Tag Archive for: financial assistance

IID Board Votes to Expand Financial Assistance to Senior Citizens

The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors acted to expand financial assistance to more customers through IID’s Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP), according to a recent IID press release.

“Our commitment has always been to the well-being of our customers. Recognizing the financial hardships many face, we’ve taken measures to extend our reach and support,” IID Board President, Alex Cardenas said in the release. “Now, even more residents will find relief in their electric bills through our comprehensive assistance programs. This Board’s united action today speaks volumes and our message is clear: We’re here for you.”

IID Board Expands Power Bill Financial Assistance

Financial assistance will be offered to an expanded number of power customers through the Imperial Irrigation District’s Residential Energy Assistance Program, thanks to an action of the IID Board of Directors during its meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 19.

Up to $2,000 Available for San Diego County Residents Struggling to Pay Water Bills

The San Diego County Water Authority has helped secure financial aid for low-income water customers in the region to cover overdue residential water and wastewater bills.

The authority is partnering with the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty of San Diego County (MAAC) and Campesinos Unidos, Inc. for outreach and education to make residents who are struggling aware of the funding.

Bill to Aid Farmworkers Jilted by Drought Effects Advances in Calif. Legislature

A new bill aimed at bringing relief to farmworkers affected by the drought is now one step closer to becoming law.

The bill, introduced by Sen. Melissa Hurtado (D–Sanger), aims to provide financial assistance to farmworkers struggling to afford basic necessities. Wednesday it passed in a state senate committee, four to one.

Helix Water District Logo Square officers for 2021

Helix Water District Board Approves Customer Assistance Program

The Helix Water District Board of Directors approved funding on February 24 for the district’s first financial customer assistance program which will help east county residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.