Tag Archive for: Drought Tolerant

Rancho San Diego Landscape Earns Award for Colorful, Waterwise ‘Room with a View’

While Patricia Wood celebrates a top award in landscaping presented by her local water providers, there are probably more than a few disappointed gophers that are not singing her praises. Wood and a team of landscapers spent 2018 and 2019 transforming her 3,850-square-foot lawn, located along a cul-de-sac near Valhalla High School in Rancho San Diego, into drought-tolerant landscaping.

A Guide To Drought-Friendly Aloes

Debilitating droughts, fierce fires, water shortages — all are contributing to some people getting rid of their gardens. However, people can enjoy colorful plants while conserving water by changing their plant choices. Consider succulent plants. Succulents are defined as any plant storing water in leaves, stems or roots to withstand drought. (Cactuses are succulents, but botanists set them apart in their own category of Cactaceae.) Botanists have categorized succulent plants into many different genera. The most widely used in home gardens are aloes, agaves, aeoniums, kalanchoe, sedums, echeveria, euphorbia and crassula.