Tag Archive for: Native Plants

Nana’s Garden Wins Otay Water District’s 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

Lois Scott transformed her El Cajon home’s green front lawn with rose bushes into a colorful water-wise landscape with a little help from her friends. Now called “Nana’s Garden,” it is this year’s Otay Water District Landscape Makeover Contest winner.

Historic La Mesa Home Wins Helix Water District’s 2023 Landscape Contest

A charming 1925 La Mesa home featuring a rich tapestry of thriving low-water use plants won the 2023 Helix Water District Landscape Makeover Contest. Homeowner Joy Andrea, a retired schoolteacher and La Mesa resident for more than 50 years, created a landscape with a tremendous amount of curb appeal, reflecting the character of the home.

Brad Lefkowitz's family friendly watershed inspired design is the winner of the 2023 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Landscape Makeover Content for 2023. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Family Friendly Watershed Approach Wins Olivenhain MWD 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

By taking a watershed approach to his landscape redesign, homeowner Brad Lefkowits won the Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest.

Even the family dog feels right at home in the winning design. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Even the family dog feels right at home in the winning design. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Lefkowits was recognized at the June 21 OMWD Board of Directors meeting. The WaterSmart Landscape Contest is held annually by water agencies throughout San Diego County. Entries highlight colorful and lush landscapes that use less water than turf-heavy landscapes. Winning entries exhibit an appealing design, climate-appropriate plant selection, and water-efficient irrigation.

Landscape Contest Winner Brad Lefkowits receives his award from Olivenhain Municipal Water District Board Chairperson Christy Guerin at the June board meeting. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Landscape Contest Winner Brad Lefkowits receives his award from Olivenhain Municipal Water District Board President Christy Guerin at the June board meeting. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

“Water is a precious, limited resource in California where the next dry period could be right around the corner,” said OMWD Board Treasurer Neal Meyers. “We encourage our customers to continue to increase outdoor water use efficiency, and replacing large turf areas with drought-tolerant plants could cut a home’s outdoor water use in half.”

Family-friendly and water-efficient

The landscape design features the generous use of swales to capture and hold rainwater to prevent runoff. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

The landscape design features the generous use of swales to capture and hold rainwater to prevent runoff. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Lefkowits says his goal was to keep as much rainwater on the Encinitas property as possible using a watershed-inspired landscape design. He captures rainwater in a 530-gallon cistern and sends overflow into a series of connected swales. Swales are shallow, broad channels designed to store water runoff. They are easy to incorporate into landscaping at a minimal cost. The swales in the Lefkowits’ yard can hold over an inch of rain without any leaving the property.

Minimizing water runoff to streets reduces the amount of pollutants carried into storm drains and eventually into the ocean.

Both native plants and Mediterranean climate plants are incorporated into the winning design. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Both native plants and Mediterranean climate plants are incorporated into the winning design. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Lefkowits included both native plants and attractive and hardy plants from other Mediterranean climates around the world in his landscape. He installed a 300-square-foot lawn for two sons and the family dog, using a mix of California Buffalo Grass and native Carex praegracilis. It only needs to be watered once a week.

While Lefkowits uses high-efficiency rotating sprinkler nozzles for the small lawn, all other areas are irrigated with an in-line drip system.

The result is a yard with multiple uses and surprises around every turn. It has a lush appearance and still accommodates family activities without using grass requiring much water.

The finished project offers something for every member of the Lefkowitz family to enjoy. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

The finished project offers something for every member of the Lefkowitz family to enjoy. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

The award-winning low-water-use garden display by the California Native Plant Society, sponsored by the Water Authority at the San Diego County Fair. Photo: California Native Plant Society

County Fair Exhibits Delight Visitors with Low-Water Use Landscaping

If you’re ready to move ahead with plans to create a water-efficient landscape, the San Diego County Fair is a good place to start. There are several award-winning examples of creative low-water use and native plant gardens at the fair’s popular Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show exhibit area. (The San Diego County Water Authority has partnered with the state’s Save Our Water to sponsor a booth at the exhibit area).

This year, the Water Authority sponsored the California Native Plant Society exhibit, which received multiple category awards:

  • First Place, Paul Ecke, Jr. Garden Show Theme Award
  • Edwin Frazee Donated Award for best use of flowering plants
  • San Diego Floral Association for best landscape entry by a non-commercial, non-professional group
  • Master Gardener Association Earth-Friendly Gardening Donated Award
  • Plants of Distinction – four ribbons awarded
California Native Plant Society Garden Committee volunteers pose with their project. Sitting (L to R): Greg Rubin, Bob Smith, Al Field, Christine Hoey. Kneeling (L to R): Dana Pearce, Nicolas Unger, Lisa Leondis Standing: Leo Hernandez. Photo: California Native Plant Society

California Native Plant Society Garden Committee volunteers pose with their project. Sitting (L to R): Greg Rubin, Bob Smith, Al Field, Christine Hoey. Kneeling (L to R): Dana Pearce, Nicolas Unger, Lisa Leondis Standing: Leo Hernandez. Photo: California Native Plant Society

The CNPS display uses native plants in a garden with a rustic camping theme. Debby Dunn, Water Resources Specialist with the Water Authority, says the exhibit depicts both creativity and the benefits of low-water-use plants in landscape designs.

