Tag Archive for: La Mesa

La Mesa Offers Free Trees to Residents in Areas with Public Right-of-Ways

Set down roots, water a tree and help bring shade to the city through La Mesa’s free tree program. The City of La Mesa is offering free trees to residents who have public right-of-ways located in front of their property. Public right-of-ways are the small strips of land between the sidewalk and street that often are covered with grass, dirt or cement. –

A 1920s La Mesa landscape used lush floral color with climate-appropriate plants, winning recognition from the Helix Water District as the runner-up in its 2023 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. Photo: Helix Water District lush landscape

Lush Landscape Recognized as Runner-Up in Helix Landscape Contest

The slope of a 1920s La Mesa home went from a drab lawn to lush floral color with climate-appropriate plants, winning recognition from the Helix Water District as the runner-up in its 2023 WaterSmart Landscape Contest.

The country garden with climate-appropriate plants is the creation of Joanna and Larry Henning. Photo: Helix Water District lush landscape

Joanna and Larry Henning created the country garden with climate-appropriate plants. Photo: Helix Water District

The contest promotes beautiful, water-efficient landscapes and rewards people for their inspiring gardens. Joanna and Larry Henning created the country garden with climate-appropriate plants.

The Hennings bought the property in La Mesa‘s historic downtown area in 2017. Its landscape was covered in weeds and poorly maintained trees. The couple wanted a new landscape that would fill in the expansive slope and be water efficient while staying true to the character of their home.


The Hennings home prior to its landscape makeover. Photo: Helix Water District lush landscape

Before the landscape makeover. Photo: Helix Water District


The Hennings landscape after its makeover. Photo: Helix Water District lush landscape

After the landscape makeover. Photo: Helix Water District

Succulent cuttings

Planting an area this large with new plants can be expensive. But the couple were creative and resourceful, sourcing their plants for the new landscape design. Larry Henning used succulent cuttings from friends and family to plant most of their new landscape.

They supplemented the landscape with carefully chosen specimen plants, including protea, sages, and plumeria. These choices create the landscape’s variety of interesting shapes and colors. Five years after starting the project, even the slowest growing plants are fully grown and have transformed the landscape.

Irrigation efficiency

Plants receive water from inline drip irrigation with pressure-compensating drip emitters. Photo: Helix Water District lush landscape

Plants receive water from inline drip irrigation with pressure-compensating drip emitters. Photo: Helix Water District

The landscape uses water efficiently to provide enough water for the plants to flourish without waste. Watering schedules are controlled using a smart weather-based irrigation controller. It automatically adjusts for rain and weather changes. Plants receive water from inline drip irrigation with pressure-compensating drip emitters.

Pressure compensation is essential for sloped landscapes because it maintains even watering rates all along the slope and prevents overwatering areas at the bottom of the landscape, where pressure is higher. Mulch covers the drip system, which protects the soil and slows evaporation.

Colorful addition to the La Mesa neighborhood

The view from the patio at the Hennings' La Mesa home. Photo: Helix Water District

The view from the patio. Photo: Helix Water District

The landscape delivers ample curb appeal. From the street, trees frame the landscape, filled with shades of green and pops of color. Viewers can also see agave, cacti, and dozens of other succulents. Many display long cones of flowers. From the front patios, the garden provides a tranquil space for the family to enjoy.

District officials selected the landscape for special runner-up recognition due to its impressive transformation and efficient use of color and irrigation.

Helix Water District holds its landscape makeover contest annually. Entries are accepted starting every February through mid-May. For entry information, go to landscapecontest.com.

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

Otay Water District-2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

Otay Water District Opens 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

The Otay Water District has launched its annual WaterSmart Landscape Contest as part of a continuing effort to encourage water conservation. Outdoor watering accounts for more than half of residential water use. The resident judged to have the most attractive, drought-toleranat garden receives a nursery gift card, among other prizes, and the title “Best in District.” The deadline to enter is Friday, May 12.

“This contest recognizes the outdoor conservation efforts our residential customers have made during a time when it matters most,” said Otay Water District Board President Mark Robak. “Previous winners of this program have proven that it is possible to create low-water and low-maintenance landscapes with curb appeal.”

The Feibers used beautiful low-water use plants to replace more than 2,000 square feet of turf. Photo: Otay Water District

The Feibers used beautiful low-water use plants to replace more than 2,000 square feet of turf. Photo: Otay Water District

To participate, residents must fill out an application and submit before and after photos of their landscape, a plant list, and a description of their landscape’s transformation. Nominations are also welcome. Front, back, and side yards are eligible.

Recent winners include the transformation of a gopher-ridden lawn at an El Cajon home into an outdoor room design that is wheelchair accessible; a La Mesa makeover incorporating creative elements including a hand-built waterfall made from an old truck ladder rack and other solid materials otherwise destined to become trash in a landfill; and a drought tolerant Chula Vista landscape which beautifies an entire neighborhood with native habitat.

