Tag Archive for: Snowpack

How California’s Rainy Season Is Shaping Up So Far

With its Mediterranean climate, California receives most of its annual precipitation in just a few months, with the bulk of it falling from December to February.

How Much Did This Week’s Storms Help California’s Water Supply?

The historic and destructive storms that ravaged California this week have significantly boosted the state’s snowpack and water year outlook after a relatively dry start to the season, state water managers say.

Here’s How Much Water Sunday’s Storm Added To California’s Snowpack.

Sunday’s powerful storm brought a big boost to the Sierra snowpack. Here’s a look at some weekend totals and an update to the snowpack water content. On Monday morning, ski resorts in the Tahoe Basin and along the Sierra Crest were reporting two to four feet of snow since Saturday morning.

California Reservoirs Get Boost From Recent Storms. Here’s What Experts Say We Still Need

Our recent wet trend has brought a boost to our state’s water supply, and we may be heading into another stretch of wet weather in February. So how are our reservoirs doing?

Here’s How Much California’s Sierra Snowpack Has Grown After Recent Storms

Recent Sierra storms have helped to build up California’s snowpack after a very slow start this winter. According to data published on the Department of Water Resources’ California Data Exchange Center, the statewide snowpack is now at 42% of the average for the date. On Jan. 1, the water content in the snow was just 28% of the average.

California Snowpack Is Below Average, a Complete Turnaround from Last Year

California’s first snowpack measurement of 2024 is underwhelming with levels well below normal for this time of year. It is quite a change from a year ago when Phillips Station near Lake Tahoe was buried under 4 1/2 feet of snow. This year there were brown patches poking through the snow as the meager snowpack failed to completely cover the ground.

Report: Water Risks Threaten U.S. Agriculture

U.S. agriculture is at risk from climatic extremes and groundwater over-extraction, says a new report from the Environmental Defense Fund.

Lake Mead Dropping to New Low in 2025, Projections Show

A month ago, predictions for Lake Mead’s future were reassuring. Now, the federal government is forecasting the lake will drop to a new low in less than two years.

A “most probable” report released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation predicts the lake will be down to 1,040.77 feet in September 2025. That’s nearly a foot lower than Lake Mead was on July 27, 2022 — and the lowest the lake has been since it was filled in the 1930s.

Reservoir Levels Remain Above Historical Average Across California

California’s lakes and reservoirs remain in very good shape as an El Niño winter closes in.

Following the record wet winter, lakes and reservoirs were nearly full to the brim as the melting snowpack made its way into them.

Winter Snow Could Help Recharge the Colorado River. But What if It Doesn’t?

High in the mountains of Colorado, it’s a time of quiet.

The summer leaves have given way to bare branches, but the ski slopes haven’t yet filled with tourists—or snow. Soon, the flakes will begin to pile up, burying alpine valleys and recharging the Colorado River.