Tag Archive for: Santa Ana River

Orange County Water District Looks to Replenish Groundwater Basin for the 2nd Time This Year

The Orange County Water District said it’s grateful for all the rain this year.

Adam Hutchinson, recharge planning manager for OCWD said in the past, there’s been years when they’ve had almost no storm water to collect.

He said it is crucial to retain as much of it as possible when we have it.

$650 Million Santa Ana River Plan Adds Fish-Saving Methods to Water-Saving Projects

The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District has decided to join them, not fight them.

Stymied by environmental barriers and losses in court for 11 years, the large water wholesaler serving 700,000 residential and business customers from Fontana to Yucaipa is on the precipice of releasing an environmentally based plan that would nearly double its supply of water by diverting billions of gallons from the Upper Santa Ana River, while mitigating the effects on 20 indigenous fish and bird species.

‘Miners’ Pull Lead Bullets From the Santa Ana River. Do They Help the Environment, or Hurt it?

Shrapnel from ricocheting bullets hits Kenny Graham about four times a day. At this point, he just accepts it as part of his job.

As he rolled a cigarette and talked, a piece of flying metal banged viciously off a mechanical contraption with holes in it used to separate sand and rocks, not two feet from Graham’s unprotected hands. “There goes a pellet right there,” he said deadpan, seated in the dry, sandy Santa Ana River in Redlands. “Ask and you shall receive.”