Tag Archive for: lawn rebates

Dean Williams replace his grass with colorful drought tolerant plants. His landscape makeover won first place. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Vallecitos Water District 2023 Landscape Makeover Winners Find Inspiration

Three resourceful homeowners took advantage of free resources, including design and plant selection advice, to create beautiful drought-tolerant landscapes. Their projects were named winners of the 2023 Vallecitos Water District Landscape Makeover Contest.

Video features the three winning projects

Dean Williams: Drab To Delightful

Carlsbad homeowner Dean Williams and his wife didn’t like their existing landscaping.

“It wasn’t a garden, it was a yard,” recalls Williams.

In 2020, Williams found resources on the Vallecitos Water District website for saving water by redesigning your landscaping. The results won first place in the 2023 landscape makeover contest.

Dean Williams' home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Dean Williams’ home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

“There are so many resources. The first step was to take some landscape classes offered through the San Diego County Water Authority, find out the process and what I needed to do,” said Williams.

After removing existing turf using the sheet mulching method to create healthy soil, he planned a colorful plant palette to replace his grass.

Dean Williams' home before his winning landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Dean Williams’ home before his winning landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

“One of the big things I wanted to change was to go from a drab landscape to having some variety by using different textures on the plants, different flowers, different colors, and complementing colors,” said Williams, who used purple and yellow as the primary landscape colors. “I tried to have an interesting landscape pleasing to the eye.”

The colorful redesign saves water and costs. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

The colorful redesign saves water and costs. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Williams said the benefit of installing drip irrigation and a smart controller was significant water and cost savings.

“We’ve noticed over that our water use and bills have gone slowly down,” he said.

Lessons learned

Williams said the “do it yourself” project offered many lessons learned, including watering too often.

“Drought-tolerant plants don’t do well in wet soil,” said Williams.

Williams encourages other homeowners to tap into all the available resources through the Vallecitos Water District, Water Authority, City of Carlsbad, and others for advice and possible rebates to offset their investment.

“It just pays in more ways than one to change your landscape. “I want to thank Vallecitos Water District for selecting us so we can showcase our landscape transformation,” said Williams.

Dean Williams took advantage of free resources offered by the Vallecitos Water District and San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Dean Williams took advantage of free resources offered by the Vallecitos Water District and San Diego County Water Authority. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Donald De Tar: DIY project earns second place

Donald De Tar's home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Donald De Tar’s home after completing his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Donald De Tar learned about the annual Landscape Makeover Contest through the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society. “So, we decided on a lark to enter,” said De Tar.

His Woodlawn Park area home in San Marcos is dedicated to succulents, cactus, and drought-tolerant plants.

De Tar says it not only saves water but it also saves time spent mowing, fertilizing, and trimming grass. It’s also a lot of fun.

Donald De Tar's home before his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

Donald De Tar’s home before his landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

De Tar is proud of the budget-friendly approach to his landscaping.

“I did it on a very inexpensive budget,” said De Tar. “It doesn’t have to be super expensive, especially if you join an organization like the Palomar Cactus and Succulent Society. It can be almost free, especially if you’re doing the work yourself.”

De Tar learned about rebate programs through the Vallecitos Water District, and he successfully applied for rebates to offset costs. “Over time, we did the whole yard, and the backyards and side yards have been transformed.”

I’m very appreciative of the Vallecitos contest,” said De Tar. “I like the fact that Vallecitos is involved in the community and promotes these kinds of contests.”

Mily Le Wins Third Place

The results of Mily Le's landscape makeover, which won second place. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

The results of Mily Le’s landscape makeover, which won second place. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Third place went to longtime San Marcos homeowner Mily Le. She learned about the annual landscape contest through the Vallecitos Water District’s customer newsletter, “Between The Pipes.”

Le visited the lawn replacement program website and learned how to remove her regional grass safely and effectively. She got her design laid out and purchased plants from her local nursery.

Mily Le's home before her landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District 2023

The Mily Le home before her landscape makeover. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

As a result, Le says she saves about 30% of her water consumption after replacing her lawn. She says she learned from a neighbor’s experience about researching the eventual size of plants before planting them.

“(My neighbor) did not look it up,” she said. “She had to demolish the front yard, so I took that lesson.”

Le suggests lots of advance planning with your layout. “I’m glad I did it. I think it’s a successful project,” said Le.

For rebates, classes, and water-saving tips: sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

SoCal Homeowners Can Get More Drought-Resistant Plants Installed With This Rebate Offer

As the state continues to deal with a historic drought, Southern California homeowners are getting the chance to transform their thirsty grass and gardens.

The Metropolitan Water District offers rebates to residents ripping up their lawns and putting in plants that don’t need a lot of water to survive.

Two WaterSmart Winners: Budget-Smart Beauty and Colorful Cottage

For two 2020 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winners, the contrasts couldn’t be greater. Melissa and Josh Perrell, Santee homeowners who won the Padre Dam Municipal Water District contest, took a minimalist, less-is-more approach to their front landscape. Tim and Brianna Montgomery, the La Mesa homeowners who won the Helix Water District contest, subscribed to a go big or, well, go home attitude that not only addressed water issues in the context of plants but also in hardscape to prevent flooding.

Turf rebates-Fall planting-November 2020-

Lawn Rebates for Fall Planting Season

Fall planting season is underway and a great time to take advantage of rebates for replacing your lawn.

“Fall is like a second spring for planting in our region and it’s also a great opportunity for residents to take advantage of some outdoor incentives as they replace grass with climate appropriate plants,” said Joni German, water resources specialist at the San Diego County Water Authority.

Lawn replacement rebates

Turf replacement rebates of $3 per square foot are available for residents in the Water Authority service area, she said. The rebates include $2 per square foot from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, with an additional $1 per square foot from the Water Authority, for up to 5,000 square feet of lawn converted in front or back yard.

German suggests residential customers use the rebate estimator to determine the amount they would receive for removing their turf.

“For example, if San Diego residents are removing 1,000 square feet of turf, their rebate will be $3,000 – $2,000 from MWD and $1,000 from the Water Authority,” said German.

Turf rebates-November 2020-before-fall planting

BEFORE: This homeowner took advantage of rebates to transform the front yard into a colorful landscape with climate-appropriate plants. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority.

Turf rebates-after-November 2020-fall planting

AFTER: This homeowner took advantage of turf rebates to transform the front yard with climate-appropriate plants. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority.

Free landscape makeover help

For landscape makeover assistance, German encourages residents to visit WaterSmartSD.org, the Water Authority’s conservation website, and take advantage of free landscape education through the WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program. This program assists homeowners with landscape transformations through a variety of virtual formats including:

  • Three-hour workshops
  • Four-class series
  • Videos on demand

Homeowners can also visit the website to find landscape resources such as free onsite audits, finding a landscape professional, rebates on indoor and outdoor water saving devices, links to programming irrigation controllers, an online plant database and how to install a rain barrel.

Other water-saving practices include turning off irrigation systems when rainstorms are predicted (and leave them off for at least a week after significant rainfall) and installing rain barrels or cisterns to help capture stormwater from roofs and store it for future irrigation use.

“Adjusting irrigation is an easy way to increase water efficiency, since landscapes need less water as the days get shorter and cooler,” said German.

Rebates are also available for weather-based irrigation controllers, soil moisture sensors, rain barrels or cisterns. There are also incentives for commercial customers to increase their water efficiency, with indoor and outdoor rebates. The rebates are processed through SoCal WaterSmart.