Tag Archive for: Grant

Oceanside Stream Restoration Grant Awarded

The California Department of Water Resources has awarded a $275,800 grant to the City of Oceanside to design a comprehensive riparian habitat and streambank restoration project for a segment of Buena Vista Creek in southeast Oceanside. The planning work will identify a feasible restoration design, conduct community outreach and complete preliminary environmental documentation for future restoration work.

Lomita Receives Grant to Remove Chemical from Drinking Water

A grant of up to $2 million will allow Lomita to install a filtration system that removes a potentially carcinogenic chemical from its drinking water, allowing the community to resume using groundwater instead of more expensive imported supplies.

The small city had taken its sole well offline last year and drained its 5 million gallon reservoir after the levels of benzene discovered in its groundwater exceeded state drinking water standards.

The community was forced to tap pricey imported water from the Metropolitan Water District to serve its 4,242 residential and commercial customers.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

OMWD Invites Teachers to Apply for Field Trip Grant

Encinitas, CA—OMWD invites fourth-grade through eighth-grade teachers living or teaching within OMWD’s service area to apply for the California Special Districts Association San Diego Chapter’s Field Trip Grant by March 16.