Tag Archive for: State Water Board

California Takes Aim at Water Conservation Through HOA Turf Regulation

In the heart of California, a new mandate is reshaping the landscape of Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and how they manage their communal green spaces. On a sunny afternoon, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1572 into law, marking a significant shift towards water conservation in the Golden State.

Newsom Signs Executive Order to Increase Statewide Stormwater Capture

California is under new orders as of Monday to aggressively work to protect all water supplies from weather extremes brought on by climate change.

Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order to expand statewide storm runoff capture capacity, noting how years of prolonged drought finally paused after three weeks of atmospheric river storms slammed the Golden State at the beginning of the year.

California’s ‘Broken’ Water Supply Forecast to Be Audited

There’ll be an audit of California’s water supply forecast after the state overestimated and prematurely released 700,000 acre-feet of water last year, officials announced Monday.

A news release from Assemblymember Adam Gray (D-Merced) announced that Gray’s request for audit was approved. It aims to examine the impacts of the flawed forecasts and the Department of Water Resources and State Water Board.

‘Wonderful’: Tooleville Relieved in State’s Force for Water Consolidation

Last week, the State Water Board finally intervened in the unincorporated area of Tooleville’s 20-year struggle to obtain the basic human right to clean drinking water with a letter to the city of Exeter and the Tooleville Mutual Nonprofit Water Association, giving the two parties six months to hash out terms for a voluntary consolidation of Tooleville to Exeter’s water system or face a mandatory order with much less cooperation.

California Adopts Definition of Microplastics in Drinking Water

In accordance with deadlines set in 2018 legislation, the California State Water Resources Control Board has adopted a definition for “microplastics” that will be used in testing of drinking water for microplastics. The Board was required, on or before July 1, 2020, to adopt a definition of microplastics in drinking water and, on or before July 1, 2021, will be required to adopt requirements for testing and reporting on microplastics in drinking water, among other things. While this development is currently focused on the testing of drinking water in California, the Board and others expect that it will form the basis of future efforts to quantify and address microplastics in the environment.

Opinion: It’s Time to Deliver on Human Right to Clean, Affordable Water

Amid the deadly COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide uprisings for racial justice, California’s promise to fulfill the human right to water has never been more clear or urgent.

A year ago this month, the state legislature, led by Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia and Senator Bill Monning, passed and Governor Newsom signed the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund (SB 200) into law, the result of years of frontline community organizing and advocacy.

Opinion: State Water Board Trying to Drain Away Merced County’s Chief Supply

Less than a week before Christmas in 2016, the State Water Resources Control Board held a single public hearing in our community. The topic? Draining our community’s water supply and sending it to the Bay Delta.

Not only was the hearing deliberately held when our community’s attention was focused on the holiday — it was the only local hearing the Water Board held in Merced before adopting its ill-conceived Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan SED.

Court of Appeal Reaffirms State Water Board’s Broad Authority to Regulate Unreasonable Use Through Emergency Regulations and Curtailment Orders, Even as to Riparian and Pre-1914 Rights, During Drought Conditions

On June 18, 2020, the Third District Court of Appeal affirmed the State Water Resources Control Board’s (“State Water Board” or “Board”) authority to regulate what it deems to be an unreasonable use of water, in this case through adoption of emergency regulations establishing minimum instream flow requirements to protect migration of threatened fish species during drought conditions.

maintain safe water supply

Tank Cleaning Program Helps Vallecitos Water District Maintain Safe Water Supply

Seventeen above ground steel tanks and two underground concrete reservoirs play a vital role in the Vallecitos Water District’s mission to provide clean, safe, and reliable water to its 105,000 district residents. Maintenance and cleaning of the tanks and reservoirs is a critically important process.

Without regular washouts, tanks can accumulate large amounts of sediment, prohibiting proper inspections.

California State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water standards require that tanks must be cleaned every three years.

Vallecitos Water Operations’ team cleans up to six tanks annually. Regulations call for the district’s six certified water operators to empty and enter the tanks for inspection to ensure there is no structural damage or other concerns prior to the tank washout to ensure continued operation of the water distribution system. Vallecitos adheres to a strict inspection schedule as part of its preventative maintenance program.

“We want customers to know we’re being diligent protecting the water infrastructure,” said Richie Arballo, senior water systems operator. “If we find an issue where a tank needs to be refurbished, we want to correct it as soon as possible, before it becomes an emergency.”

Coordinating tank cleaning a complex operation

The drained interior of a Vallecitos Water District tank during the cleaning and inspection process. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The drained interior of a Vallecitos Water District tank during the cleaning and inspection process. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Vallecitos staff schedules tank cleaning during winter months when water demand decreases. Initial steps include how to best reroute water delivery while tanks are taken out of service for cleaning. After the tank is drained, water operations staff enter the tank for a thorough inspection, followed by cleaning and disinfection.

When the process is complete, staff refills the tank near its spill level and allows the water to stand for 24 hours before conducting water quality analysis. Once lab results are reported and submitted to the state’s Division of Drinking Water, it will determine when the tank can be placed back in service.

Tank cleaning began in March but was put on hold due recent rains and the coronavirus pandemic, with the the need for physical distancing. See the cleaning process depicted in this video.

Safety and environmental stewardship

During draining, water is discharged to a storm drain or dirt area where it is absorbed back into the ground naturally. Once the tank is removed from service, it is isolated from the water distribution system. Valves are secured and double-checked to be sure they are completely closed. Staff members wear respiratory protection due to chemicals used during the disinfection of the tank interior.

Cleaning and disinfecting the large reservoirs requires teamwork. The Water Operations team calls on staff from the Vallecitos Water District Collections and Construction departments to augment and support its personnel.

Vallecitos Water District employee Joey Shore cleans of the district's 17 steel tanks. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Vallecitos Water District employee Joey Shore cleans of the district’s 17 steel tanks. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

“When we all work together it really shows how much of a team we are here at the District,” said Shawn Askine, water systems supervisor. “We are very fortunate at Vallecitos to have employees willing to come out and help us clean the tanks properly and effectively, so we are utilizing customer dollars as efficiently as possible.”

Due to the amount of equipment and coordination required, the Vallecitos Water District created a customized trailer specifically for conducting tank cleaning. The small investment allows all required equipment to be stored on the trailer, ready to go on the day of the scheduled cleaning. The trailer and equipment significantly streamline the process and ensures all parts, fittings, and washout equipment are available to get the job done effectively.

SCV Water Officials Hear About Rising Temps, Dwindling Snowpacks

Rising temperatures, rising sea levels and a disappearing snowpack were part of a scary story told to SCV Water Agency officials recently as they learned the effects of climate change over the next 100 years. Last week, members of the SCV Water board were presented data collected and interpreted by state researchers preparing California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment. The latest climate assessment was intended to advance “actionable science” that would serve the growing needs of state and local-level decision-makers from a variety of sectors.