Tag Archive for: fines

Excessive Use: Nearly 60K Las Vegans Hit With Water District’s New Fee

One out of every six homes in the Las Vegas Valley Water District’s jurisdiction has been hit with a new fee aimed at curbing the biggest water users and conserving Southern Nevada’s small share of the Colorado River.

And it’s already making a dent when it comes to saving water in the nation’s driest metropolitan area.

California Likely to Crack Down on Water Waste With Daily $500 Fines

After two years of drought, Gov. Gavin Newsom remains reluctant to put limits on statewide water use. His administration, however, is looking to take a first step.

Next month, the State Water Resources Control Board is expected to adopt temporary prohibitions on outdoor water practices, including hosing down driveways, filling up decorative fountains and watering lawns within 48 hours of rain.

Californians Could Face Up to $500 Fines for Wasting Water Amid Drought

California’s drought crisis is pushing officials to call for 15% reductions in water usage in communities throughout the state. Those found wasting water now could end up fined up to $500 a day, a new proposal from the California State Water Resources Control Board shows.

Under proposed emergency regulations, code enforcement offices could look for water wasters with those observed washing cars without a shutoff nozzle or residents watering lawns within 48 hours of a rain event potentially subjected to fines. The resolution will be considered by the state board in a Jan. 4 meeting.