.

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

First Place – Abraham Hernandez, STEAM Academy @ La Presa, Grade 6. Photo: Helix Water District

Helix Water District 2022 Student Poster Contest Winners Highlight ‘Water is Life’

The Helix Water District Board of Directors honored East County student artists for their winning “Water Is Life” posters in an online awards ceremony during its May 2022 board meeting.

Southern California students in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to participate in their regional water agency’s Student Poster Art Contest to increase awareness about water conservation. This year, 349 students from 22 schools within the Helix Water District submitted their posters depicting how to use water wisely, a 33% increase in entries from the 2021 competition.

These students took top honors in two categories

Grades K – 3

First Place – Aiden Galaz, Vista La Mesa Academy, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District 2022

First Place – Aiden Galaz, Vista La Mesa Academy, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District


Second Place – Charlotte Pierce, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 3Second Place – Charlotte Pierce, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District 2022

Second Place – Charlotte Pierce, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 3Second Place – Charlotte Pierce, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District.


Third Place – Belen Cardenas Loera, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Grade 2. Photo: Helix Water District

Third Place – Belen Cardenas Loera, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Grade 2. Photo: Helix Water District


Honorable Mention – Clare Brandt, Our Lady of Grace School, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District 2022

Honorable Mention – Clare Brandt, Our Lady of Grace School, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District


Honorable Mention – Gabrielle Portilla, Lakeview Elementary Elementary, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District

Honorable Mention – Gabrielle Portilla, Lakeview Elementary Elementary, Grade 3. Photo: Helix Water District

Grades 4 – 8

First Place – Abraham Hernandez, STEAM Academy @ La Presa, Grade 6. Photo: Helix Water District

First Place – Abraham Hernandez, STEAM Academy @ La Presa, Grade 6. Photo: Helix Water District


Second Place – Abigail Payne, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 8. Photo: Helix Water District 2022


Third Place – Catalina Jones, Lemon Avenue Elementary, Grade 6. Photo: Helix Water District 2022

Third Place – Catalina Jones, Lemon Avenue Elementary, Grade 6. Photo: Helix Water District


Honorable Mention – Kayla V. Osuna, STEAM Academy @ La Presa, Grade 7. Photo: Helix Water District

Honorable Mention – Kayla V. Osuna, STEAM Academy @ La Presa, Grade 7. Photo: Helix Water District


Honorable Mention – Lindsay Lu, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 8. Photo: Helix Water District

Honorable Mention – Lindsay Lu, Christ Lutheran School, Grade 8. Photo: Helix Water District

Winners now move on to compete with other regional winners for the opportunity to appear in the 2023 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California calendar.

Third-grader Lucas Regimbal from Christ Lutheran La Mesa School in the Helix Water District was the youngest of four San Diego County residents to appear in the 2022 MWDD “Water Is Life” calendar.

Lucas explained his message. “I think there are so many big things to do to save water and conserve. But there are also many little things we can do as well. A lot of little things come up to some very big things. By fixing drips, each home or business can save hundreds of gallons of water per year. That means a lot if lots of families and business did this one little thing.”

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Water is Life-Calendar-Third grade student Lucas Regimbal is the youngest representative from San Diego County in the "Water Is Life" 2022 calendar. Photo: MWD

Four San Diego County Student Artists Featured in 2022 Calendar

Four talented San Diego County student artists from the region’s schools are among 37 Southern California students whose artwork will appear in the 2022 “Water Is Life” Student Art Calendar.

Produced by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the “Water is Life” Student Art Calendar showcases student artwork with imaginative water conservation and water resource stewardship messages. Students in grades K-12 submit artwork through participating member agencies after winning their local competition.

The four regional winners were invited to participate in a virtual award ceremony for all students, their families, and teachers to honor their achievements on December 6.

MWD Board Chairwoman Gloria D. Gray told the students, “We’re amazed every year at the beautiful artwork we receive with moving messages that compel us to cherish and protect our precious water supplies. Every day next year, this calendar will remind us how precious water is. In your artwork, I see the future generation of leaders. You have the power to bring about change.”

