Tag Archive for: carbon footprint

California’s Snowpack, Groundwater Keep Dropping

New numbers continue to show California Sierra snowpack is dropping along with the state’s groundwater but why is that important? Check out this image below and you’ll see all of the ways we use snowpack.

That Spring snowmelt not only fills our streams, reservoirs and lakes, we also use it for agriculture, household, ecology and hydropower. In total providing one-third of the state’s water supply.

Climate Action Plan Report Card Has Mixed Reviews for Cities in San Diego County

Climate advocates are giving the San Diego region mixed reviews when it comes to developing climate action plans.

Those plans are considered vital roadmaps to slowing the warming of the planet’s climate and steering state and federal climate funding to the region.

More than half of the region’s municipalities have climate action plans (CAPs), and the latest report card singles out three examples of good ones.

San Diego is Shrinking Carbon Footprint During COVID-19 Shutdown

The COVID-19 pandemic shut down Southern California in mid-March, squeezing the life out of the region’s economy. But there may be a silver lining.

The pandemic response got people out of their cars.