Contest showcases residential water-saving landscape projects

The beautiful, wheelchair accessible garden inspired by Patricia Wood's daughter Kimberly is the 2020 Otay Water District Landscape Contest winner. Photo: Otay Water District 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

The beautiful, wheelchair accessible garden inspired by Patricia Wood’s daughter Kimberly is the 2020 Otay Water District Landscape Contest winner. Photo: Otay Water District

The 2023 regional WaterSmart Landscape Makeover competition seeks the best in landscaping makeover projects from 12 participating San Diego County water agencies. The annual competition is intended to showcase residential water-saving landscaping projects. Winning examples help inform and inspire other homeowners to consider replacing their water-guzzling grass yards.

“We’re encouraged by the enthusiastic participation by San Diego County homeowners who are moving away from lawn-intensive landscaping as the default choice,” said Joni German, Water Resources Specialist with the San Diego County Water Authority. “Homeowners are creating lush, colorful, thriving landscapes which are water-efficient and beautiful at the same time.”

Twelve participating agencies in San Diego County

Patricia Wood's landscape design has broad paths to accomodate a wheelchair. Photo: Otay Water DIstrict 2023 Landscape Makeover Contest

Patricia Wood’s landscape design has broad paths to accomodate a wheelchair. Photo: Otay Water DIstrict

Along with the Otay Water District, participating agencies in 2023 include: California American Water, the cities of Escondido and Oceanside, Helix Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Rincon Del Diablo Water District, San Dieguito Water District, Sweetwater Authority, Vallecitos Water District, and the Vista Irrigation District.

Each agency winner receives a $250 gift certificate and public recognition for their efforts. Homeowners may also be eligible for grass removal rebates and additional incentives.

This year’s contest deadline for all participating agencies is Friday, May 12. Homeowners may submit their entry online through their participating agency.

(Editor’s Note: The Otay Water District, the cities of Escondido and Oceanside, Helix Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Rincon Del Diablo Water District, San Dieguito Water District, Sweetwater Authority, Vallecitos Water District, and the Vista Irrigation District are 11 of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego region.)

Helix Water District Unfurls New Landscaping at Administration Building

The Helix Water District’s administration office in La Mesa is sporting a new look with drought tolerant landscaping that has increased the curb appeal of the headquarters.

Three styles of drought-tolerant landscapes are planted around three sides of the building on University Avenue, Lee Avenue and Quince Street. The Mediterranean garden goes along University, a desert style on Lee and California native landscaping on Quince. Each is filled with flowers, cacti and other plants in myriad colors, scents, styles and textures.


Welcoming La Mesa Landscape Wins 2020 WaterSmart Contest

Tim and Brianna Montgomery of La Mesa transformed a thirsty lawn to a welcoming, water-efficient English inspired cottage landscaping, winning the Helix Water District 2020 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. The contest is an annual competition recognizing outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on overall attractiveness, design, efficient irrigation, and appropriate plant selection and maintenance.

The Montgomerys' blooming and colorful English inspired landscape uses much less water than a lawn of similar size, and compliments the couple’s cottage style home. Photo: Helix Water District

Welcoming La Mesa Landscape Wins 2020 WaterSmart Contest

Tim and Brianna Montgomery of La Mesa transformed a thirsty lawn to a welcoming, water-efficient English inspired cottage landscaping, winning the Helix Water District 2020 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. The contest is an annual competition recognizing outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on overall attractiveness, design, efficient irrigation, and appropriate plant selection and maintenance.

The Montgomery home prior to its award-winning landscape makeover. Photo: Helix Water District

The Montgomery home prior to its award-winning landscape makeover. Photo: Helix Water District

Compared to the previous lawn, the Montgomerys’ blooming and colorful English inspired landscape uses much less water than a lawn of similar size. The thriving landscape creates privacy from the road, and compliments the couple’s cottage style home. Over the two-month billing period ending in May 2020, this home used 40% less water than the average Helix Water District customer.

Privacy and low-maintenance style took priority

The Montgomerys' new design incorporates a variety of native and low water use plants. Photo: Helix Water District

The Montgomerys’ new design incorporates a variety of blooming flowers and herbs. Photo: Helix Water District

They purchased their home in 2014. The couple were not happy with the existing lawn’s water consumption, or the lack of privacy it offered. The front window faces two streets. They made unsuccessful attempts on their own to reduce the lawn’s water use. In addition, the front yard sloped towards the house, causing moisture to form in the home’s basement during rainy weather.

The couple toured numerous gardens in East County with the California Native Plant Society’s native garden tours to collect design ideas. They hired a landscape designer in fall 2018, who worked to create a hardscape layout, irrigation design, and planting plan featuring low-maintenance plants, while still matching the charm and character of their 1950s cottage style home.

