Tag Archive for: Groundwater

Long Beach Looks to Invest More in Groundwater as Colorado River Shrinks

With the future of the Colorado River and the amount of water it will be able to deliver to Southern California in question, the Long Beach Utilities Department is looking at investing $157 million into its groundwater system, which could reduce the city’s reliance on expensive and diminishing imported water.

Groundwater accounts for about 60% of the water that Long Beach residents use each year, and the Colorado provides about 25% of the city’s supply, with the rest coming from the State Water Project, both of which can fluctuate with precipitation patterns.

Westlands Receives $1.5mil for Desalination Pilot Program

Westlands Water District received a state grant to support desalination and on-farm recycling.

Westlands, which serves western Fresno and Kings Counties, views the grant as strengthening its ability to improve the water supply for local communities and farmers.

When Will California Have Its Next Drought? JPL May Soon Offer a Water Crystal Ball

A new satellite by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory will soon provide more precise — and vital — data on how much water is available on Earth’s surface, allowing better forecasts for extreme weather conditions such as droughts and floods, and helping water resources managers and farmers to get a better picture of their water budget.

The international Surface Water and Ocean Topography or SWOT mission was launched in December 2022 from Vandenberg Space Force Base atop a Falcon 9 rocket.

Water Supply Beneath the Surface: Why Groundwater Matters

When we talk about California’s water, we often think of what we can see: a snowpack, reservoirs to hold water, and aqueducts to deliver water to communities throughout the state.  There is another source of water for California, and it sits deep under our feet.  It’s called groundwater.

SoCal Plans to Reduce Imported Water Supplies by 2035

Colorado River water from Lake Mead makes its way to Southern California through the California River Aqueduct.

Once this water arrives in Lake Mathews, it’s then distributed to a water treatment plant owned by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Currently, most of the water in Metropolitan’s water treatment facilities are from Northern California from the State Water Project because of our wet winter.

Opinion: Earth Day: California Must Curb Central Valley Food Waste as Water Crisis Worsens

In the Central Valley, agriculture is everything. Farmers here grow 25% of the country’s food, yet copious amounts of flawed produce is dumped or left to rot.

For many supermarkets, an orange with a hail scratch is deemed unsellable. In 2019, researchers from Santa Clara University found that an estimated one-third of food in northern and central California is wasted, largely because of supermarket standards and consumer habits. We cannot follow this model of growing more produce than we need – or wasting this much – given California’s limited water resources, drought on surface water, and severe overpumping of groundwater.

California to Squander Record Rains, Snowpack in Deluge of Regulations, GOP Lawmakers Say

California’s Central Valley constitutes 1 percent of the agricultural land in the United States yet it harvests nearly a quarter of the nation’s farmed products.

The 50-mile wide, 450-mile-long breadbasket is irrigated by an intricate series of river impoundments and canals that are regulated by federal and state agencies.

Paso Robles City Council Greenlights Funding for Ambitious Recycled Water Project

The Paso Robles City Council has approved millions in funding for an ambitious recycled water project.

The project involves building a 4.5-mile pipeline that will carry recycled water to vineyards and parks on the east side of the city.

“I think it’ll save water and it goes back into the ground,” said Doris Vermi, who lives near Paso Robles.

California Farmers Flood Their Fields in Order to Save Them

When Don Cameron first intentionally flooded his central California farm in 2011, pumping excess stormwater onto his fields, fellow growers told him he was crazy.

Today, California water experts see Cameron as a pioneer. His experiment to control flooding and replenish the ground water has become a model that policy makers say others should emulate.

Opinion: Why California Will Still Have a Water Shortage No Matter How Much It Rains This Year

During a winter of blizzards, floods and drought-ending downpours, it’s easy to forget that California suffers from chronic water scarcity — the long-term decline of the state’s total available fresh water. This rainy season’s inundation isn’t going to change that.

How is this possible, given the unrelenting series of atmospheric river systems that have dumped near-record snowfall over the Sierra and replenished the state’s reservoirs?