Californians learning about low water use landscape design

The California Native Plant Society used a variety of plants, all identified with signage to educate visitors. Photo: California Native Plant Society

The California Native Plant Society used a variety of plants, all identified with signage to educate visitors. Photo: California Native Plant Society

Dunn explains how Californians are changing their vision of the ideal home landscape design.

“Our vision of landscapes featuring predominantly turf and a border of hedged plants is changing. In its place, we’re upgrading our landscapes with water wise plants, both native and also waterwise plants from Australia and South Africa. All these plants bring in more color while inviting birds, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. All this and less water to help them thrive,” said Dunn.

The use of San Miguel Savory, a rare California native plant, won a "Noteworthy Plant" ribbon at the San Diego County Fair. Photo: California Native Plant Society

The use of San Miguel Savory, a rare California native plant, won a “Noteworthy Plant” ribbon at the San Diego County Fair. Photo: California Native Plant Society

Dunn says California gardeners are adjusting to the seasonal rhythms of native plants, which may bloom for short periods and then become dormant. “You can plant so that there’s always a stunning showstopper in your garden. It’s about putting the right plant in the right place. It’s changing the way we see landscaping,” explained Dunn.

“Some native plants are beautiful for part of the year, and then they go dormant. That’s how nature works. Like a butterfly, they go through different stages.”

Low-water use gardens suit many design styles

Visitors to the garden exhibit can learn which plants were used in the display from an informational sign, and use them as inspiration for their own yards. Graphic: California Native Plant Society

Visitors to the garden exhibit can learn which plants were used in the display from an informational sign, and use them as inspiration for their own yards. Graphic: California Native Plant Society

Dunn said low-water-use landscapes offer many different styles to suit individual tastes and needs, similar to interior design styles. “Everyone’s got their look and their style. It’s the same with plants. There are so many options and choices with these plants. There’s something for everybody.

“If you’ve got kids and dogs, you may need grass. But if the only person walking on the grass is the person mowing the grass, you likely don’t need the grass. There are countless beautiful native and California-friendly plants you can place in your garden that will bring you entertainment and joy,” said Dunn.

Fun garden display educates with humor

Water Authority Water Resource Specialist Debby Dunn's "Groovy Garden" exhibit won the Edgar Engert Educational Merit award. Photo: Debby Dunn

Water Authority Water Resource Specialist Debby Dunn’s “Groovy Garden” exhibit won the Edgar Engert Educational Merit award. Photo: Debby Dunn

Dunn won the Edgar Engert Educational Merit award for her own individual display, a whimsical, colorful waterwise plant display she titled the “Groovy Garden.” Dunn called it “a dream come true.”

“It’s all about Flower Power and inviting birds, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds,” said Dunn. “About 25% of the plants are native.”

In addition to features like a dry streambed, rain chain, and rain barrel to demonstrate rainwater capture, Dunn repurposed colorful thrift store and garage sale finds to educate through imagination and humor and make a lasting impression.

Water Resources Specialist Debby Dunn poses with her "Groovy Garden" exhibit. Photo: Debby Dunn

Water Resources Specialist Debby Dunn poses with her “Groovy Garden” exhibit. Photo: Debby Dunn

WaterSmart and WaterWise

“I created different rooms including a bedroom, kitchen, living room, and even a bathroom,” said Dunn. “Everything is upcycled including my pink toilet. It is there to remind people that toilet leaks are the number one cause of water loss. One running toilet can flow up to 200 gallons an hour, enough water to fill a pool in four days.”

Dunn used humorous puns with her signage. “My goal is to bring them in with the gorgeous plants and while they’re there, educate them about irrigation, mulch, composting, and more,” she said.

Award winning exhibits open through July 4

The San Diego County Water Authority award was presented to the Walter Anderson Nursery display using native California plants. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

The San Diego County Water Authority award was presented to the Walter Anderson Nursery display using native California plants. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

The Walter Anderson Nursery exhibit is this year’s recipient of the Water Authority sponsored “WaterSmart Landscape Award” for its beautifully blooming native plant garden display.

The San Diego County Fair Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show is open Wednesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. through Friday, June 30, and open daily from Saturday, July 1 through Tuesday, July 4, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. For more information about the Garden Show, visit the Fair’s website.

