Tag Archive for: Redistricting

Approved Redistricting Plan Ensures Equal Representation Across Director Divisions

Chula Vista, Calif. – At its meeting on March 9, the Governing Board (Board) of the South Bay Irrigation District (SBID) adopted the Final Redistricting Plan, which sets Board Member Division boundaries to ensure divisions equally reflect voter population. Prior to adoption of the plan, public participation was invited at two public hearings.

The processing of redistricting is required by law for public agencies, and occurs every ten years in conjunction with the release of new census data. Based on data from the 2020 census, there were no significant changes to population numbers within the SBID Divisions. Therefore, the approved division boundaries remain the same.

Vista Irrigation District Logo

Vista Irrigation District To Hold Public Hearing on Redistricting

Vista, Calif. – Vista Irrigation District board of directors will hold a public hearing on March 16, 2022 at 9:00 AM to discuss proposed adjustments to division boundaries as part of the decennial redistricting process.

Every ten years, agencies with by-district election systems, such as Vista Irrigation District (District), must use new federal census data to review and, if needed, redraw electoral division boundaries to reflect how local populations have changed. This process, called redistricting, ensures all electoral divisions comply with both the California and federal Voting Rights Acts. The District must reestablish electoral divisional boundaries, creating divisions that are balanced in population and in accordance with local, state, and federal laws that govern the redistricting process. Redistricting does not change the District’s service area boundaries.

Community members are invited to attend the March 16, 2022 public hearing to provide input on the proposed boundary division map. The redistricting process is required to be completed by April 17, 2022.

Vista Irrigation District Logo

Vista Irrigation District To Hold Public Hearings On Redistricting

Vista, Calif. – Vista Irrigation District board of directors will hold a public hearing on March 2, 2022 at 9 a.m. to discuss proposed adjustments to division boundaries as part of the decennial redistricting process.

Every ten years, agencies with by-district election systems, such as Vista Irrigation District, must use new federal census data to review and, if needed, redraw electoral division boundaries to reflect how local populations have changed. This process, called redistricting, ensures all electoral divisions comply with both the California and federal Voting Rights Acts. The District must reestablish electoral divisional boundaries, creating divisions that are balanced in population and in accordance with local, state, and federal laws that govern the redistricting process. Redistricting does not change the District’s service area boundaries.