Tag Archive for: City of Ramona

Unincorporated San Diego County Communities Want More Say in Regional Decision-making

A proposal by a Ramona Community Planning Group member to add an advisory board member to represent the county’s unincorporated communities on the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) could soon move forward in the approval process.

On Tuesday, May 23, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will consider a resolution to add another adviser to the Board of Directors for SANDAG, a regional planning agency that considers transportation, housing and fire evacuation safety issues in addition to making funding decisions for related projects.

Acres Residents in Ramona Seek $1.32M Grant to Get Access to Clean Water

Residents of Ramona’s Acres community are working with local officials and a nonprofit on an application for a $1.32 million grant that would give them better access to clean water.

The funds would pay for new water main pipelines for the community, which has contaminated well water and inadequate pipes.

Toby Roy, a specialist with the nonprofit Rural Community Assistance Corporation, provided an update on the application process at the Dec. 14 Ramona Municipal Water District meeting.

Water District Directors Critical of LAFCO Report

Ramona Municipal Water District directors at their Sept. 14 meeting were critical of a report that recommends a different form of governance for Ramona, but did consider whether the plan could bring tax benefits.

During a presentation by the Local Agency Formation Commission, analyst Priscilla Allen shared highlights of the LACFO report that makes 14 recommendations, chief among them to reorganize the water district into a Community Services District — an intermediary step that would give unincorporated Ramona more local control and a potential segue into incorporation.