Tag Archive for: groundwater supply

Cities Are Changing Groundwater Availability for Residential Growth

According to the US Drought Monitor, 28.8% of the lower 48 states are in drought. At one point in 2022, almost half of the country was in a drought condition. The lack of precipitation plays havoc on the groundwater supply which is the basic water supply for most Americans.

How Cloud Seeding is Giving a Boost to Nevada’s Water Supply

In mountain peaks across the West, it’s their job to make it snow.

No, they’re not wizards, even if the work they do seems like magic.

Arizona’s Groundwater Supplies Are Essentially Unregulated. That Means Rural Wells Are Drying Up

While temperatures push well above 100 degrees, it’s easy to forget that Arizona’s deserts lie on top of groundwater basins that formed during the Ice Age. The state’s rural communities rely on that water, which experts say is a finite resource. But in most cases, it’s not regulated in any meaningful way. That lack of regulation has begun to show, as wells dry up and local residents call for action.

Orange County Water District Looks to Replenish Groundwater Basin for the 2nd Time This Year

The Orange County Water District said it’s grateful for all the rain this year.

Adam Hutchinson, recharge planning manager for OCWD said in the past, there’s been years when they’ve had almost no storm water to collect.

He said it is crucial to retain as much of it as possible when we have it.

Efforts to Protect Groundwater Are Tested by Drought

Balancing the state’s groundwater supplies for a sustainable future may not be easy due to severe drought and ongoing economic challenges facing farmers. “We’ve got the lowest prices and highest production costs and the least-reliable water supply that we’ve had since I’ve been farming,” said Bill Diedrich of Firebaugh, who farms row crops and permanent crops on the west side in Madera and Fresno counties. “We’ve had one or the other but not all three at the same time.”

Did California Learn Anything From the Last Drought? ‘Gambling’ With Water Continues

The governor of California stood in a patch of dry brown grass as he made his proclamation:

“We’re in a new era. The idea of your nice little green grass getting lots of water every day — that’s going to be a thing of the past,” he said. “We’re in a historic drought, and that demands unprecedented action.”

But it wasn’t Gavin Newsom speaking — it was the state’s previous governor, Jerry Brown, and the year was 2015.