Tag Archive for: Ramona Municipal Water District

Erica Wolski Hired as Ramona Water District’s New General Manager

Erica Wolski, a former senior technical manager at Woodard & Curran, is the new general manager at Ramona Municipal Water District.

Wolski, 44, who starts in the position on Wednesday, has been a Ramona resident since 2019 and a San Diegan since 2010. She said she is looking forward to helping the water district develop its transparency and customer engagement.

Ramona Water District Moves Forward With Emergency Services Transfer, Approves Two-Year Budget

Ramona Municipal Water District reported on the status of transferring the district’s oversight of fire and emergency medical services to the county and approved a two-year budget at the June 14 meeting.

The two topics are intertwined because transferring fire and EMS services to the San Diego County Fire Protection District would likely free up discretionary funds available from property taxes to spend on water, fire and parks services, said the water district board’s President Jim Hickle.

San Diego Farmers Must Pay Water District Thousands to Switch Their Service 一 or Lose It

Farmers in the Highland Valley between Ramona and Escondido are fighting their water district over a plan to force them to pay thousands of dollars to switch the type of water they use to irrigate their crops — or else go without the water.

The plan is now mired in a delay of almost two years as the Ramona Municipal Water District considers the risk it will get sued and the impacts on its fire hydrant system.

Water District Directors Approve Map With New Division Boundaries

Ramona Municipal Water District directors approved a final map for the district’s election boundaries after discussing the pros and cons of dividing downtown Ramona among four divisions.

The water district has five divisions, each represented by a director. Redistricting Partners LLC recently presented revised division boundaries to reflect changing population sizes and demographics based on 2020 Census data.

Ramona Water District Staff to Give Status Reports on Activities and Accomplishments

The Ramona Municipal Water District is taking another step to improve its transparency by starting to share monthly status reports and goals from its various departments, officials said.

Water district directors voted unanimously Jan. 11 to approve several new ways to keep the board and public updated about operations.

Acres Residents in Ramona Seek $1.32M Grant to Get Access to Clean Water

Residents of Ramona’s Acres community are working with local officials and a nonprofit on an application for a $1.32 million grant that would give them better access to clean water.

The funds would pay for new water main pipelines for the community, which has contaminated well water and inadequate pipes.

Toby Roy, a specialist with the nonprofit Rural Community Assistance Corporation, provided an update on the application process at the Dec. 14 Ramona Municipal Water District meeting.

Ramona Planning Group Supports Plan to Move Fire and Emergency Services Oversight to County

Ramona Community Planning Group members are backing the Ramona Municipal Water District’s efforts to transfer its oversight of fire and emergency medical services to the San Diego County Fire Protection District.

At their Dec. 2 meeting, members voted 14-0-1, with member Kevin Wallace abstaining, in favor of the proposal.

“This should have happened a long time ago,” said Casey Lynch, a Planning Board member. “The Ramona Municipal Water District needs to get back to providing water, sewer and parks services. Getting fire services off the books and into the county’s hands, where we know they do a good job, will give us more protection and care in fighting fires.”

Ramona Water District to Consider Transferring its Emergency Services Oversight to County

Ramona Municipal Water District directors agreed Tuesday to set a hearing to consider turning over emergency services to the San Diego County Fire Protection District.

The water district has had a contract with Cal Fire for its fire protection and emergency medical services since 1993. The proposed Fire Protection District would continue to contract with Cal Fire to serve Ramona, but would take over operations of the three fire stations and equipment maintenance. It would also handle emergency 9-1-1 dispatching and support IT and radio system operations.

Construction Contract Approved for RMWD Lift Station Replacement

Two actions taken at the Oct. 26 Rainbow Municipal Water District board meeting addressed the construction of the replacement for Lift Station No. 1.

The board approved a $15,181,157 construction contract with James W. Fowler Company and a $1,423,717 professional services agreement with Valley Construction Management for construction management and inspection services. Both actions had 4-0 votes with one vacant seat.

Water District Directors Critical of LAFCO Report

Ramona Municipal Water District directors at their Sept. 14 meeting were critical of a report that recommends a different form of governance for Ramona, but did consider whether the plan could bring tax benefits.

During a presentation by the Local Agency Formation Commission, analyst Priscilla Allen shared highlights of the LACFO report that makes 14 recommendations, chief among them to reorganize the water district into a Community Services District — an intermediary step that would give unincorporated Ramona more local control and a potential segue into incorporation.