Tag Archive for: hydroelectricity

Recent snowstorms may bolster California hydroelectric output this summer

All the rain that has led to swollen rivers and flooding in parts of San Diego and large portions of Southern California has coincided with multiple snowstorms that blew across the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the northern half of the state.

Revisiting the Debate: Who Will Build New U.S. Pumped Storage?

About this time last year, I published an article on Hydro Review where I asked: “Who will build the first new pumped storage hydro in the U.S.?”

In that article, I didn’t really provide an answer to the question. I did list the three projects I saw as the front runners, based on them having operating licenses from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: 1,300 Eagle Mountain in California, 400 MW Gordon Butte in Montana and 393 MW Swan Lake in Oregon. And I included the 1,200 MW Goldendale project in Washington in the honorable mention position.

Lake Powell Hits Historic Low, Raising Hydropower Concerns

A massive reservoir known as a boating mecca dipped below a critical threshold on Tuesday raising new concerns about a source of power that millions of people in the U.S. West rely on for electricity.

Lake Powell’s fall to below 3,525 feet (1,075 meters) puts it at its lowest level since the lake filled after the federal government dammed the Colorado River at Glen Canyon more than a half century ago — a record marking yet another sobering realization of the impacts of climate change and megadrought.

California Drought: Snowpack Falls Below Average, Which Means Another Down Year for Hydroelectricity

At the start of the year, it looked like California would finally get some relief from a persistent drought, with reservoirs poised to help contribute an abundant amount of hydroelectricity to the state’s grid come summertime. But those hopes are fading like a mirage.

“Realistically, as far as our dams and our hydroelectric production, it’s looking like we could be in a similar spot as last summer, potentially even worse by the end of the summer,” said Andrew Schwartz, lead scientist that the UC Berkeley Central Sierra Snow Lab. “It’s not looking great, to be honest.”

State Grid of China Switches on World’s Largest Pumped-Hydro Station

The State Grid Corporation of China, which is China’s largest state-owned grid operator and power utility, has commissioned, last week, the 3.6GW Fengning Pumped Storage Power Station, a pumped-storage hydroelectric power station located in Hebei province.

The construction of the $1.87 billion project, which was implemented in two 1.8GW phases, was started by engineering company China Gezhouba Group Company Limited in 2014.

A 20-Year Megadrought Threatens Hydropower in the West

A 20-year megadrought in the West is threatening hydropower for millions of people, so the federal government is taking emergency action. It’s sending water from other reservoirs to Lake Powell to help keep the power turbines there spinning.

California Hydroelectric Plant Shut as Water Level Drops

Drought-stricken California on Thursday shut down one of its largest hydroelectric plants because there’s not enough water to power it.

The six-turbine Edward Hyatt Power Plant was taken off-line after the water level in the Oroville Dam reservoir that feeds it sank to an historic low of less than 642 feet (195.7 meters) above mean sea level.

The reservoir in the Sierra Nevada foothills north of Sacramento was less than a quarter full.

Drought Socks Hydroelectricity, Putting California in a Power Pinch

The annual snapshot of California’s electricity generation shows how much drought conditions can affect the state’s power mix.

In-state hydroelectricity generation in 2020 dropped 44.3 percent from the year before, according to numbers recently released by the California Energy Commission. All told, 21,414 gigawatt-hours came from a combination of the state’s large and small hydro power plants — significantly lower than the 38.494 gigawatt-hours hydro delivered in 2019.

The Last Thing California Needed: Drought Adds to Electricity Woes as Hydro Power Dries Up

California’s shaky power grid is on a collision course with an epic drought that’s depleting a major source of supply: hydroelectricity.

The Western heatwave that began Wednesday has the manager of the state’s grid, the California Independent System Operator, warning of potential power shortages through the weekend. Although the organization stopped short of predicting another round of rolling blackouts, it appealed to Californians to conserve energy to get the state through a tough week. The National Weather Service said temperatures are expected to reach 110 degrees Thursday.

The Rebirth of a Historic River

“My great uncle and my grandma and my great grandparents and, I’m sure, their great grandparents: they were all fishermen. That’s just what they did – they fished and it was out of necessity to support their families. And it’s because that’s what we’ve always done and we’ve never known another life,” says Amy Cordalis, the general counsel of the Yurok, and a member of California’s largest indigenous tribe.

It’s hard to overstate how important this livelihood has been to the Yurok people who have lived for millennia in rural Northern California. And yet this livelihood has been diminishing for decades after the Klamath River – which flows through the tribe’s territory – was dammed for hydroelectricity. But now, after years of painstaking negotiations, the fortunes of the Yurok could be set to change, with the largest dam removal project in US history given the green light.