Tag Archive for: electrical grid

Massive Snowpack’s Summer Bonus: Clean, Cheap Electricity for California

The huge snowpack that has blanketed the Sierra Nevada this winter has done more than end California’s drought and extended ski season. It’s also changing how Californians keep the lights on.

California Governor Floats 5-GW, $5.2B ‘Reliability Reserve’ Amid Possible Electricity Shortfalls

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, D, has earmarked $5.2 billion in a revised budget proposal released Friday to fund a “strategic electricity reliability reserve” – an up to 5,000 MW resource that the state can tap into when the grid is particularly stressed.

Record Snowfall in Northern California May Help the State’s Electric Grid in 2022

The deluge of snow in recent days along the Sierra Nevada mountain range has been a record-breaker. And that’s not only good news for ski resorts but it may lead to a healthy boost in hydroelectricity production in California this coming summer, which would help the state’s often-strained electric grid.

Record Snowfall in Northern California May Help the State’s Electric Grid in 2022

The deluge of snow in recent days along the Sierra Nevada mountain range has been a record-breaker. And that’s not only good news for ski resorts but it may lead to a healthy boost in hydroelectricity production in California this coming summer, which would help the state’s often-strained electric grid.

Solar Project Saves Energy, Costs for Vallecitos Water District

The Vallecitos Water District is pursuing greater use of renewable resources, increasing capacity to the electrical grid, and reducing long term operational costs with an innovative solar power project.

A Lesson from the Blackouts: California May be Too Reliant on Out-Of-State Energy Imports

A deep dive into the causes of the first rolling blackouts to hit California in 19 years is coming soon from state agencies but a preliminary report from an energy consulting group in Sacramento points to a number of reasons — including an overreliance on out-of-state energy imports.