Tag Archive for: San Diego Association of Governments

MSR for CWA To Include Voting and Rate Structures, Links Between Projects and Needs

San Diego County’s Local Agency Formation Commission is in the process of developing a municipal service review for the San Diego County Water Authority, and a presentation at the Feb. 5 LAFCO meeting noted that the MSR would focus on the SDCWA voting and rate structures and alignment between CWA projects and actual needs.

Forecast: San Diego County Population to Peak at 3.4m in 2042, but Then Drop Off

New estimates of San Diego County’s population show it peaking at 3.4 million in about 20 years, followed by a drop off.

The San Diego Association of Governments says the county will add 152,075 people by 2042, and then start dropping. It estimates the population will drop to 3.3 million by 2060, or pretty close to what it is right now, making it one of the slowest growing metro areas in the U.S.

Here’s Why You Might See Red Dye in the Water Near Del Mar Bluffs

Bluff erosion along the coastal city has shut down train travel and endangered beachgoers.

Now, a new test has been set up to understand how rainwater destabilizes the bluffs in Del Mar.

The San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG, is using red dye to color water and then flush it down the storm drains to see where the water runs out of the bluffs into the ocean.

Opinion: To Fight Climate Change, We Must Redesign San Diego Communities

As the world struggles for consensus on climate action and national policy focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the impacts of climate change occur all around us. Drought, intense heat, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes and rising seas, all on a scale not previously seen and often happening concurrently, bear witness to this.