Tag Archive for: low water levels

Drought? Dam Crack? Fireworks Safety? Why is the Water Level at Lake Murray So Low?

Alvis Jones looked out over Lake Murray and wasn’t impressed. “It’s dropping,” he said while casting a line into the lake. “Probably, looks like 10, 20 feet.” Jones stood on a metal dock that was floating on the surface of the water considerably lower than usual. “My first thought was evaporation,” said Valerie Weise, who was walking through dirt that should be underwater.

Lake Oroville Spillway in Active Use as Lake Shasta Nears Capacity as Well

The last time Lake Oroville neared capacity was four years ago, and very quickly it plunged into drought territory and has seen low water levels until this winter. And now that billion-dollar, renovated spillway is back in use as the reservoir is back at 99% of its capacity.

The Feather River is getting a fair amount of extra water flow these days as Lake Oroville has been releasing water over the last week. Oroville is California’s second-largest reservoir, with a capacity of over 3.5 million acre-feet of water, and also just about at capacity is the state’s largest reservoir, Lake Shasta, which has a capacity of 4.5 million acre-feet and is at 98%.

Lake Hodges Closed for Summer Due to Dam Repair Project

If you live by Lake Hodges or drive by the area often, you’ve probably noticed something unusual – the low water levels and lack of any summer recreation.

“Usually the weekends are packed full of people with kayaks or fishing boats,” said Jeff Sigua, a frequent lake visitor.

New Plan Lays Out Ways to Protect Lake Powell From Drought

The framework for how Upper Colorado River Basin states will respond to low water levels at Lake Powell is now out for public review.

It’s called the Drought Response Operations Plan, which is part of the larger Drought Contingency Plan signed in 2019. These policies were put in place because of the troubling hydrology in the region.

Colorado River Reservoir at 40% Capacity, Lowest Level Ever

It’s no secret the Colorado River Basin is experiencing one of its worst droughts in record history.

Now, hydrologists are minimizing water usage next year. Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at their lowest water elevation levels ever, and it’s only expected to get worse as we head into 2022, according to Wade Noble, who serves on the general council for four of Yuma’s irrigation districts.

Curtailment Orders For Russian River In The Works As Lake Mendocino Storage Drops

State regulators will suspend water rights for diverters in the upper and lower Russian River in a desperate, unprecedented effort to preserve a minimal amount of storage in Lake Mendocino, which is falling by as much as 58 million gallons a day. The rapidly falling lake levels were on course to cross a threshold that would trigger curtailment orders in the upper river under emergency regulations approved in June. The drought conditions are so dire that staff at the State Water Resources Control Board decided issue emergency orders for the rest of the watershed at the same time.

The West is the Driest it’s Been in 1,200 Years – Raising Questions About a Livable Future

Trees are dying. Riverbeds are empty. Lake Mead’s water level dropped to its lowest point in history, and Utah’s governor asked residents to pray for rain. Water is increasingly scarce in the Western U.S. — where 72 percent of the region is in “severe” drought, 26 percent is in exceptional drought, and populations are booming. Insufficient monsoon rains last summer and low snowpacks over the winter left states like Arizona, Utah and Nevada without the typical amount of water they need, and forecasts for the rainy summer season don’t show promise.

Border Wall Water Use Threatens Endangered Species, Environmentalists Say

A government assessment recently obtained by an environmental group appears to link a well the group says is used in U.S.-Mexico border wall construction to low water levels in wildlife habitats at an Arizona refuge with endangered species.