Tag Archive for: San Dieguito River

San Diego Releases 600 Million Gallons From Lake Due to Dam Safety Fears

Over 600 million gallons of water has been released from a San Diego lake following atmospheric rivers that unleashed record rainfall on California in recent weeks.

Rains Worsen San Diego’s Most Dangerous Dam

Lake Hodges Dam has received the state’s worst possible safety rating, leaving the city with another delay in making repairs some say are decades overdue.

Last month, the state’s Division of Safety of Dams downgraded its condition from poor to unsatisfactory due to seismic issues, rating the hazard “extremely high.” The 105-year-old city dam is at the end of its lifespan.

San Diego Releases Water From Crumbling Lake Hodges Into San Dieguito River

Following recent rains, the city of San Diego started releasing water from Lake Hodges this week. The move, mandated by state safety officials, is part of ongoing maintenance at the reservoir’s deteriorating century-old dam. About 250 million gallons of water will flow into the San Dieguito River using valves in the dam, according to city officials.

City to Release 250 Million Gallons From Hodges Reservoir Over 2 Days

The city will release around 250 million gallons of water from Hodges Reservoir into the San Dieguito River over a two-day period starting Monday. The water release, using valves in Hodges Dam, will begin Monday and is intended to reduce the reservoir’s elevation by around two feet to 275 feet, according to the city.

City of San Diego to Release Water from Hodges Reservoir into San Dieguito River

SAN DIEGO – Due to past rainfall and a state mandate with regard to water level, the City of San Diego is scheduled to release approximately 250 million gallons of water from Hodges Reservoir into the San Dieguito River. This will lower the current water level by approximately 2 feet. The water release, using valves in the dam, is scheduled to begin Monday, Nov. 28, 2022, and will continue for approximately two days until the reservoir elevation is approximately 275 feet.

City of San Diego May Release Water from Lake Hodges in Coming Months

The city of San Diego may release water from Lake Hodges reservoir into San Dieguito River in coming months if heavy rain raises the water level above the maximum permitted.

For safety reasons, the California Division of Safety of Dams has determined that the water level should not be above 295 feet, which is 20 feet below the spillway elevation. If the water nears that level when rain is forecast, city officials will likely open valves at the dam for a controlled release of some of the water. The released water will enter San Dieguito River and eventually the Pacific Ocean.