Tag Archive for: science

As Some States Reopen, Studying Sewage Could Help Stop the Coronavirus Pandemic

In hundreds of cities across the USA, scientists hope monitoring systems will provide an early warning if coronavirus infections reemerge as communities in some states cautiously reopen.

These monitors don’t rely on testing patients or tracing contacts.

All that’s required? Human waste.

Over the past few months, private companies and university researchers have partnered with communities to collect sewage at treatment plants and test it for the presence of the novel coronavirus. The results are reported to municipal governments and state health officials to help them monitor the situation.

Testing wastewater can reveal evidence of the coronavirus and show whether it’s increasing or decreasing in a community, said Ian Pepper, a professor and co-director of the University of Arizona’s Water and Energy Sustainable Technology Center, one of the groups tracking the virus through different municipal sewage systems.

Colorado Sewage Treatment Plants are Examining Your Poop for Coronavirus Clues. Seriously.

For 24 hours starting early every Sunday morning, small pipes suck samples from the river of sewage flowing into the South Platte Water Renewal Partners wastewater treatment plant in Englewood for 24 hours.

The tubes deposit the raw sewage into containers inside a box that resembles a mini fridge. Goggled, masked and gloved workers then haul the samples to the plant lab, package it in special vials and overnight it to a lab near Boston.

Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair Announces County Winners

San Diego County students showed off their expertise at the recent 2020 Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair, with dozens being named winners for their projects.

Poop Tests in Sewage Might Predict Coronavirus Surge

Scientists across the nation are examining Southern California’s poop — maybe even yours — with the hope of more quickly identifying COVID-19 hotspots and better preparing for future surges. The information could also signal when stay-at-home orders can be safely eased in specific communities.

Untreated sewage has been used for years to track viruses as well as to analyze opioid use by neighborhood. Now the race is on to determine whether it can serve as an early warning system for the new coronavirus, particularly since the small fraction of the population receiving swab tests cannot capture the breadth of asymptomatic infections.

“Testing of every individual is very difficult. But if you have 50,000 people in a community, you may be able to determine the prevalence by testing the wastewater,” said Sunny Jiang, a microbiologist leading a pilot project at UC Irvine to identify COVID-19 in sewage systems.

Water Quality Lab Team Rises to Coronavirus Pandemic Challenges

The coronavirus pandemic forced the City of Escondido’s Water Quality Laboratory to rethink its lab operations without compromising community health or employee wellbeing while ensuring the clean, safe, and efficient operation of the city. Through teamwork and creative thinking, the lab found success in maintaining its essential work.

“Whether we have a pandemic or not, people still want to open their taps and have clean drinking water,” said Ralph Ginese, supervising chemist with the City of Escondido.

Poop May Tell Us When the Coronavirus Lockdown Will End

Every day, millions of Americans could be flushing critical coronavirus data down the toilet.

With the nation growing ever more weary of sweeping stay-at-home orders and a worsening economy, some scientists say our poop could be the key to determining when a community might consider easing health restrictions.

From Stanford to the University of Arizona, from Australia to Paris, teams of researchers have been ramping up wastewater analyses to track the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Initial studies show that sewage monitoring, or “wastewater-based-epidemiology,” could not only tell us how much the virus might actually be spreading in a community — but also when the virus has finally gone away.

Facing a Drier Future, Water Managers Turn to Science

A growing body of research shows that the Upper Colorado River Basin is growing warmer on average. In fact, the national hot spot centers on Western Colorado and much of the Southwest.

Escondido Employee Named California Laboratory Person of the Year

City of Escondido Water Quality Lab Associate Chemist Oyuna Jenkins has been named “Laboratory Person of the Year” by the California Water Environment Association for 2019-20.

Supervising Chemist Ralph Ginese nominated Jenkins for the award, calling her “an incredible asset” during her seven years working at the lab. “The lab technically could not function without Oyuna,” wrote Ginese.

“This is really teamwork,” said Oyuna Jenkins of her recognition. “I have to give credit to everyone in the lab. We work really hard. Whoever you call a hero, there are always people behind them.”


Cuyamaca Outdoor School Launches Home Science, Nature Learning Program

The Cuyamaca Outdoor School began offering its programs and learning content virtually Tuesday, as schools remain closed amid stay-at-home orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shows That Teach-San Diego County Water Authority-Educationa

Shows That Teach Creates Free Online Educational Videos

The San Diego County Water Authority’s long-running and highly popular school assembly programs are suspended as students nationwide stay home due to the coronavirus pandemic. To help students, parents and teachers continue learning about water and science, the Water Authority is partnering with Shows That Teach, a Southern California company that specializes in school education programs, to produce a series of free online educational videos.

The videos will feature topics like local water supplies in the San Diego region, how clean our tap water is, proper ways to wash hands, and more.

“Everything has changed for us water-education school-assembly performers,” said Mark Beckwith, founder of Shows That Teach. “With the schools closed, our young audiences have disappeared. So we simply changed our means, not our mission!”

The professional writers and performers at Shows That Teach are creating fun, informative and engaging online videos to address many water-related topics while holding the attention of young students who are learning from home.

“Just as with our live shows, if kids are not engaged, trying to ‘teach’ is pointless,” said Beckwith. “So our videos are produced in a fun YouTube style.”

Engaging educational videos

The educational videos will each be approximately six minutes long and will be released periodically in coming weeks. Along with water and science topics, the videos will address staying safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic and general character affirmations such as generosity for elementary school students.

Watch now on YouTube/Vimeo.

For more than 30 years, the Water Authority’s school education program has been a core component of the agency’s community outreach efforts. The program has reached tens of thousands of students and teachers to improve water knowledge across the region.

Education programs offered by the Water Authority are popular with schools throughout San Diego County, because they are engaging and help teachers meet instructional requirements. Many of the programs are free. For more programs and resources, go to sdcwa.org/education.