Tag Archive for: news

Forecast: San Diego County Population to Peak at 3.4m in 2042, but Then Drop Off

New estimates of San Diego County’s population show it peaking at 3.4 million in about 20 years, followed by a drop off.

The San Diego Association of Governments says the county will add 152,075 people by 2042, and then start dropping. It estimates the population will drop to 3.3 million by 2060, or pretty close to what it is right now, making it one of the slowest growing metro areas in the U.S.

The Colorado River’s Biggest User Will Conserve Some Water in Exchange for Federal Dollars

The Imperial Irrigation District in California, which uses more Colorado River water than any other farm district or city in the West, has agreed to conserve 100,000 acre-feet in 2023 in exchange for payments from the federal government. It’s less than half the amount of water the district originally proposed saving last spring.

Make it Rain: US States Embrace ‘Cloud Seeding’ to Try to Conquer Drought

With three-quarters of the US west gripped by a seemingly ceaseless drought, several states are increasingly embracing a drastic intervention – the modification of the weather to spur more rainfall. The latest reports from the US Drought Monitor have provided sobering reading, with 40% of the US west of the continental divide classed as being in “exceptional drought”, the most severe of four levels of drought.

Don’t Fall for This Old Hoax About Showering and Doing Laundry in California

The police won’t come knocking for Californians who shower and do laundry on the same day, despite what some social media users would have you believe.

An old hoax about California’s water conservation laws recently resurfaced after a guest on a Los Angeles TV station shared misinformation on air.