Tag Archive for: Public Hearing

FPUD Increases Board Member Per Diem

The Fallbrook Public Utility District board approved a 5% increase in the per diem pay board members receive.

The directors had been receiving $121.55 for each meeting. The board’s 5-0 vote Feb. 27 increased that amount to $127.63. Per diem payments are given for each meeting involving FPUD business, but a director may not be paid for more than 10 meetings in a month.

RSF Association Directors Question SFID’s New Water Rate Structure, Pending Rate Increase

The Santa Fe Irrigation District continues its outreach on its proposed water rate increases, making a stop at the March 2 Rancho Santa Fe Association board meeting.

“It’s a nice sales presentation but I don’t buy a bit of it,” commented Director Greg Gruzdowich.

Santa Fe Irrigation Board to Vote on Water Rate Increases This Month

This month the Santa Fe Irrigation District is preparing to increase water rate charges for the next three years. The rate structure approved by the board in late 2022 was for tiered rates with a meter overlay for residential properties, an option they believe is unique to accommodate the variations in the district from small Solana Beach city lots to larger properties in Rancho Santa Fe.

San Diego City Council Votes to Set Hearing for Potential Water Rate Increase

Correction: San Diego City Council did not vote to raise water rates Tuesday. It voted to send out a public notice and set a public hearing on a potential water rate increase. This story has been corrected.

The San Diego City Council has unanimously voted to set a public hearing to discuss the potential of a water rate hike.

In May, the San Diego County Water Authority proposed increasing its rates by about 5% for treated water and nearly 4% for untreated water, citing inflation, increased energy costs and rate hikes set by the Southern California Metropolitan Water District

San Diego Taking Steps for Possible Water Rate Hike

If you are still watering your lawn or taking long showers, you might want to start practicing how to cut back on your water usage because come next year, water bills could go up.

 “I don’t like it and I don’t feel good about it,” said Ron Aguila, a Kearny Mesa resident who was shopping for house supplies.

Vista Irrigation District Logo

Vista Irrigation District To Hold Public Hearing on Redistricting

Vista, Calif. – Vista Irrigation District board of directors will hold a public hearing on March 16, 2022 at 9:00 AM to discuss proposed adjustments to division boundaries as part of the decennial redistricting process.

Every ten years, agencies with by-district election systems, such as Vista Irrigation District (District), must use new federal census data to review and, if needed, redraw electoral division boundaries to reflect how local populations have changed. This process, called redistricting, ensures all electoral divisions comply with both the California and federal Voting Rights Acts. The District must reestablish electoral divisional boundaries, creating divisions that are balanced in population and in accordance with local, state, and federal laws that govern the redistricting process. Redistricting does not change the District’s service area boundaries.

Community members are invited to attend the March 16, 2022 public hearing to provide input on the proposed boundary division map. The redistricting process is required to be completed by April 17, 2022.