Tag Archive for: free tree program

La Mesa Offers Free Trees to Residents in Areas with Public Right-of-Ways

Set down roots, water a tree and help bring shade to the city through La Mesa’s free tree program. The City of La Mesa is offering free trees to residents who have public right-of-ways located in front of their property. Public right-of-ways are the small strips of land between the sidewalk and street that often are covered with grass, dirt or cement. –

SoCal Needs to Keep Vital Trees Alive Despite Unprecedented Watering Restrictions

The lowly sidewalk tree often stands invisible. We rest in its shade, bask in the scent of springtime flowers, and we don’t notice it until it’s gone.

But the tree works hard. It captures and filters stormwater runoff and helps replenish groundwater. It cleans our air and cools our neighborhoods. It improves our mental health. It saves lives.