Tag Archive for: Fallbrook/Rainbow Detachment

Fallbrook Sees Rates Drop In ‘Water Divorce,’ Rainbow Not So Much — Yet. Here’s Why

With the new year, Fallbrook residents are seeing a reduction in their water rates as a result of the detachment from the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) — the so-called “water divorce.”

Opinion: Millions Share the Discontent That Fueled Rainbow and Fallbrook Vote For a Water Divorce

In modern American politics, voters at the local and state level are asked to weigh in all the time on ballot measures involving public policy. What’s strikingly consistent across the nation is just how contrary voters are and how ready they are to object to anything. In San Diego, for a local example, an utterly mundane 2016 measure to change the City Charter’s language on municipal bonds so that it conformed with the state Constitution and changes in state law drew the objections of 21 percent of voters. Very lopsided results are extremely rare.

Live Results: Fallbrook and Rainbow Water Districts Detachment Measures Approved

Voters in Fallbrook and Rainbow approved of detaching from the San Diego County Water Authority for cheaper water in Riverside County in early voting results Tuesday night.

After nearly three years of battling the Water Authority over what they say is increasingly high water rates, voters have had enough.

Bill Passes Forcing County Vote on Water District Exits, But Won’t Affect Fallbrook, Rainbow

A bill requiring a countywide vote before individual water districts can detach from an agency passed the Assembly on Tuesday, but it won’t prevent residents of Fallbrook and Rainbow from voting on Nov. 7.

Assembly Bill 399 passed on a vote of 47 to 8, with 25 members, including Assemblymember Marie Waldron from North County, not voting. It now goes to Gov. Gavin Newsom, but if he signs it into law, it won’t take effect until Jan. 1.

Salton Sea Obligations Cited in Letter as Government Formulates Colorado River Plan

A bill requiring a countywide vote before individual water districts can detach from an agency passed the Assembly on Tuesday, but it won’t prevent residents of Fallbrook and Rainbow from voting on Nov. 7.

Supervisors Support Countywide Vote on Whether Fallbrook, Rainbow Can Leave Water Authority

The county Board of Supervisors voted 3-1 Tuesday to support state legislation that would require a vote by all customers served by water districts within the San Diego County Water Authority before individual districts can leave the authority.


Vote to Switch Wholesalers Will Be on Nov. 7 Ballot

Fallbrook Public Utility District (FPUD) and Rainbow customers will have the opportunity to vote in the Nov. 7, 2023 election to consider switching water wholesalers, leaving the San Diego County Water Authority and instead purchasing water from Eastern Municipal Water District.

The district board called the election after receiving approval from the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to proceed.

County Water Authority Sues Over Rainbow, Fallbrook Agencies’ Departures

The San Diego County Water Authority filed a lawsuit Monday over the proposed departure of two North County water agencies, which the water authority alleges will raise water rates for other county residents.

The lawsuit challenges a decision from the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission to allow the Rainbow Municipal Water District and Fallbrook Public Utility District to leave the water authority and join a water agency in Riverside County.

County Water Authority Sues Over Rainbow, Fallbrook Agencies’ Departures

The San Diego County Water Authority filed a lawsuit Monday over the proposed departure of two North County water agencies, which the water authority alleges will raise water rates for other county residents.

The lawsuit challenges a decision from the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission to allow the Rainbow Municipal Water District and Fallbrook Public Utility District to leave the water authority.

San Diego’s Contentious Water Rate Increase Unveils Detachment Drama, Environmental Harm and $140 Million at Stake

On Monday, the San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) filed a lawsuit seeking to protect the environment and prevent an impending, illegal water rate increase that could hurt farmers, working families, small businesses, and disadvantaged communities across the county according to the Water Authority.