Winning students from the San Diego region

Third grade student Lucas Regimbal is the youngest representative from San Diego County in the "Water Is Life" 2022 calendar. Photo: MWD

Third-grade student Lucas Regimbal is the youngest representative from San Diego County in the “Water Is Life” 2022 calendar. Photo: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Third-grader Lucas Regimbal from Christ Lutheran La Mesa School in Helix Water District explained his message. “I think there are so many big things to do to save water and conserve. But there are also many little things we can do as well. A lot of little things come up to some very big things. By fixing drips, each home or business can save hundreds of gallons of water per year. That means a lot if lots of families and business did this one little thing.”

 Eighth grade student Isabella Blakely brought drip irrigation to life as a symbol of conservation. Photo: MWD 2022 Calendar

Eighth-grade student Isabella Blakely brought drip irrigation to life as a symbol of conservation. Photo: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

An eighth-grader at Eastlake Middle School in the Otay Water District, Isabella Blakely took inspiration from the drip irrigation in her backyard garden at home.

“My family has always conserved water,” said Blakely. “We have a drip irrigation system in our backyard. I’ve always had a love for plants and animals. I wanted to show that through my drawing by drawing a plant.”

Yaricia Hernandez used a bold caption to call attention to her artwork's message. Photo: MWD 2022 Calendar

Yaricia Hernandez used a bold caption to call attention to her artwork’s message. Photo: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Yaricia Hernandez, a fourth-grader at Rio Seco School in the Padre Dam Municipal Water District, turned the Earth into a water spigot running dry. Her bold graphic caption for the 2022 calendar reads, “No Water, No Plants, No Oxygen, No Life.”

Sidney Shatwell illustrated good health practices that rely on safe, clean water. Photo: MWD 2022 Calendar

Sidney Shatwell illustrated good health practices that rely on safe, clean water. Photo: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Fifth-grade student Sidney Shatwell at Allen Elementary School represented Sweetwater Authority with her artwork depicting the critical importance of water in everyday good health practices such as brushing your teeth, washing your hands, and staying hydrated.

Adel Hagekhalil, MWD general manager, praised the efforts of the student artists.

“I’m so grateful seeing the work you have done and how you’re sending the message. Our future is in good hands with you,” said Hagekhalil. “Thank you for leading the way in making our future for water resilient, sustainable, and affordable for everyone. It was a bright day when I looked at your pictures.”

Conservation message delivered through artistic talent

The “Water is Life” Student Art Calendar was initially created 33 years ago. It curates student art submitted from grades K through 12, carrying a vital conservation message about the importance of water.

For the 2022 calendar, 216 entries were submitted by 26 regional water agencies. The annual calendar is distributed to 13,000 recipients each year.

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District, Otay Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District and the Sweetwater Authority, are four of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Water Is Life-poster contest-Helix Water District

Helix Water District “Water is Life” Student Poster Contest Winners

The Helix Water District Board of Directors June 16, honored East County student artists for their winning “Water Is Life” posters in an online awards ceremony.

Southern California students in kindergarten through eighth grade are invited to participate in their regional water agency’s Student Poster Art Contest to increase awareness about water conservation. This year, 231 students from 17 schools within the Helix Water District submitted their posters depicting how to use water wisely.

These students took top honors in two categories:

Grades K – 3

First Place – Sofia Cardenas Loera, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Lemon Grove, Grade 3

First Place – Sofia Cardenas Loera, Lighthouse Christian Academy, Lemon Grove, Grade 3

Second Place – Tiffany An, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 3

Second Place – Tiffany An, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 3

Third Place – Stella Stackhouse, Avocado Elementary School, La Mesa, Grade 2

Third Place – Stella Stackhouse, Avocado Elementary School, La Mesa, Grade 2

Honorable Mention – Lucas Regimbal, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 3 Contest Winners

Honorable Mention – Lucas Regimbal, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 3

Honorable Mention – Sanora Atoe, Lexington Elementary School, El Cajon, Grade 3 Contest Winners

Honorable Mention – Sanora Atoe, Lexington Elementary School, El Cajon, Grade 3

Grades 4 – 8

First Place – Kaylee Martin, Highlands Elementary School, Spring Valley, Grade 5 Contest Winners

First Place – Kaylee Martin, Highlands Elementary School, Spring Valley, Grade 5

Second Place – Valeria Ramirez, St. John of the Cross, Lemon Grove, Grade 6

Second Place – Valeria Ramirez, St. John of the Cross, Lemon Grove, Grade 6

Third Place – Hannah Maass, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 8

