Tag Archive for: severe water restrictions

Watering Restrictions Hit the West in Worst Drought in 12 Centuries

Millions of residents of southern California are now limited to one day a week of outdoor irrigation, just like a huge chunk of northern Utah.

The restrictions in play are the result of the worst drought in the western United States in 12 centuries, the severity of which was reported in a scientific journal earlier this year.

What Israel, Las Vegas and Other Places Can Teach SoCal About Using a Lot Less Water

Millions of Southern Californians will wake up to the region’s most severe water restrictions ever on June 1, with local water agencies under orders to slash the use of supplies from the State Water Project by 35%.

Many water experts say that the cuts are achievable and that reducing outdoor watering to one day a week can help yield immediate savings. At the same time, researchers and water policy experts say, the region needs to adapt to the severe drought because climate change, extreme heat and dwindling snowpack will only serve to exacerbate the issues in years to come