Tag Archive for: Policy

Opinion: Time for San Diego County to Finally Craft a Legal Climate Action Plan

California has been a global leader in heading off global warming, enacting laws to slash the state’s greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change by 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050. To do so, local governments must draft formal Climate Action Plans that document how to meet their own mandates.

OPINION: Water Tax Proposal Poor Policy

Like a bad penny, a plan to tax water keeps turning up in Sacramento. That’s right: under two proposals circulating in the Capitol, California would start taxing the most fundamental resource on the planet. Such taxes would needlessly drive up costs for families already struggling to make ends meet and undermine the very goals that proponents profess.

Assembly Member Garcia Hosts State Hearing To Ensure The Successful Implementation Of The Salton Sea Management Plan

Tuesday morning, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella), Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife will host a Salton Sea Oversight Hearing in order to ensure the successful implementation of the Salton Sea Management Plan. “In our efforts to mitigate the Salton Sea, it is paramount to bridge together the perspectives of local stakeholders with state agencies so that we can move forward with a game plan to guarantee the successful implementation of the Salton Sea Management Plan,” stated Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia.

Arizona Utility Tries To End Multi-State Colorado River Feud

Arizona’s largest water provider tried Tuesday to defuse a multi-state dispute over the Colorado River, saying it regretted the belligerent-sounding words it used to describe its management strategy for the critical, over-used waterway. The Central Arizona Project, which provides water to about 5 million people, pledged to be more cooperative with other river users and promised “to have a more respectful and transparent dialogue in the future.” The river serves 40 million people in seven U.S. states and Mexico, and consumption is tightly regulated and closely monitored.