(Editor’s Note: The San Diego County Water Authority is sharing a booth with Save Our Water at the San Diego County Fair. Check out the booth for tips and inspiration on how to create your beautiful water-wise garden. The booth is part of the “Thanks for Planting Me!” campaign, which is supported with grant funds from by the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014, administered by the State of California, Department of Water Resources. For more information, go to www.sdcwa.org/plant-me.)

Landscape Optimization Service Simplifies El Norte Park Homes Makeover

While San Diego County residents continue to embrace low-water use landscapes taking advantage of rebates to swap grass for native and drought-tolerant plants. There are also incentives for areas with larger landscapes to increase water use efficiency.

The County and Water Authority partnership offers customers the help they need to make projects possible with assistance from start to finish. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Landscape Optimization Service Simplifies El Norte Park Homes Makeover

San Diego County residents continue to embrace low-water use landscapes taking advantage of rebates to swap grass for native and drought-tolerant plants. There are also incentives for areas with larger landscapes to increase water use efficiency.

Landscape upgrade projects which previously were too complex for volunteer associations to manage are now possible with expert assistance through a program offered through a San Diego County Water Authority and County of San Diego partnership.

The walkway area before and after its recent landscape makeover. Photos: Vallecitos Water District Landscape Optimization Service

The walkway area before and after its recent landscape makeover. Photos: Vallecitos Water District

The Landscape Optimization Service, or LOS, is offered through the County’s Waterscape Rebate Program. The technical assistance program is designed for large-scale landscaping projects. The program helps applicants with large landscapes, such as HOAs, parks, and commercial properties, navigate the requirements, overcome barriers, and maximize rebate eligibility.

El Norte Park Homes in Escondido used the program to create a water-saving landscape makeover project. Upgrades included replacing 10,000 square feet of grass with new native plant gardens inside the property and low-water use plants on the exterior. The new colorful landscaping uses less water. Drip irrigation was upgraded and a swale acts as a water retention feature.

El Norte Park Homes transformation

Jesse Hynd of MSE Landscape Professionals performed the makeover work.

“We’ve been doing these turf rebate enhancement projects for a little over five to six years now,” said Hynd. “What I’ve noticed is that it’s helped a lot of the HOAs and commercial projects get on board.

“Water districts are offering a lot more incentives now, not only just for a per square foot rebate. There are a lot of irrigation rebates now. The more water retention options we add to the site, offer even more money back.”

Hynd said the multiple incentives offer maximum rebate funding while helping the region achieve its long-term water-saving goals.

Helping hand from the experts

With assistance from the Landscape Optimization Service, El Norte Homes could achieve water savings and maximize its rebates to make the project cost-effective. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

With expert assistance from the Landscape Optimization Service, El Norte Homes expects to achieve water savings while maximizing its rebates to make the project cost-effective. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

El Norte Park Homes board member Fred Johnson said he learned about the program through a Vallecitos Water District newsletter article. He had a lot of questions.

“I have experience with a similar project from about ten years ago when I served on another board,” said Johnson. “It was much smaller in scale. And that program didn’t provide any assistance. We as a board had to fill out all the forms, take all the before and after photos, submit the paperwork, and hope we didn’t miss anything to get our rebates.”

Johnson contacted Megan Chery of Environmental Incentives, which oversees the LOS program. Working with Johnson and the board, Cherry determined the project was eligible for the rebate program, and the board approved the project moving forward. Johnson says it made the difference.

“They helped us identify what kind of [landscape] plan,”said Johnson. “They did our design for us. They identified all the rebates, and they’re going to process all the rebates. It was much simpler and easier using the Landscape Optimization Service.”

The finished project retains grass for activities, while using both low-water use plants and natives in different areas. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The finished project retains grass for activities while using both low-water-use plants and natives in different areas. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

“We’re so pleased our outreach helped El Norte Park Homes take advantage of this program,” said Vallecitos Water District Conservation Supervisor Chris Robbins. “Many of our larger customers are eager to update their landscaping to be more water efficient but don’t have the time, funds, or expertise to do it on their own. The County and Water Authority partnership featuring the LOS enables us to offer our customers the help they need to make it possible with assistance from start to finish.”

Practical use of grass  

Outreach from the Vallecitos Water District helped El Norte Park Homes take advantage of the Landscape Optimization Service. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Outreach from the Vallecitos Water District helped El Norte Park Homes take advantage of the Landscape Optimization Service. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Makeovers don’t require the elimination of all grass. Instead, grass is retained where it is most useful and practical.

“We didn’t want to eliminate all the turf because it’s nice to have some usable grass area, especially in a park like this,” said Hynd. “We decided to break up sections not only to maximize the usable space of grass to keep for the residents but then provide a nice native garden where we could benefit from the rebates, benefit from the low water use, and still create a very beautiful space.”

