Tag Archive for: electricity rates

IID Board Votes to Expand Financial Assistance to Senior Citizens

The Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors acted to expand financial assistance to more customers through IID’s Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP), according to a recent IID press release.

“Our commitment has always been to the well-being of our customers. Recognizing the financial hardships many face, we’ve taken measures to extend our reach and support,” IID Board President, Alex Cardenas said in the release. “Now, even more residents will find relief in their electric bills through our comprehensive assistance programs. This Board’s united action today speaks volumes and our message is clear: We’re here for you.”

California Electricity Pricing Exploded in the Last Three Years, Far Outpacing Inflation

Energy Toolbase, a financial modeling platform specializing in solar and energy storage that collects nationwide electricity tariffs and rates, has published an in-depth analysis on the inflation of California’s electricity rates over the past decade. The analysis found that the state’s electricity inflation far outpaced generation inflation, averaging 15.3% from the 2020 through 2023. This surge came on the heels of a comparatively modest six-year span, which saw an average inflation of 1.6%.