Tag Archive for: low income

San Diego County Offers Water Bill Assistance

The San Diego County Water Authority reminded the public on Tuesday that federal aid is still available for low-income water customers in San Diego County to cover overdue residential water and wastewater bills.

“Water affordability is one of the top priorities for the Water Authority, and we are committed to helping ensure that everyone in San Diego County has access to safe and reliable water,” Dan Denham, water authority general manager, said in a statement.

Need Help Paying Your Water Bills? San Diego County Water Authority Offering Funds

Low-income residents may still access millions of dollars in federal assistance to help pay overdue residential water and wastewater bills, the San Diego County Water Authority announced Friday.

According to a news release, the application deadline for the Low- Income Water Assistance Program has been extended to March 31, 2024.

Congress established the program in 2021, and the federal government provided California with $116 million.

As of now, the state has $40 million available, with $5 million for San Diego County, Water Authority officials said.

Water Authority: Money Available to Help Low-Income Residents with Bill

Low-income residents may still access millions of dollars in federal assistance to help pay overdue residential water and wastewater bills, the San Diego County Water Authority announced Friday.

Low-income-household water bills-federal assistance

Money Still Available for Low-Income Water Customers in San Diego County

Millions of dollars in federal aid are still available for low-income water customers in San Diego County to cover overdue residential water and wastewater bills. The San Diego County Water Authority helped secure the federal funds — and the deadline for applications has been extended to March 31, 2024.

The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), established by Congress in 2021, offers one-time payments to cover outstanding residential water and/or wastewater bills. The federal government allocated $116 million to California to help households struggling to pay their water bills. Statewide, $40 million remains for the program, with nearly $5 million remaining for San Diego County.

“Water affordability is one of the top priorities for the Water Authority, and we are committed to helping ensure that everyone in San Diego County has access to safe and reliable water,” said Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham. “In addition to the current funds, the Water Authority is supporting efforts to develop federal legislation to make the low-income assistance program permanent.”

Financial aid for water customers

As part of its commitment to water affordability, the Water Authority partnered with the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty of San Diego County (MAAC) and Campesinos Unidos, Inc. to provide outreach and education so residents who are struggling economically are aware of the federal financial aid for water customers.

To find out if they are eligible and to participate in LIHWAP, customers must apply directly to MAAC or Campesinos, the local service providers selected by the state to implement the program in the San Diego region. LIHWAP will pay water-wastewater bills of up to $2,000. Qualified low-income households, including renters whose utility payments are included in their rent, are eligible for funds. Residents can determine their local service provider at www.csd.ca.gov/Pages/FindServicesInYourArea.aspx, by entering their city and locating their “water utility assistance provider.”

MAAC is a nonprofit that serves 75,000 individuals every year and partners with individuals and families to address their immediate needs and provide them with the tools and resources to achieve economic mobility. More information is at https://maacproject.org/lihwap/.

Campesinos was incorporated as a private non-profit corporation to specifically promote greater social, economic, educational, and employment training opportunities for farm workers and other economically disadvantaged residents of the Imperial, Riverside and San Diego counties. More information is at https://campesinosunidos.org/water-program/.

Assistance Available for Residents Who Need to Keep the Water On

Californians who need help paying their water bills can benefit from a state-administered program.

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, which is administered by the state Department of Community Service and Development, is available to both renters and homeowners.

Californians With Past-Due Water Bills Can Get Help With Payments. Here’s How

Low-income Los Angeles County residents who are behind on their utility payments have a chance at keeping the water on, with a federally funded program that has been extended through March.

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, administered by the California Department of Community Services and Development, was established by Congress in December 2020 as a one-time support to help low-income Californians pay past-due or current bills for water, sewer or both services.

Need Help Paying Your Water and Sewer Bill? California Extended This Assistance Program

The California Department of Community Services and Development is extending its program to help low-income residents pay their current or past-due water and sewer bills. The federally funded Low Income Household Water Assistance Program was originally set to end in the fall, but will remain open through March 2024 — or until funds last.


Water Authority Helps Low-Income Customers With Water-Saving Devices

The San Diego County Water Authority has secured $3 million in grant funds to install water-saving devices  — water-efficient toilets and smart irrigation controllers — in underrepresented communities across the region, bolstering the agency’s long-running efforts to enhance water affordability.

Column: Help is on the Way for Low-Income Residents Struggling with Water, Sewer Bills

In California, low-income residents can get ongoing state help to pay for electricity, health care coverage and telephone service, among other things.

But for the most part, people struggling to make ends meet can’t get similar assistance for water and sewer bills.

That’s changing for the immediate future, and maybe in the long run as well.

People in need can apply for one-time grants of up to $2,000 for water and sewer debts through the federally funded Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program, which began rolling out earlier this summer.

Locally, eligibility requirements and applications can be found on a webpage of the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty of San Diego County (maacproject.org/lihwap). MAAC, the San Diego County Water Authority and Campesinos Unidos recently announced they are teaming up to spread the word and assist with the program.

California’s Drought Touches Everyone, But Water Restrictions Play Out Unevenly Across Communities

Raúl Monterroso of San Fernando knows that he can do little to help the struggling garden patio in front of his house. After all, he takes the new water restrictions seriously.

“Here, everything is dry, we have the entire irrigation system closed, my poor wife is crying over her plants,” said the Guatemala native, who stopped watering the grass on June 1 when instructions to cut outdoor watering to once a week were issued.