LOS staff analyzes estimated water and cost savings, which helps decision-makers justify the investment with an understanding of how quickly the project will pay for itself. The program also offers discounted designs to participants.

The enhanced incentives include rebates for turf replacement, smart controller stations, rain barrels, and cisterns. In addition to offering technical assistance to upgrade larger landscapes on multifamily and commercial properties, a cost-share is available for agricultural growers to make water-saving upgrades.

More information on the Landscape Optimization Service: www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/dpw/watersheds/RebatesIncentives/LOS.html

(Editor’s Note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego region.)

Experience a Sustainable Demonstration Garden Self-Tour

Sustainable landscape demonstration gardens inspire homeowners to create and maintain their own beautiful, water-efficient landscapes. In California, where more than half of urban water usage goes towards landscape irrigation, any reduction in water consumption contributes to successful conservation efforts.

The San Diego County Water Authority and several member agencies host demonstration gardens that residents can visit and gather ideas for their own landscape makeovers and water-efficient upgrades. With gardens flourishing in late spring, it’s the perfect time for a self-guided garden tour.

San Diego County Supervisors OK Program to Increase Use of Native Plants

San Diego County supervisors voted 4-0 Wednesday in favor of a multi-year program to increase the use of native plants in the region.

The program was developed by the San Diego Regional Biodiversity Working Group, which formed via a proposal from Supervisors Nathan Fletcher and Terra Lawson-Remer.

Lawson-Remer said that more native plants aren’t just good for environment, they also benefit the regional economy in the form of more landscaping and related service jobs. She said the program will provide incentives to “residents, landscapers and businesses to protect the biodiversity that makes our region so beautiful and unique, as well as require native plants be used in many county projects.”

Making a plan of your existing landscape and evaluating site elements is key to helping you make design decisions as you start the design process. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority Six Steps to WaterSmart

Six Steps to WaterSmart Landscape Success

Every WaterSmart landscape added by a homeowner becomes a key part of the San Diego region’s water efficiency goals. By converting a turf-focused yard to a WaterSmart landscape, you have the potential to beautify your property, save money, and reduce maintenance. You also play a critical role in protecting and improving the health of our natural environment by cultivating native plants, retaining and minimizing stormwater runoff, and conserving water.

Why is turf the target? Our video explains the multiple reasons why

As outlined in the video, there are six distinct steps to successfully create a WaterSmart landscape.

Step 1. Identify your landscape target. What types of plants do you want to use? Which irrigation types suit those plants? These answers will help guide you through the design process.

Step 2. Create a basic plot plan. Making a plan of your existing landscape will help you visualize and reimagine your future landscape.

Step 3. Evaluate your site. Evaluate site elements such as soil, drainage, sun exposure, and views to identify opportunities and constraints. This knowledge is key to helping you make design decisions as you start the design process. It’s essential at this stage to pay special attention to methods of retaining stormwater.

Even if you don’t plan to install the whole project at one time, you should create a complete master plan for your landscape so the outcome is unified, including a WaterSmart planting and irrigation design. Graphic: San Diego County Water Authority Six Steps to WaterSmart

Even if you don’t plan to install the whole project at once, you should create a complete master plan for your landscape, so the outcome is unified, including a WaterSmart planting and irrigation design. Graphic: San Diego County Water Authority

Step 4. Design your WaterSmart landscape.  Even if you don’t plan to install the whole project at one time, you should create a complete master plan for your landscape, so the outcome is unified, including a WaterSmart planting and irrigation design. Verify your planned water use before starting construction and adjust if it doesn’t meet your original landscape target.

Step 5. Implement your plan. As you execute your plan step by step, take your time. Hire a professional if needed. Getting it done right is far preferable to rushing or tackling tasks too difficult or complex for you to complete properly.

Step 6. Care for your WaterSmart landscape. Learn the best practices for maintaining your landscape. Consider creating a maintenance schedule to help you keep on track. You can even use these maintenance techniques to help you save money in existing landscape areas that have not been upgraded.


WaterSmart Living-Logo-San Diego County Water Authority

(Editor’s Note: The San Diego County Water Authority and its 24 member agencies offer programs, resources, and incentives to improve water-use efficiency for residential, commercial, and agricultural users. WaterSmart Living is a way of life in the region. Stay WaterSmart San Diego! For more water-use efficiency resources, go to WaterSmart.SD.org.)

Lawns Are Terrible for the Environment. California’s Water Restrictions May Finally Kill Them

After years of on-again-off-again drought conditions and decades of precarity relying on imported water, Southern California has instituted major limitations on how residents can use water. Within weeks, residents will only be allowed to irrigate their yards once a week. Lush lawns and abundant flower gardens, your days may be numbered.

This is likely just the start.