Tag Archive for: Ocean Water

Local Water District Floats Plan to Turn Ocean Water Into Drinking Water

A local water district is proposing an ambitious plan to turn ocean water into drinking water, and while the idea of a “Blue Water Farm” sounds promising, some environmental groups say that ocean desalination should be a last resort and that more can be done to conserve water in affluent communities.

New San Diego Ocean Water Testing Much Faster

San Diego County is using new, high-tech tests that will allow officials to test ocean water and find out if that water is safe for swimming, in just one day. County supervisor Nora Vargas said the county is the first local government to get U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval to use the new, sophisticated tests. The switch is the culmination of years of testing.

Report: Sea Level Could Rise At Least 7 Feet Along California’s Coastline by 2100

A new report from the California Legislative Analyst’s Office has some sobering news when it comes to sea level rise.

The report found that ocean water could rise by seven feet or more by the end of this century, and it said local governments up and down the state are not doing nearly enough to meet the challenge.