Tag Archive for: KSRO Sonoma

Water-Use Targets To Be Implemented In 2023

Californians have been speculating whether they can get fined for taking a shower and doing laundry on the same day. The Association of California Water Agencies clarified information last week about water-use targets placed by California Senate bills that went into effect in May 2018. The association says there aren’t any statewide laws that require household to meet specific water-use targets.

New Federal Guidelines for Diverting California Water to Take Effect Soon

The war over California’s water between Governor Gavin Newsom and the Trump administration is at a crossroads, with new federal guidelines loosening the restrictions on water pumping set to take effect soon. The new guidelines call for diverting more water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to agribusiness and urban areas further south. Barbara Barrigan-Parilla with the group Restore the Delta, says despite Newsom indicating he was going to sue over the new federal guidelines, that hasn’t happened yet.