The Montgomerys worked with a landscape designer who helped create a hardscape layout, irrigation design, and planting plan featuring low-maintenance plants. Photo: Helix Water District

Tim and Brianna Montgomery worked with a landscape designer who helped create a hardscape layout, irrigation design, and planting plan featuring a green color palette. Photo: Helix Water District

“Our landscape designer gave us the design to meet our needs and created a plan so that we could do most of the work ourselves,” said Brianna Montgomery. “We only had to hire a contractor to do hardscape work and install the new water-efficient irrigation system. We did all of the other work ourselves, including grading the front, amending our soil with fresh compost, purchasing and installing the new plants, and adding mulch according to the design.”

The new landscape design offers more privacy from surrounding streets. Photo: Helix Water District La Mesa Landscaping

The new landscape design offers more privacy from surrounding streets. Photo: Helix Water District

The year-old landscape boasts a filled-in appearance and a wide variety of vibrant and colorful plants.

To offer privacy, create shade, and height, the landscape has a fruitless olive tree and a bright desert willow. Low water use daisies add lushness to the landscape. Shrubs and groundcover provide contrast with the home’s red brick front, including soft blue-greens from lavender, Mexican bush sage, and fescue grasses; emerald-colored rosemary; yellow-green rockrose; and splashes of purple, yellow, white, reds and pinks among the landscape’s many flowers.

Efficient new irrigation completes the transformation

The new landscaping is more welcoming both to people and pollinators. Photo: Helix Water District

The new landscaping is more welcoming both to people and pollinators. Photo: Helix Water District

The efficient irrigation system includes micro sprays, drip irrigation, and a smart, weather-based irrigation controller. The landscape diverts and captures rainwater from the front roof and diverts the water to the back yard through a series of French drains. The new rainwater diversion prevents moisture from forming in the home’s basement and also provides additional water for the plants in the home’s backyard.

The new landscape is now more welcoming both to people and pollinators, birds, lizards, and other wildlife now calling the landscape home.

“We couldn’t have asked for a better landscape,” said Brianna Montgomery. “Our landscape fits the energy of our home and ourselves, and we loved being a part of the transformation every step of the way.”

Lavender and daisies brighten the winning landscape design. Photo: Helix Water District

Brianna and Tim Montgomery were recognized at the June 17 Helix Water District virtual board meeting. They received a $250 gift card, an award certificate, and a WaterSmart contest winner sign to display in the yard.

Photos of the winning landscape project will appear in the winner’s section at landscapecontest.com, along with Helix’s past winners and those of other participating local water agencies, and on the district’s website.

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Opinion: Your Tap Is The Safest Source of Water During This Pandemic

As we Americans face these unprecedented times, many are rushing to the store to stock up on bottled water and other supplies. At Helix Water District, we want to remind you that your tap water is still safe and reliable.

While it’s always advisable to have a reasonable amount of emergency water on hand, the coronavirus outbreak is not a situation that will require a stockpile of bottled water. You will still have access to safe, clean water from your tap, as always.

There is no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted through water. The illness primarily transfers from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

At Helix Water District, we work diligently 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure your water is safe to drink, meeting all state and federal quality regulations. We collect and analyze 200 water samples a day to ensure our treatment process is effective. Our water treatment process includes disinfecting the water with ozone to chemically deactivate and physically remove viruses, bacteria and other organisms.

History of Helix Water District on Tap Jan. 25

More than 130 years of local history will be shared as part of the Helix Water District’s behind-the-scenes “Water Talk” this month.

Helix customers will hear from the jurisdiction’s personnel how the need for a robust water infrastructure played in the development of East County and how the water district was formed in 1889 to meet that need.

The Water Authority is in the final stages of the Lake Murray to Sweetwater Reservoir Pipeline 3 Relining Project, including the restoration of roadways to pre-construction condition. La Mesa Relining Project

La Mesa Relining Project on Pace for Completion in June

Major construction activities have concluded at a pipeline relining project in La Mesa and Spring Valley, and the entire project is on track for completion by the end of June.

The Lake Murray to Sweetwater Reservoir Pipeline 3 Relining Project rehabilitated 4.3 miles of 66- and 69-inch diameter pipes, extending the pipeline’s service life by several decades and helping ensure continued water system reliability.

The timely success of the project underscores the value of collaboration by the Water Authority’s project team; public agency stakeholders such as the city of La Mesa and Helix Water District; and the contractor, L.H. Woods & Sons, Inc.

Construction began in September 2017. The bulk of the work was performed underground, through portals, which allow easy access to the pipe. This process is about half the cost of a conventional pipeline replacement project and is less disruptive to the environment and surrounding communities.

Project part of larger Water Authority effort

The 4.3-mile project is part of a larger effort by the Water Authority to rehabilitate 82 miles of its pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe installed between the early 1960s and 80s throughout the county. This type of pipe has been found to be less reliable than previously thought. In response, the Water Authority launched the Pipeline Relining Program to reinforce these pipes with steel liners, increasing their service life by 75 years or more.

With the last of the new steel liners installed, welded, grouted and lined with cement mortar, the remaining work includes site restoration – such as re-paving and re-striping roadways – and demobilizing.

With the completion of the Lake Murray to Sweetwater project, the Water Authority has rehabilitated more than half of its pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe.