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FRS II- Mission Trails- Flow Control Facility

Mission Trails Water Project Completed; Park Trails Reopened

One of the San Diego County Water Authority’s large-scale capital improvement projects – the Mission Trails Flow Regulatory Structure II and Flow Control Facility (FRS II) – is now completed. The project upgraded the Water Authority’s untreated water supply system by improving the delivery of water to treatment plants serving the central and southern areas of San Diego County.

The FRS II project, which began construction in spring 2020, includes a new 5-million-gallon underground covered reservoir, a flow control facility and pipeline interconnections. The reservoir is covered with soil and vegetation, except for several access hatches and vents that allow for air movement inside the reservoir. FRS II is the Water Authority’s second underground water tank located in Mission Trails Regional Park – the other one, located just west of the new one, is a treated water tank. The two tanks work to efficiently move water through the region, ultimately to customer’s homes and businesses.

“The Water Authority thanks the community for their patience while crews work to successfully build this important water delivery project,” said Michael Heu, the Water Authority’s construction manager for the project. “With the project completed, we are pleased to reopen the park trails which were previously impacted due to construction activity. The public’s safety was a top priority during this work.”

During construction, the Water Authority worked in partnership with key stakeholders, community partners, and the public to keep them well-informed about project status and park trail closures. Key construction highlights include:

  • Approximately 150,000 cubic yards of dirt excavated, with only 20,000 cubic yards exported
  • More than 100 concrete pours deposited 6,000 cubic yards of reinforced concrete
  • 100 columns inside the FRS II support the roof

The FRS II further enhances the Water Authority’s regional water delivery system – a system capable of delivering 900 million gallons of water each day to its 24 member agencies. The new Flow Control Facility delivers from 1 to 140 cubic feet per second of water to member agencies downstream of Mission Trails Regional Park.

Commitment to the Environment

While the Mission Trails Regional Park is known for its 8,000 acres of open space that draw hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, major sections of the Water Authority’s regional water delivery system run underground in the western portion of the park. When construction is required for pipeline maintenance or upgrading water facilities, the Water Authority makes minimizing the impact on the environment a top priority and the construction of the FRS II was no different.

Under the 2006 Good Neighbor agreement with the Mission Trails Regional Park Citizen’s Advisory Committee, the Water Authority is committed to rehabilitating any native habitats and open spaces in the park that are disturbed during construction to their natural state.

Since construction of the FRS II required some removal of native plants, the Water Authority pledged to plant and restore native vegetation of about 17 acres in the park.

Efforts for Revegetation and Hydroseeding

A critical part of successfully restoring the plant life began with mapping the plant habitats and soil types in the construction areas, then harvesting seeds from the native plants.

Before construction began in 2020, approximately 225 pounds of live seed were gathered from within the park and taken to a dedicated nursery. From these seeds, more than 22,000 native plants were grown and are currently being planted over a 17-acre area.

“The seeds harvested from the park prior to construction were twice as fertile than expected, which led to great success in growth,” said Summer Adelberg, Water Authority Principal Water Resource Specialist, who leads the revegetation efforts for the project. “We are pleased with the large number of plants already established throughout the project.”

Monitoring and Maintenance of Restored Areas

While water has already begun flowing through the underground storage tank structure, the restoration work and regrowth in the construction areas is far from over.

Once the planting is complete, each restored site will undergo a 120-day plant establishment period where the areas will be watered, weeded and maintained. That will be followed by a five-year maintenance and monitoring period to ensure the successful growth of the new plants.

In a few years, when revegetation has succeeded, you could be standing on top of nearly five million gallons of water and the only evidence of the massive underground tank will be small service hatches surrounded by native plants.

New Water Tank in Mission Trails Nearly Complete and Will Soon Disappear

Construction of the new Flow Regulatory Structure II, or FRS II, in Mission Trails Regional Park is nearing completion. The structure is now completely enclosed on all sides and was successfully tested.

Construction crews have started placing soil around the exterior walls to begin burying the structure. In the next three weeks, the roof will be covered so the facility is concealed. Water is expected to begin flowing into FRS II in June 2022.


New Water Tank in Mission Trails Nearly Complete and Will Soon Disappear

Construction of the new Flow Regulatory Structure II, or FRS II, in Mission Trails Regional Park is nearing completion. The structure is now completely enclosed on all sides and was successfully tested.

Construction crews have started placing soil around the exterior walls to begin burying the structure. In the next three weeks, the roof will be covered so the facility is concealed. Water is expected to begin flowing into FRS II in June 2022.

Mission Trails Regional Park project

The new structure, located in the northwest portion of Mission Trails Regional Park, is part of a San Diego County Water Authority project to upgrade the untreated water system that delivers water to treatment plants servicing the central and southern areas of the county, helping to balance the flow of untreated water. Once in operation, the FRS II will be capable of holding nearly five million gallons of water – enough water to fill seven Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Area will be restored with natural vegetation

Revegetation efforts will begin after FRS II is work is complete this fall. The topsoil was removed and stored onsite and will be returned help restore native plants and vegetation to pre-construction conditions.

Before the project began, 225 pounds of live seed was gathered from within Mission Trails Regional Park and taken to a dedicated nursery. From these seeds, more than 22,000 native plants are being grown and will be planted over a 17-acre area. Once planted, there will be a 120-day plant establishment period followed by five years of maintenance and monitoring to assure successful implementation.

Construction began in March 2020 just as the coronavirus pandemic began. As an essential infrastructure project, construction on the water project continued during the pandemic.

The Water Authority operates and maintains a regional water delivery system capable of delivering 900 million gallons of water per day.

Watch a recent news story about the project nearing completion.

Update on Water Project in Mission Trails

Construction continues in Mission Trails Regional Park to upgrade the San Diego County Water Authority’s untreated water supply system. The estimated completion of the project has been extended from mid-2022 to late 2022 due mostly to necessary design changes. The project will improve the delivery of a safe and reliable water supply to treatment plants serving the central and southern areas of San Diego County.

FRSII-Mission Trails Regional Park-Trail Closure Map

Trail closures will continue Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and reopen as soon as it is safe. The Water Authority’s work in Mission Trails Work will not affect the delivery of high quality drinking water to homes. Graphic: San Diego County Water Authority

For more information about the project including an interactive map showing the closed trails, visit sdcwa.org/mission-trails-FRS. Call 877-682-9283, ext. 7004, or email  with questions.

Mission Trails FRS II water project construction

FRS II: Mission Trails Water Project Takes Shape

When looking from the right vantage point towards Mission Trails Regional Park, a brown hill can be seen. This is the San Diego County Water Authority’s Mission Trails Flow Regulatory Structure II Project, or FRS II, under construction. Once complete, the dirt hill will be leveled to its previous contours and revegetated with native plants – many seeded from plants within the park itself.

An underground reservoir is being constructed within the park to improve the Water Authority’s untreated water system in the northwest area of the park. The upgrade will increase reliable water delivery to treatment plants that serve the central and south sections of San Diego County.

Mission Trails FRS II construction area

From a vantage point on a trail in Mission Trails Regional Park, construction equipment can be seen working on the underground water tank that will help balance regional water flows. Photo: Jim Madaffer

FRS II will help balance regional water flows

Work efforts on the new FRS II are beginning to take shape with many of the wall sections installed.

The FRS II will be an underground concrete water tank that will store slightly less than five million gallons of water and be used to balance flows in the aqueduct system. FRS II will be the second underground water tank in the park – both work to efficiently move water through the region. Construction is also underway on a new flow control facility, which is part of the project.

Drone aerial view of Mission Trails FRS II project

Crews captured an aerial view of part of the project site using a drone, which helps to visualize project areas that are not easily accessible. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Contruction closure information

Some trails in the northwest area of the park are closed during FRS II construction hours (Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.), with portions closed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Water Authority created an interactive map showing the location of the closed trails. Visit www.sdcwa.org/mission-trails-FRS to view the map and learn more information about the project. For questions about the project call a toll-free project information line at (877) 682-9283, ext. 7004, or email