Third Place – Hannah Maass, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 8

Honorable Mention – Maddy Amezwa Cruz, Literacy First Junior Academy, El Cajon, Grade 8

Honorable Mention – Maddy Amezwa Cruz, Literacy First Junior Academy, El Cajon, Grade 8

Honorable Mention – Sarah Cervantes, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 8

Honorable Mention – Sarah Cervantes, Christ Lutheran School, La Mesa, Grade 8

Winners move on to regional competition

2021 Calendar-Mina Saeed's winning entries appear on the September 2021 page. Photo: MWD

Helix Water District 2020 winner Mina Saeed’s entry appears on the September 2021 calendar page. Photo: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Winners now move on to compete with other regional winners for the opportunity to appear in the 2022 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California calendar.

Helix Water District students have been successful in recent state competition. In 2021, art from Jose Sabedra, a fourth-grader from Bostonia Language Academy in El Cajon, and Mina Saeed, also a fourth-grader at Lexington Elementary School in El Cajon, appear in the calendar. They won the 2020 Helix Water District competition.

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Water Awareness Artwork Wins Escondido Student Poster Contest

Twelve winning student artists from Escondido area elementary schools follow in a long tradition of fourth-graders entering the annual City of Escondido Student Poster Contest. Students were asked to depict the 2021 contest theme “Love Water, Save Water” to illustrate the value of water resources through creative, hand-drawn art.

Student poster contest winner Emaline Kennedy illustrated her entry with low water use plants. Photo: Vista Irrigation District Contests

Vista Irrigation District Contests Award Student Scholarships, Art Prizes

Eight North San Diego County high school seniors and three fourth-grade students were the winners of two separate Vista Irrigation District sponsored contests.

Vista Irrigation District Scholarship winners in 2021 include (Top Row, L to R) Kulpreet Chhoker, Kylie Konyn, Anthony Jones, Delanee Haskins; Second Row, (L to R): Colby Rafail, Malia Leonard, John Ramirez. Not pictured:  Izak Bunda. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Vista Irrigation District Scholarship winners in 2021 include (Top Row, L to R) Kulpreet Chhoker, Kylie Konyn, Anthony Jones, Delanee Haskins; Second Row, (L to R): Colby Rafail, Malia Leonard, John Ramirez. Not pictured: Izak Bunda. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Kulpreet Chhoker from Mission Vista High School, Kylie Konyn from St. Joseph Academy, and Delanee Haskins from North County Trade Tech High School each received $2,000 as winners of the Vista Irrigation District 2021 scholarship contest.

Izak Bunda from Guajome Park Academy, Anthony Jones and Malia Leonard from Rancho Buena Vista High School, and Colby Rafail and Juan Ramirez from Vista High School each received $500 as runners-up in the scholarship contest.

Open to high school seniors living or attending school within the Vista Irrigation District’s service area, the scholarship contest helps create awareness and increase knowledge about water-related issues impacting the Vista Irrigation District and the region where students live.

Poster Contest winners depict theme “Love Water, Save Water”

Open to District students in the fourth grade, the annual Student Poster Art Contest is designed to promote understanding of water issues in elementary schools.  This year’s theme was “Love Water, Save Water.”

Student poster contest winner Emaline Kennedy illustrated her entry with low water use plants. Photo: Vista Irrigation District Contests

Student poster contest winner Emaline Kennedy illustrated her entry with low water use plants. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Grapevine Elementary School fourth-grader Emaline Kennedy received first place honors for her Water Awareness Poster Contest entry.  She received a $100 award.

Second place winner Paul Gomez focused on enjoying water responsibly. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Second place winner Paul Gomez focused on enjoying water responsibly. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Fourth-grader Paul Gomez from Empresa Elementary School received a second-place award of $50.

Third place winner Matthew Potter depicts rainfall as a precious water resource.

Third place winner Matthew Potter depicts rainfall as a precious water resource. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Matthew Potter, a fourth-grader attending Alamosa Park Elementary School, received a third-place award of $25.

The three winning posters were selected from 249 entries based on the theme, artwork, originality, and poster design.  Emaline’s poster will appear in the 2022 Water Awareness Calendar, which will be available free of charge at the district’s office in November 2021.

(Editor’s note: The Vista Irrigation District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)