Tag Archive for: mandatory water cuts

Why California is So Far Apart From Other States in Colorado River Water Cuts Plan

The ongoing dispute over Colorado River water comes down largely to math: How much water should each state and region lose as reservoir levels continue to decline?

California has one interpretation of how to divvy up the cuts, and six other states that depend on the river have a different formula.

Why Desalination Won’t Save States Dependent on Colorado River Water

States dependent on the drought-stricken Colorado River are increasingly looking toward desalination as a way to fix the river’s deficit and boost water supplies across the western U.S.

The search for alternative ways to source water comes as federal officials continue to impose mandatory water cuts for states that draw from the Colorado River, which supplies water and power for more than 40 million people.

Drought: Mandatory Water Restrictions Coming to Santa Clara County

In a major sign of California’s worsening drought, Santa Clara County’s largest water provider announced Monday that it is moving forward with plans to declare a water shortage emergency and to urge cities and water companies that serve 2 million residents in and around San Jose to impose mandatory water restrictions.